It’s so funny to read the headlines when they’re about someone you know personally. So often rumors and falsehoods are presented as truth. If you don’t know the real person and the real behind the scenes details, it can be easy to believe what you hear or what you read online.
Sintra Bronte is living proof of that. She is known to the world as the original Jamaican tourism board poster girl, a poster that has inspired legions of imitators and impersonators. But I have known her for as long as I can remember. My mom became friends with Bill and Sintra Bronte in the early 1980’s and in Trinidad, we call close family friends Aunty or Uncle. I have grown up knowing her as Aunty Sintra. And I’m so proud and happy to FINALLY share her story here on Afrobella! We’ve been talking about this for YEARS.
Here are some recent photos, in case you want to see what the original Jamaica poster girl looks like today.
Sintra did this most recent photo shoot at a friend’s home in Miami during a recent visit Stateside. She looks beautiful and relaxed, and she remains a symbol of Caribbean beauty.
“One of the newspapers in Jamaica requested a recent photograph of me. And I think it’s time people know who she really is so they can stop speculating,” Sintra declared, during a recent phone interview.
Throughout my life I have known Sintra as an entrepreneur with multiple interests, primarily focusing on tourism, shipping and hospitality. She has focused on building a career along with her husband, Bill Bronte. They have a beautiful home and live a comfortable life. Fun fact – as far as I can remember, they have always had fresh veggies and animals as part of their home life. “We had at one time, 12 goats. Right now I have about 35 chickens so I get fresh, homegrown eggs,” she told me during this interview. They have a relaxed and enjoyable social life with a solid group of friends (including my parents).
I grew up knowing that Sintra was this Jamaican poster girl – she makes no secret of it, there is a large, framed copy of the poster in her home. But I didn’t realize the scope of the international attention and fame of the poster until I migrated from Trinidad. Through it all, she has just been Aunty Sintra who I am likely to see whenever I go back to Trinidad. Here we are last year, at my brother Patrick’s wedding.
Here she is with my mom, for Sintra’s birthday in 2014. I love spending time with both of them together, never a dull moment!
My earliest memories of Sintra are of gifts. I remember her buying me a bright blue paint set by Prang when I was maybe 7 or 8, and I LOVED that paint set. It came in such a cool little kit. I remember being a little one with my mom and my dad, going with Sintra and Bill to Divali Nagar – an amazing Indian bazaar and festival in central Trinidad. This must’ve been in the 80’s or even really early 90’s – there was such ornate imported jewelry, and I remember oohing and aahing over the necklaces and earrings with my mom and Aunty Sintra. And in probably the most vivid memory, I remember going to Bill and Sintra’s house and they had Shetland ponies WHO WERE ALLOWED IN THE HOUSE. When I mentioned this to Aunty Sintra on the phone last week during our interview, she laughed. “You remember that? Yes, Shetland ponies! I had two. They were always coming through the kitchen and laying flat on the kitchen floor. That’s the way they felt at home. That was so beautiful.” So it’s been kind of funny to sit back and watch the renewed flurry of attention in the original Jamaica poster girl, now that photographer Brendan Forbes has remade the original Jamaica poster featuring Alicia Keys as the model.
Photo by me | remake of the classic from 1972 “Sintra Arunte-Bronte” | Model @aliciakeys ?
A photo posted by B R E N D A N F O R B E S (@brendanforbes) on
It’s resulted in a flurry of renewed interest in Sintra, and a LOT of misinformation.
For those of you who don’t know, here is a brief primer.
Sintra Bronte is the Trinidadian woman who was featured in the famous 1972 Jamaica Tourism Board poster, which according to this Jamaica Gleaner article, is considered one of the most famous travel posters in the world.
Her name is Sintra Bronte. Not “Sintra Arunte-Bronte,” despite what Wikipedia and most articles about her, call her. “That is NOT my name. I don’t know where that began,” she told me, during our recent interview. I had to reach out to her to clarify and formally address some of the crazy stuff on the internet. We discussed the original poster in detail. I’ll share in a Q&A format.
Bellas, here is the one and only Sintra Bronte, in her own words.
Afrobella: Aunty Sintra, I want to know how this latest wave of attention has been for you.
Sintra Bronte: “This whole thing has been overwhelming, that I am being recognized again. I am getting calls from all over the world about this and I am SO surprised. It’s like I’m being discovered by a new generation.”
Afrobella: Yes! Lately I’ve been seeing some false information out there.
