This Sunday – May 13, in case you haven’t checked a calendar – is Mother’s Day! Now’s the time to order those flowers and put together those gift baskets, if you haven’t already. And for the moms who read – I’ve got special Mother’s Day goodness for you through the rest of the week! Some of my FAVORITE brands have offered Mother’s Day giveaways, and I handpicked only the best for you!
Moms today are aware and consciously making an effort to improve the health and happiness of their kids. They work hard to cook healthy meals for their families, and to provide in the best way that they can for their loved ones. And often, moms work so hard that they don’t get time for themselves, to enjoy life and connect with their own interests. So often it winds up being that you sacrifice being an individual woman with your own style and flavor, for being a supermom which means listening to kids music and not having time to read or relax or do YOU.
Afrobella moms, I SALUTE YOU. And so does amazing natural hair and bodycare brand Cara B. Naturally.
Cara B is all about gentle, loving care for children’s hair. Chemical free, certified natural, by the Natural Products Association, and made with love. Check them out at In honor of you this Mother’s Day, we’ve come up with the ideal gift. LO and BEHOLD, the Ultimate Mother’s Day Gift Basket!!
What’s inside and in store, for one lucky mama bella? Let me tell you!
-a full set of CARA B Naturally products
-a Beautiful Naturally t-shirt
-a Kindle Fire (!!!)
-an autographed children’s book by author Helen Kimbrough
-a $150 Spa Week gift certificate
Yes. All of this for you, because you deserve to go to the spa, read some good books, and reinforce natural beauty for both you and your little ones!
How do you enter, how do you win??
Leave a comment below telling me what YOU do to to improve the health and happiness of your kids!
And ALSO the wonderful folks at Cara B are offering a special 30% coupon code!!! Just enter AFROBELLA to get 30% off your entire order + free shipping on purchases of $25 or more.
This contest will be officially closed in a WEEK – so you need to enter by May 17 at noon CST to be eligible to win. Only ONE lucky winner will be chosen.
Please like Cara B on Facebook and follow Cara B on Twitter!
This contest is open to entries in the U.S.A, from readers over age 18.
Winners will be notified via e-mail, and they’ll have 48 hours to respond with their name, address and phone number — if a winner fails to respond in time, an alternative winner may be selected.
GOOD LUCK, bellas!

I try to support my Son and help him out in any way I can. He’s 21 now, and in his own house, so I can’t tell him what to do, but I always give him the best advice that I can. Thanks!
My kids are the best gift I could have given the world so their health is so important to me. I am a mother of 3 and I try to make my children aware of the their environment and the food they consume. We look at labels together and I show them they don’t need to live their lives on diets but be in control of what they put in their mouths. We make exercise fun by having contests that incorporate exercise and we as a family have embraced natural hair with my son choosing locs and my daughter and I having multiple natural styles. I would love to win the Mothers Day giveaway.
My daughter is 21 months old and while we’re nearing the end of our breastfeeding relationship I’ve been happy to know I’m giving her nature’s best for her overall health and development. It’s been a great way to bond with her and she seems to be her happiest when nursing!
Everything on earth possible
i would do anything to assure there health & happiness there gettin older & I realize how quickly time goes & that everything matters in their up bringing
I am a young mother, but I am devoted to my children, I was blessed with three daughters, and it is so important to me to raise them to be great well-rounded young ladies. I try to expose them to different things and different places. I read to my daughters, and always try to remind them that with God first in their lives, they can accopmlish anything. I’ve truly made it a priority to really be involved in my children’s lives, after all they are my resposibility!
I maintain the health and happiness of my child by establishing a consistent lifestyle. Unhealthy goods and snacks are discouraged and sweet things are regarded as “special” and “treats”. Sleep is paramount and encouraged. Encouraging movement is also common in the home. At an early age my daughter was exposed to gymnastics and now ballet. We encourage happiness by showing and expressing happiness and love in the home on a consistent basis.
