It’s something we should do every day of the year, but somewhere in the hustle and bustle of life you can lose sight of the important things.
To me, Thanksgiving isn’t about religion. It isn’t about food (although I’m seriously looking forward to the turkey and cranberry sauce to come later today). It isn’t about shopping (although I’m probably gonna do some of that tomorrow myself!) It isn’t about history — I’ve only been living in America and celebrating this tradition for the past eleven years. But still I love this holiday tradition as though I’d grown up with it my whole life.
Thanksgiving is about family, love, and counting your blessings. It doesn’t even matter what you believe in (I’m still known as “the heathen” by some members of my family, for the record) — it’s just about appreciating where you are in life.
The sisters at Mahogany Butterfly asked me, and a group of esteemed bloggers, what we were most thankful for this Thanksgiving. Click here to read our answers. Here’s mine:
“I am thankful for all of the love in my life. I am surrounded by love – from my husband, my family in Trinidad, his family here in America, my Afrobella readers around the world. Without all of this love and support and positivity, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. So much has happened in 2009 – I quit my job, traveled all over the place, moved to Chicago, experienced my first New York Fashion Week…and love guided me through it all. This Thanksgiving I am thankful for the love I have received, and thankful that I have so much love to give.”
So that’s my answer. What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving, bellas?
Here’s a song that never fails to inspire that feeling of gratitude in my heart. A Bob Marley classic from the early days of the Wailers.
Thank you Lord for what you’ve done for me. Thank you Lord, for what you’re doing now. Thank you Lord, for every little thing.

And I am thankful for meeting you this year and being able to take in one of your firsts with you my love! xo
I am so very thankful for another year of life to spend with my friends and family. Also for all the blessings bestowed upon me thus far.
Happy Thanksgiving sweetie!
I am thankful for my family, friends, and most of all just living and experiencing this life in the richest way possible.
Enjoy good food, good company, and take pleasure in the small things that life offers. Sometimes we forget how the simplest things can be the most rewarding.
God Bless!
After so many pop culture icons passing away this year, I’m thankful just to be breathing, lol.
I have two sets of cousins that have lost a parent to cancer this year, so I’m also thankful mine are still here.
I am thankful for life. I am thankful for amazing *friends* who I have known a long time who inspire me. I am thankful for a healthy, happy and supportive family. I am thankful to have found someone I love very much who loves me too, and I am thankful for my kittens.
All wonderful things to be thankful for, Afrobella. I too remain thankful for my life, my freedom, my appreciation, my family and friends (the true family and friends) and the fact that I believe in God.
I didn’t realise that Bob Marley sang this song first! I’m more familiar with the version by Marcia Griffiths. Thank you!
I am thankful that my husband is not only alive but thriving after having a strtoke 7 years ago. I am thankful we have been able to raise to loving , healthy and normal children. I am thankful that in this economic time my family is still strong and that we are able celebrate each other as the most important things in life.
I am thankful that I realized that the love of my family tops money in importance any day!!
You’re on my Thanks list too. Thankyou for your time energy and passion with this website which I welcome each day into my home. The positive, informative and uplifting posts often with an alternative media voice means so much to me. Recently I was following a discussion about internet copyright infringement and I didn’t realize just how much work is involved in clearing your material, content, audios and videos. And then it hit me that my favorite bloggers have so much to do and often their payment is our “eyeball” and a click on ad. So thank you so much for all that you do.