Sintra Bronte: “I’ve been hearing so many different things, but you know Aunty Sintra, I don’t take on news all the time.”
Afrobella: There are people who claim to be you online. I saw some comments online, attributing your photo to the wrong person, or there was a Facebook page that was claiming to be you…
Sintra Bronte: “Yes and I think that is outrageous. I had to shut down one lady from Canada. That keeps happening.”
Afrobella: Tell me the story of that day, of how the poster came to be.
Sintra Bronte: “You ready? That’s a long story. I’ll make it short. Having moved across to Jamaica with my then-husband who was transferred from Port-of-Spain to Jamaica, it is the story of being at the Pegasus Hotel at the right time and the right place. The Jamaican tourism board had their advertising, public relations and marketing people there from New York – Doyle Dane Bernbach and Associates – they were at the same hotel. I was dressed in a beautiful evening dress, and I still have that dress in my wardrobe today. They saw me and they saw the neckline and they were overwhelmed. And they went to the Jamaican tourism board and requested; can this person do the ad for them. And this…this is how it all started for me.”
Afrobella: The actual day of doing the photo, tell me about that. Did you know it was going to be something special?
Sintra Bronte: “I just thought it would be a regular ad. It took seven and a half hours to make at Frenchman’s Beach in Port Antonio. Seven and a half hours to complete and I suppose at that time I was young….that was 43 years ago. I was 26 years old.”
Afrobella: When did you know you had done something iconic?
Sintra Bronte: “When Playboy called me to pose. I told them definitely not…from then on, I realized this was gonna be something. But not to this extent.”
Afrobella: Do you think you’ve embraced it, or hidden from it?
Sintra Bronte: “I think I have hidden from it. I was so focused on my business in Trinidad. And I was sad at certain things that took place. At times I feel that the Jamaican government never honored me the way they should have.”
Afrobella: How do you feel about some of the criticism, that you represented Jamaica in this poster but you’re a Trini?
Sintra Bronte: “…I would hope the people who are seeing the pictures through their eyes would see them the right way, because I am a Caribbean woman. Whether I represent Trinidad, Jamaica, Barbados, Grenada – I represent beauty in the Caribbean. We are beautiful women, the way we think, the way we live, the way we enjoy life. We are a happy go lucky people. I am so proud to be a Caribbean woman.”
Afrobella: What do you want people to know about you?
Sintra Bronte: “I feel honored that people try to imitate me to a certain extent, but I don’t like them to take the image and say that it’s them, to say this is their picture. I think that’s wrong. I don’t like people using my picture without my permission. I am here to support my husband as we are both getting older in life… I am trying to stay very focused on that right now. I was always focused on what I have to do for myself and retirement, and this is how I thought. So it’s beautiful to sit back and see where I’ve come from and where I am at today. That’s the long and short of it. You know me all of these years and I don’t think Aunty Sintra has changed, and I don’t think at this age I want to change my lifestyle or who I am. I will always be the humble, natural woman that I think I am.”
Afrobella: What are your beauty secrets?
Sintra Bronte: “I don’t overdo with alcohol, I don’t smoke, I love a good night of sleep, I make sure to take care of my skin every night before I go to bed. Every night, don’t care what hour of the evening that you go home in the evening, clean your face. Take off your makeup.
Inside you must be able to control good thoughts and bad thoughts and you must look forward to being better than you were before. Always try to improve your life standards. Don’t stay stagnant. God gave you a brain. Be what you want to be. I just try my very best. Like your mummy, I love the spa, I go to the hairdresser. Praise God, I’ve never had a face lift because I am diabetic and they can’t cut me. I still have a little beauty left and I am grateful to God for all that He has done.”
Afrobella: Do you exercise often?
Sintra Bronte: “Taking care of one’s body is very important and you should start early in life, but it’s never too late to start. Knee problems have made exercising difficult for me lately, but I believe in fitness and nutrition.
I say try not eating after 7 pm. Try not eating rice and too many starchy things. If I am eating meat at night, I try to eat a lot of salad with it because of the water content of the vegetables. Particularly at my age, heavy meals at night make you feel unpleasant in the morning.”
Afrobella: And what about favorite products? Favorite brands? I know you’re into good skin care.
Sintra Bronte: “I am a believer in Clarins. I have used Clarins for many years. Oh my God, their serums. Some of their body lotions are to die for. Their body peel. To die for.”
Afrobella: And if people want to find you online…I think it’s time for you to take ownership of your name online. Are you planning to have a website, or at least a Facebook page?