I am a young single mother 21 years old to be exact….I have a 7.5 month old that will be 8 months on mothers day!!!!…..I am willing to do anything to make sure her health being is well takin care of!…I try my best to expose her to the right things in life!….I teach her what my mother has taught my siblings and I. I love her with all my hearth she’s the reason I’m the person that I am today!…I improve her health and happiness by trying different things every single day.I see what she like and dislike. I make sure we eat our fruits and vegetables everyday…I take her to the park and let her crawl around in the grass!..I just make sure that her health and happiness is well takin care of because without her I wouldn’t know what true love really means!!
Encouragement, nurturing, loving and supporting your children helps keep them grounded and well rounded people. My daughter was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, so doing all of these things and then some, is very, very important to her know that no disability is going to stop her!!!
I also breastfeed her!! And I wouldn’t have it any other way she’s happy … and she loves her life!….I’m a single parent…I’m a full time student…and I work full time!….and I do my best that she has everything…she needs…wants….and more!…. 🙂
I provide them with love support and positive energy, so they are happy well adjusted kids. Because I want them to always know that I love them and support them. They are my world the my greatest accomplishment.
For my amazing 5 year old daughter Jessica I give her unconditional love which is essential for health and happiness! That love empowers her to be driven, compassionate, God-
fearing, and confident!
I don’t have kids, but my mother always supported me emotionally, psychologically, and physically. She encouraged me to work hard, do my best, and take care of myself.
i support my kiddo to feel free and safe to be himself. i present him with opportunities to think and expand his imagination. he is free to travel anywhere through books, discover new “things” while digging up the yard and conduct his own science experiments in the kitchen 🙂
I strive to improve the health of my kids by making good choices for our family’s nutrition & diet, as well as living a healthy lifestyle before them. We are an active family & we enjoy walking & bike riding together. Every parent wants their children to be happy & my husband & I have tried to provide an environment where our kids know they are loved & are special. We tell them daily that God has a plan for their lives & they can accomplish anything as long as they put Him first. I try to model before them that with faith, their is nothing they have to fear. Every time they enter the room, I smile so they know I am happy to see them, even if they are tracking dirt all over my clean floors, lol.
I am full time working mom and work unconventional hours. My 2 yr old son was born with several health problems and i made a promise to him before i left the hospital that i would do everything i can to make sure he would not be held back due to his health. I love introducing him to new and healthy foods, Annnnd! Even though lord knows im tired after working crazy hours, I make sure my son gets his mommy time so i can see that smile on his face and i know he is happy!
My son was born with a rare syndrome and was away from me from birth to about one year. He was in another state receiving a transplant, while I was stuck in my home state, working to maintain the insurance that provided his medical care. I remember sitting in my window, directly adjacent to a small children’s park, watching people swing their children and simply doing park “stuff”. I remember many times being in tears because my son had no immune system and no luxury of doing these things even if he were at home.
It’s amazing how we take little things like taking our children to the park or a museum, or the jungle gym, for granted. They all seem so small, automatic little things that we do….until we can’t do them; then, they are gigantic!I have never been so vigilante about the care of anything in my life.
I advocate for him in every way possible, his education, therapy, health. His care has taken a toll on my own aspirations, career and otherwise, but ultimately, he comes first. And, at the end of the day, I really don’t mind the sacrifice. I spend most of many days making sure he has supplies, consulting with doctors, searching for resources, etc. He is much better now…he’s come a long way. I enjoy watching him play, run, become engulfed in activities he has never participated in, places he’s never been. I probably spend much more money that I should on things to stimulate his imagination and development, but that’s ok too.
I remember his Dad and I taking him to the beach for the first time. At four years-old, he’s puzzled, watching his little unsteady feet tread the sand, and I imagine, for my own amusement, that he’s thinking…”What the HELL is this?” I believe that he is happy.
I like to spend time with them and help them with their homework and any questions they may have.
After my personal health scare, I really started to focus on what I was putting in my body as well as my daughter’s. She is one of the only 2 year old I know who adores vegetables and loves trying new foods. If I cook it and put it on her plate, 9 times out of 10, she will eat it. It is also important that parents get their children from infront of the tv and outside to play. We try to go outside everyday and experience the beauty and captivation of natural. The healthier that I raise my daughter, the better food choices she will make as an adult.
