For so many years it seemed that images of natural hair in media were uncommon. For so long it seemed like the standard photograph of a woman of color in an ad had to be a bella with stick straightened hair. But the tide has changed and now I see beautiful images of women of color EVERYWHERE, in all of our varied textures. And I love it!
My Twitter homie (and incredible DJ) DJ Stylus, shared this awesome Crate and Barrel ad with me. I love it! Mother and daughter natural hair love. Reminded me of Andrea’s I Love My Hair sentiment: “I went natural for me and my daughter. I wanted to be an example of self love.”
Awww! Warm, fuzzy. Do you love it?

I do love it. Great post!
Ive been noticing that a lot also.. I love the cotton commercial Love to see natural ladies in the media…love it!!
Funny – it seems like every ad I see with a black woman she has natural hair. I hardly see ads with a black woman having straight hair. I remember commenting to my husband about it. I particularly noticed the Geico ad with the black woman getting text messages from the money stack – she has relaxed hair. I was surprised. Also, I found this blog post you may like:
Makes me want to go buy a plate or two from Crate & Barrel now. 🙂
(Don’t mean to sound like a McD’s commercial, but) I’m lovin it!
I too have noticed natural sisters are everywhere. Walmart has a poster in the pharmacy with a natural sister prominent.
Love it. Lately, it seems the bulk of black women I see in ads are natural. Don’t know if they’re including more, or if I’m noticing more.
Here in Italy the majority of the few black women we see in ads have natural hair.
It’s about time! Beautiful images. we deserve to be seen!
(LBell prepares to bust out the Crate and Barrel gift card she’s been saving for a special occasion)
People think having naturals in the media is new, but it’s not. I went natural in 1995. I started noticing more NAPPY naturals in the media as far back as 2000. By that time natural hair was well established in NYC, where Madison Avenue gets a lot of its ideas. When I went to NYC in 1999 I was STUNNED at all the naturals walking around…and that was ten (10) years ago. Natural hair representation still has a ways to go but it’s come a LONG way from where it was back in the 1990s.
I love seeing hair in all its different forms 🙂
I think it’s great. I’m doing my bit.
I LOVE THIS ADD! Hi Bella! How are you? I met you at the Essence Womens Empowerment conference. Let me know if you are still having your Holiday Party. I would love to come. Email me the info at…
I have noticed it as well! I have noticed ads at Walmart, Target, on TV, everywhere. I love it and it makes me feel very proud
My bf and I notice this all the time. We’ll be watching tv and he’ll say “There’s a nappy!” I’ll be thrilled when the percentage of naturals in real life is the same as the percentage of naturals in advertising!
Yes, it’s true. And have you also noticed that natural hair is the NORM for every health-related magazine (Natural health Magazine, Self, Natural solutions, etc etc); be it an ad or a photo related to an article. I mean, it makes perfect sense of course, but realizing that made me all happy inside 🙂
I LOVE IT!!!!!!
I went natural 3 years ago and I didn’t starting noticing naturals until I became interested in going natural. But I think it’s great!
I agree…might have to buy a little sumpin’, sumpin’ from Crate and Barrel. I’m letting my girls hair grow out natural…and it is so much more healthy. Thank You Crate and Barrel for the beautiful “real” images.
I think I’ve noticed a lot more since I did my big chop in 2008
I thought I was the only person noticing this. You know it is not us producing the commercials. I wish we acknowlege and admire our true beauty as much as they do. Ditto to the comment: I’m lovin it. Natural for 2yrs.