Sintra Bronte: “I think it’s time I have a Facebook page. I was thinking of YouTube also.”
So there you have it. She is wary of Facebook because of some of the falsehoods, but I’m encouraging Aunty Sintra to join Facebook herself in order to scare off the impersonators. She is considering YouTube as an avenue. I can see her being a beauty brand of her own, representing Caribbean beauty and women who are maturing like a fine wine. I’d love to see her on the speaking circuit, discussing entrepreneurship and Caribbean womanhood.
It was wonderful catching up with an old family friend and she gave me some great personal advice as I go down my own path of entrepreneurship. Aunty Sintra encouraged me to keep on keeping on with my dreams so when I’m older, I too can have a home with Shetland ponies and a small herd of goats and chickens.
“This is what life is all about and this is why I’ve worked so hard. Now that I can relax, I know who I am, what I am and I know what I had. But I had to work hard for it. Nothing was just given to me by anyone. I have worked hard for my lifestyle. So think about 30 years from now. Keep on your path. Think about your savings and investments. This is what I stayed focused on: my life. What would I be like at this age. I was always focused on taking care of Sintra in case of the rainy days. That is what you need to think about, what will happen to Patrice in 30 years? You have to think of and protect your own future.”
Valuable insight from an amazing woman who has lived – and continues to live – a full, interesting, fabulous life.
Please feel free to leave comments here – Aunty Sintra will be reading!

Absolutely love this! Thanks for sharing her real story. Great read!
Awesome interview. I grew up seeing that poster and thinking that girl was absolutely stunning. So nice to now that she’s just as stunning on the inside. Simply beautiful. I love her advice about self-care as well. Thank you for sharing her with us.
I remember seeing this poster for the first time as a teenager. It made ME want to visit Jamaica! Lol. What a beautiful spirit you have “Aunty” Sintra. I’ve always wondered about the person behind the photo. Thank you for letting us get to know you after all these years, other than the gorgeous photo. Thank you Afrobella for the interview. 🙂 be blessed.
Beautiful then, beautiful now. Not just in looks but in spirit also!
So glad you liked it Sasha-Shae!!
Excellent piece and very well written. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this article . Great story.
She’s iconic for sure but it’s refreshing that she has a healthy view of life. Beautiful inside and out.
Reading this was a great start to my work day! Aunty Sintra is truly bae. Not only is she magnificently beautiful, she’s kind, wise and full of still waters. I look forward to seeing her on social media, showing the youngin’s how it’s done. Awesome job on the piece as usual, Patrice!
Aunty Sintra is so fierce, fabulous and gorgeous–my goodness! I loved reading about the history behind her beautiful photo and all the wisdom she shared. <3
love these comments!! So glad you liked this @Dee Dee, @Sarah and everyone!
What a wonderful interview! I loved her advice and words of wisdom. She sounds like an Aunty through her words and the way she answered your questions with love.
Lovely Article & Interview!
As a Jamerican, I grew up seeing this poster in most of my aunties’ homes. I didn’t know until I was way in my 20s that the beauty in the poster was actually Trinidadian. Fortunately, I never heard anyone in my family complaining about that – only celebrating her beauty. And it’s nice to know, after having read this interview, that Aunty Sintra is beautiful on the inside, too. Lovely read! Thank you both for sharing. One love!
Great piece-I remember her too and always loved her! She has good health and beauty advice too. Thanks for sharing
I remember as a child seeing that poster everytime I stepped of the plane to my family’s homeland of Jamaica. Your Aunty’s grace and beauty still shines bright. I enjoyed this article and learning about the woman and the iconic poster
Thank you so much for this! What a wonderful conversation you both had! Two stunning women holding it down.
Awesome interview! Thanks for sharing Afrobella. Makes me even prouder to be Trinbagonian.
Aunty Sintra just plugged Clarins without being prompted. I think they need to make her their “mature” face of beauty. She has aged beautifully, and looks so glamorous! ???
Great interview! It wasn’t long enough. Since you said she was reading these, “Aunty Sintra, please think about writing a memoir. Your words were so encouraging. I’m sure you have more stories to tell. This interview left me wanting to know more. I can’t have goats in my house but I’m definitely working on the chickens now!
Lots of beauty inside and out. She looks amazing at 69.
I’m a Jamaican, and I grew up seeing this beautiful woman but never thought who she was. It’s good to connect the dots. As beautiful as Alicia Keys may be, her photo pales in comparison to the original. Call me biased…old broom know di corners!
Thanks for sharing Afrobella.