Spending time with my family, whether it is cooking a healthy meal together or outside playing, always puts a smile on my face, and my family as well.
I breastfeed my children, prepare all of their baby food and there after at home, from scratch. I teach them the importance of good hygeine, exercise, laughter and rest. We try to teach by example. Thanks! @ktleen2
I try to support my kiddos in every way possible. I encourage them to embrace who they are and to be themselves. I allow them to be kids and enjoy life. I love being a mom…its the hardest but most rewarding job in the world.
1. Let go of the perfectionism.
2. Update your values.
3. Let go of guilt and shame.
4. Manage stress in a healthy way.
5. Nourish your relationship.
6. Learn from your children.
7. Celebrate often.
8. Laugh.
9. Make changes.
10. Ask for help.
11. Have adult time.
We use all natural products and eat organic and vegan.
I’m totally devoted to my children’s health and happiness. We eat healthy, get lots of physical activity, we laugh together, sometimes cry together, we remember every day that we are family and continue to build bonds together. Even though physical well being is important, so is mental. My family is my life and all I want is for them to strive, be happy, and healthy every day! Plain and simple <3
I support my kids’ health by nursing them&giving them the best start possible in life.I prepare healthy balanced meals every day.I limit sweets&encourage fruits/vegetables.My son is involved in various extracurricular activities.I always make sure he has learning activities at home because I want to keep him learning new things.I believe in teaching by example so I’ve dedicated myself to getting healthy too.I want to live a long life&enjoy my family. Happy Mother’s day!
i try to promote generosity, politeness, and healthful living
I strive everyday to nourish their heart, mind and soul. Listening is key but so is love. Love in everything, especially in forgiveness and disappointment. Love in their hopes and dreams, too. I improve their health and happiness by teaching them the importance of knowing how to improve it for themselves – how to encourage themselves, how to forgive themselves and how to love themselves. As their mother, I want to absorb all the pain, negativity and evil that they may experience in this world but I understand that my children have to find their own way. And I want them to do so fearlessly and confidently. I hold their hands through challenges when necessary but I’m encouraged when they are brave and bold enough to say “I can do this on my own.” My children know the value of being selfless and being selfish, for their own sanity and well being, and I pray that they always know how to balance the two.
I always pay attention to their needs and applaud them on a work well done. I believe in adapting kids from birth in maintaining a healthy and happy lifestyle. Improving; it’s a never ending and learning process that I stand firm as their foundation.
Thank you and Happy Mother’s day to all mother’s around the world and to your mom Afro Bella.
My son is 17 years old and we currently reside on the Southside of Chicago. What I do to improve his health and happiness is Pray, I pray that he continues to do well in school and that I am providing him with the right guidance. I pray that is he safe when he goes out with his friends and I maintain knowledge of his whereabouts and the company he keeps. Lastly, I Listen to what he is telling me instead of shouting and demanding that he does things a certain way, I sit down with him and listen and because of this he is comfortable with telling me when something is bothering him. Children are a blessing and it really takes strength, compassion, and a whole lot of praying. Happy Mothers Day!
Hello Afrobella,
I have a 7 year old son whom I adore. I take the responsibility of motherhood very seriously. I want to positively impact my son to become a productive, responsible, compassionate person. My son and I spend time together weekly at the library and we read together every night. I want to encourage him to love reading as much as I do, by reading about things that interest him. We also attend church together where he is very active in the children’s ministry. I am always looking for new ways to peak his interest in different things. He likes science so we complete small experiments; He likes comics so we have created two comic books together. Lastly, I am working to create a positive safe haven, by talking with him about what interests him and letting him express his feelings freely. I am a work in progress and like any mother I truly love my son.
I make sure my 3 kids (ages 4, 10. and 12) have a home cooked breakfast and dinner. I work full-time as well, so it is hard but is a well deserved sacrifice that I make sure they eat well. My kids also play tennis and we enter them into major tournaments, so it is vital to make sure that they stay healthy and fit. I myself have taken to eating lighter through eating salads daily and reduce my intake of fried and greasy food. My husband also helps by coaching them in tennis (their very own personal coach).
Thank you greatly for the chance!
Happy parents raise happy kids, I lead my life by being an example for them. I make sure our kids see a consistent, balanced routine that allows them to feel secure. We always eat locally grown organic foods, we frequently walk to the library as a family even on the not so sunny days and we always dance to great music when noones watching :-)and they get adequate sleep so they dont drive me or each other nuts.I work inside the home and I try to make sure they know they are loved and valued everyday by re-enforcing positive behaviour. .A large part of their happiness is the healthy, loving and secure relationship that they see I have with my husband,best friend and their father.
As a mother sometimes you feel like what you do is never enough. So first off let me salute the afrobella moms, Happy Mother’s Day and you are giving your child(ren) what they need most….. LOVE!! What I do personally is give them freedom to make choices, but set boundaries. This gives them a sense of confidence and a sense of pride that they can make decisions. I have 2 kids and one of them being a preteen, so you already know that’s a challenge, but I have found if I let them make some choices on their own instead of dictating they are happier, which makes for a happier me and daddy. Spending quality time with them and leading by example as well.
my name is dymond Im 19 and a new mom that just got out of school i have been working. I take mommy classes and try new healthy foods for my son. I take walks everyday and drink more then eight glasses of water. I am a single mom and sometimes its hard but my son gets me through the day.
My focus for improving health is an emphasis on offering healthy food before they even know that they want it. I always have fruit on hand, It’s a life-saver.
When it comes to the health and happiness of my 4 kids we teach and practice four things.
1. PRAY daily with and for each other and have weekly bible study.
2. LOVE everyone no matter how different they are because God wants us to love as he loves. It is not our job to judge but instead our our hearts.
3. COMMUNICATE and keep an open-mind. They know that they can come to mom (and dad) first and speak with us about anything without consequence.
4. MOVE we talk together after dinner almost every evening and play together outdoors when we can. Doing these four things keeps our family strong mentally, physically and spiritually.
(Shaela, mother of 4 – 8y, 4y, 23m,6m)
By instilling good, healthy eating habits; and by healthy I mean eliminating fast foods and applying fresh vegetables, fruit, and good home cooking. I may not have much financially, but with God in our lives my children know that happiness is a family full of love and togetherness.
Instilling health and happiness in my kids lives is making the time to spend with them individually. As a single mom u have to have time management skills to make sure that everyone gets a lil piece of you everyday. Letting your children know that they are all important to you shows that each is special in a different way.
I used to take for granted that I have kids. I used to think that of I clothed them & fed them, send them to school then they would be ok. Then God taught me that they were a gift from Him & to nurture that gift & to be wise about the decisions concerning these precious gifts. Once I grasped the fact that this is an heart & love assignment, to change the way that they are loved & to give them way more than what I grew up with, I hopped on it! My kids noticed too! They embrace me more, trust me with their problems & secrets, & most of all trust me enough to guide & protect them. This blessed relationship that I have with 2 Beautiful African American males. I teach them about unconditional love, to trust in their first instinct in life decisions & with people, the importance of creativity, as well as being an individual. Sometimes a crowd is not always going in the right decision. Right decisions make a right life under God. I make sure I set the tone for their day & if no one else shows them love & positivity, I make sure that they get it from me – Oh & their sense of style! Lol
Thank you for your blog & sharing your story!
I teach my children to be emotionally and spiritually strong by affirming good things about themselves everyday. I teach them to respect themselves and to treat others the way they expect to be treated. I teach them to never give up on their dreams and to give their best at home and at school. I teach them to be appreciative and grateful for all they have and for whatever they receive. Above all, I teach them to thank God daily and to be a blessing to others.
My son and I are both over weight. He appears to be a happy kid, but I know being “fat” is a major problem for him both mentally and physically. So we have started to get more active. Also we are eating moderately and healthier. The pounds are coming off slowly. He is seeing a difference in how his clothes are fitting him and he is glowing from the results. I am so proud of him :). He has been keeping me on the straight and narrow. I will do anything for my children and to help him on this journey and see him more happy and positive is the BEST feeling in the world.
Thank you,
Ollie Moss
After failed attempts at a family in the past, I am truly grateful for the two blessings that I have now. Ensuring their health and well being has been of utmost importance since day one. I’ve always believed in a well balanced diet with minimal processed foods especially for my children. Getting them involved in menu planning and meal preparation helps ensure that they develop good eating habits throughout their life. Scheduled weekly family fun days that consist of evenings at the beach or park, Doing a family workout, or going to the gym not only burns off much needed energy, but keeps them fit and active. No matter how tired I am from life in general, my children always provide me with that “second wind.” I teach them to be loyal and loving, tolerant and giving, and just all around wonderful beings. They best thing about children is that they bring out the best in you. And I make sure that my daughters are aware that they are loved and they are worthy .
I am the mother of three, two teenagers and a toddler, I know. I have always tried to prepare healthy foods, I like to cook from scratch…not going to find too many processed foods at my house. I encourage staying active…my oldest two played basketball and baseball, ran track and my oldest daughter is in band (flag girl, woo hoo). My toddler has been in ballet since she was 1 1/2 years old (4, now). We take educational trips, play outside…I limit the T.V. My eldest child is graduating this year and I talk to him about healthy choices and I show them how to prepare healthier meals.
As with all mothers my children come first in everything that i do in life, their happiness, health, wellbeing, and education will always come first. As a result i make sure that they are active-participating in numerous activities all over the city– whether for physical fitness,educational empowermentor spiritual motivation. They help prepare meals that require minimal assistance and even stimulate their creativity to add their own flair. I do all I can to encourage them to be BETTER than I am now,and i think that it is paying off because of the little things they say in regards to calorie counting and health choices in eating and even choosing spiritual things over television or hanging with friends. But of course that leaves little time for me to do for me… of course i know that once i have raised responsible, well rounded adults then the work will be worth it!
I try to teach them to accept all regardless of age, gender, race, sexuality or religion, to always do the right thing, to be caring, considerate and respectful of themselves and others. I feel that if they do these things they can lead a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life.
I am the mom of 6 children, 2 of which have special needs. My 3 year old daughter was born with Down syndrome and my 7 year old son is on the autism spectrum. I have always advocated maintaining a healthy lifestyle for my family through nutritious home cooked meals, plenty of exercise and regular healthcare checkups but I have become diligent with the younger ones care because of their health and developmental issues. We have added vitamin supplements to their daily regimen to promote optimal brain functionality and they receive weekly therapy sessions to help them develop as normally as possible. But mostly I let them know each and every day that they are loved for who they are despite how the world may see them.
Hey Afrobella!
I would say that the key to healthy and happy children is in them understanding that they are loved and feeli loved. I would say that the second key are healthy home cooked meals as my little three year angel has a healthy appetite! But all jokes aside, my little one is somewhere on the Autisim spectrum and has a severe developmental delay. As I fear scrutiny she will encounter, I make sure she knows she is loved every minute of the day! Although she can’t talk, her eyes and actions tell me she feels it and understands it-a major component of healthy and happy children.
Thanks for the contest opportunity!
Hello, I hadn’t read your post before I posted, but I echoed your sentiments! Happy Mother’s Day!
I think I do a lot to improve the health and happiness of my little ones but sometimes it feels like it is not enough. I am trying to break a cycle in my family of down-talking, anger, abuse, and the resulting feeling unloved. Our family has struggled with emotional issues and depression. I’m sure some of it has to do with those negative parenting practices. I am doing my best to nurture and love my children. It is a struggle for me to not repeat the behaviors of the past but everyday I fight it and try to find kind words in every situation, no matter how disobedient or how embarrassing the tantrum or back-talk. I also am just getting into natural products and foods because I want them to be as healthy as possible. My 2 yr old is in soccer and I plan to put the little one in when he is old enough. My goal is to raise happy, healthy, stable, and secure people that know for sure that they are loved and can conquer anything!
Do more family outings, such as nature walks, camping, bicyling, and more trips to the beach and community pool.
To improve the health and happiness of my child (11 months old) I am trying to give her the best start in life. Every day she witnesses a happy, healthy loving relationship between her father (my husband) and I. I promise when she wakes up in bed in between us she looks from side to side at each of us and BEAMS even brighter.
I carefully ate and consumed only the best things when pregnant with her, I nurse her, my husband and I make her baby food, and try to keep her as healthy as possible. We take her to the park, she loves the fresh air!
We play daily as a family before we start the routine of dinner, baths etc and it is so important that she spend as much time as possible with her grandparents and OUR grandparents to get the nourishment of the elders.
So far, so good… we have one HAPPY, HEALTHY baby girl who wakes up smiling each day. She is such a blessing to us all. AND we love Cara B!
I support my daughter by encouraging her to be real for herself and the people around her – follow her dreams and be a child of the KING at all times. I let her know she is loved always!
I make sure everyone in the family eats healthy, stays active & we spend time together. It makes for a happy home overall. For my kids they each are unique in their own & we celebrate that!
I give room for freedom of expression and encoruage it also by noticing and making a big deal out of their interests no matter how small. This lets them know what you think or feel is supremely important!
Supporting my kids physically, socially and emotionally is a full time job!! They both have lots of skin/ allergy issues so I am always on guard to keep their little bodies safe from allergic reactions and skin infections. I am caucasian, and they are biracial so I work extra hard trying to learn about the best way to care for their hair. I still have not found the “perfect” product for their hair and would love to try Cara B! I also spoil them with hugs and kisses, let them know everyday how much I love them and how much God loves them, and what a treasure they are to me. I am human and mess up now and then, but my kids bless me in so many ways every day and I strive to be a blessing to them as well.
I personally don’t have children, but as a god mother and aunt I try to teach them to L.O.V.E
Laugh so much your tummy hurts!
Open up about your worries and let’s talk about them together
Visit your heart and faith as often as you can
Embrace who you are and encourage those around you
To improve their health and happiness I make sure we get out and do something. As a family we walk, jump, bike ride, pick berries in the field next to our house. We spend endless hours enjoying the outdoors and nature. We learn about organic and natural foods together. Everyday we mix up batches of green smoothies to drink. My kids realize that you can be fun, healthy, and happy!
Hugs and Mocha,
I’m not a mom but I am an Auntie who enjoys her niece and nephews. I like to take time out to do hair and take pictures and make my niece feel good and have fun. I’ll play ball and try to teach my nephew new things like riding a two wheeler. I challenge and encourage them with thinking games as opposed to TV/video games. When they’re with me I encourage healthy living like walking and playing outside along with eating veggies and drinking more water.
I’m not a mother yet but I pray for my kids because I know they are somewhere this very moment. I am going to adopt when I am married and financially fit so for now praying the God has my babies safely in his arms is what I do to make sure my children are happy and healthy.
I encourage my son to be active and have fun. Healthy snacks I make fun by letting him choose what he likes and keeping it interesting.. Kids love to be apart of the process. He enjoys shopping wihh me… asking him what he thinks will be good juice combinations etc.. He has helped me have a more health conciouse focus. I loved that we were having dinner at my moms and she asked if he wanted fried chicken….he responded..that’s just not good for anyone….so mom thought it was precocious…but it’s true…
To improve the Health and happiness of my 2 girls. I always encourage them to eat right and exercise. They are allowed one day a week to indulge a little on something… not so healthy, but the other 5 days i keep my home stocked with veggies, fruit, soy products, nuts etc. and let them choose what they want as there snack. This way they have a variety of good healthy foods to choose from and don’t get bored with the same things. As far as keeping them happy, I talk to them often. Having a teenager and a second grader isn’t easy but I do take time every day to talk to them and we discuss what goes on in their lives, different issues at school with friends etc and if there are problem we work on them together. And I don’t spoil them by any means but we do make sure to have our special moments with all 3 of us together and one on one time just to enjoy being together where we go out and do something special.
To improve the Health and happiness of my kid i usually Find healthy versions of my favorite foods as i love to cook :)Pick out fun recipes with my kids, significant others, family or friends so that i can make their favorite Dish 🙂 i Put a love note in my child’s lunch or shoe to brighten their day.Write down positive affirmations for myself and place them in strategic places where i can be reminded frequently of my intentions.Play a game with my child (let him choose the game).Have a family meal, no TV on, beginning with grace or a statement of gratitude.
I keep my daughter encouraged, by telling her she is very uniquely beautiful, and that being herself will get her more accomplished than trying to be like everyone else. I also tell her that she should never be worried about anything because GOD is always with her. As far as health goes I make sure she know the importance of eating her vegetables daily, keeping her drinking water, and we also exercise together weekly! She even still drinks milk with her dinner nightly.
First and foremost I make sure to hug my son everyday. My biggest worry when he was born was how can I take care of a new baby now that I’m in a wheelchair? God let me know that I could do it with my family’s love and support. I drove him where he needed to go when he was young and I recently bought him a bicycle so that he can exercise regularly. We changed our S.A.D. to one of a mostly raw and vegan diet- he eats meat when he’s away from home but hey no fast food at home. We cut out soda and drink mostly water and we juice regularly and when I realized that a particular religion was stunting his growth emotionally we left and now he’s thriving in a better spiritual environment. He receives a regular allowance so he can learn how to save for the things he wants and to be fiscally responsible. The greatest thing I continue to do to show love for my son is to love myself and when I make a mistake be quick to apologize. Thank you for this opportunity.
To encourage my daughter’s health, I encourage her to try MORE vegetables. Thankfully she likes fruit and has no problem drinking water; however, as she sees me eating my array of veggies, she’ll ask me about them and I encourage her to try them. I always let her know that she won’t know if she likes something if she doesn’t try it. When we go to Whole Foods, I let her pick out her veggies that she wants, as well as her fruit. I encourage her to eat at least 5 a day. I have restarted my exercise regimen and my daughter comes with me to class. She even joined the track team at school! This makes me extremely proud of my 8 year old. From exercising, to playing at the park, to jumping rope and hula hopping, we try to do it all!
As for her happiness, we do the above activities she loves, including bike riding. We have family days,and during those days we may go to the book store, library, or other fun places. I motivate her to excel in school, read books, learn more and I include her in the decisions that we make when it comes to what we do together. I assure her of how beautiful she is, give her an abundance of hugs, tell her how much I love her, have heart to heart talks, and I ensure that I point out the positives of her personality. She wants to be a doctor when she grows up and even now, I tell her that she will definitely be able to do it, as long as she puts her mind to it and continues getting honor roll.
Of note, I do follow CARA B on Twitter and FB, as well as you.
Well I don’t have kids, but I try to improve the health and happiness of my nieces and nephews by having open communication with them. Kids don’t realize sometimes that you’ve been through what they are going through, so it’s good to let them know and to also let them know that they can make it through whatever it is.
To promote the health and happiness of my daughter I of course give them all the love they deserve. They are 12 and 3 (the 3 yr old is my stepdaughter) though they have an age difference I make sure they both know that our relationship is open, meaning I am Mommy but I’m also the person they need me to be. There is no task or issue that we can’t handle together. Other than a healthy relationship Mommy tried to provide healthy meals and snacks for them. My girls know that hugs and kisses are endless and they are offered even when I know they may be upset with me. I try to make every effort to instill things in them now that will last a lifetime…tomorrow is not promised!
I treat my daughter as if she was not born 2 monyhs early. I encourage her to do what makes her happy
I make sure I listen to any thing they have to tell me, even if its the smallest thing I give them my undivided attention. As for health trying get them to eat vegetables every night for dinner, going outside and play with them and enjoying some Wii fit time with games like just dance or even zumba they like that.
I have learned to put my iphone away until my daughter goes to bed so she gets my undivided attention when we are together. I also tell her daily how much I love her and what a speacial pretty girl she is. 🙂
My daughter is homeschooled and I love every minute of it! I love seeing her grow and prosper! She loves learning new things everyday! I am already teaching her how to care for her hair herself as well 🙂
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