Wonderful story. I would love to learn more about her businesses especially in tourism. That’s an area growing strong and finally realizing the dollar power of WoC. I would love her perspective on it and entrepreneurial tips. She’s were I want to be when I’m her age. Cheers to her!
Since you said she’s reading the comments, I’m sending shouts and major BLESSINGS to “Aunty Sintra”… a friend of my Mom since we were children. She has always been such a blessing. She even did “etiquette” classes in Tobago at one point… long before it was fashionable.
I last saw her a few years ago at Crown Point Airport, and she was as warm and friendly as ever. Now that the world has her in the spotlight again, I say BLESSINGS… it could not have happened to a nicer person… I know she’ll wear it well. Hope she does get online soon so we can stay in touch.
(Love from the Beckles family 😀 )
Thanks for sharing, your Aunty Sintra is absolutely beautiful then and even so stunning know. Great article.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen the picture or heard of her. Thanks for introducing her. I enjoyed the interview and her wise words.
I met and photographed Sintra Bronte and her husband more than a decade ago. I’m pretty sure your mom had something to do that. I look back at that experience, which I was not ready for in any way, my handling of the couple, who were spiffily dressed on their way to an event and really wish I knew then what I do now. It was a lost opportunity. It’s great that she’s still around and doing well and others have a chance to capture a beauty that’s proven pretty much immortal.
Wow…I’ll never forget one evening having dinner alone in Port of Spain. I was waiting to meet my brother who was coming to Trinidad to film “Calypso Dreams”…there was this magnificent looking woman also having dinner alone at the next table. We began to chat and she joined me for dinner. Low and behold this was the woman featured in the famous Jamaica poster. Can’t tell you what a pleasure it was to make her acquaintance. We spend the evening exchanging Jamaica stories (and we both had quite a few) One Luv to Mi Lady – still looking amazing!
Thank you and Queen Sintra Bronte for sharing the true story behind the poster. Queen Sintra is beautiful inside and out. She’s a living example that true beauty is eternal.
My stepfather was from Jamaica. He had seen a copy of it and mentioned it to me, several times. I purchased a copy of the poster and placed it on the kitchen door, as a surprise.
When he sat down to have breakfast the next morning, I closed the door so he could see the poster. Happy Shock is not strong enough! He got up, examined it, sat back down and stared at it. Thru 2 kitchen remodelings, the picture always returned to the door. When I told him the model was Trini, it didn’t make a difference.
Unfortunately, during a party, someone stole the picture.Several people had brought other, uninvited people, and I can only figure it was one of them. I didn’t miss the picture until the next day, when I was cleaning up the party debris for my mother. My stepfather was angry, to say the least! He called around, but never got the poster back. I offered to try and find one on eBay or somewhere, but he declined.
He died about a year later, and at his funeral service, several people spoke about how he enjoyed having his breakfast with the “Jamaican Poster Girl”! Thanks for making him happy, not much did during his 74 years on Earth!
Stunning, beautiful! She has really taken care of herself and has a good head on her shoulder. Thank you for the advice. She is beautiful both inside and outside.
Thanks for sharing your Aunty Sintra with us. She is truly living a life with an exclamation point. I am sure just being around her “can do” spirit is so uplifting. Praying she continues to live with passion and adventure in this next season of her life. Afrobella, thanks for the great article and sharing your personal pictures too. You too, represent the Caribbean women with beauty, smarts and entrepreneurship.
I never knew about the poster for Sintra. Thank you for sharing her story and her vibrant lovely spirit with us :0)
Love the Story…Glad you were able to do justice in correcting the story, and it also o came straight from the Mrs.Sintra Bronte mouth…Kudos to both of you!!! My Goodness she and your Mom are aging like a FINE WINE…SHE IS A GORGEOUS WOMAN THEN AND NOW….THANKS afrobella!
Clarins should make her a spokes person for their line.
Aunty Sintra is loving the comments, thank you all for your kindness and love!
Nothing like the original is what I always say.
What a lovely and encouraging post,
inner beauty never fades and is what always illuminates brightest. no matter the age
God bless Aunty Sintra, thanks for sharing Bella!
Natural beauty. I love her philosophy about not letting the “bad ” things in.
What a beautiful, inspiring woman. Reading this made me tear just a little; growing up, I didn’t have too many good models of what a woman should grow to be. It would be incredible to meet her. What a great interview. (‘:
Beautiful! She is a timeless beauty. I have always admired this poster.
I’m a little confused though. In this interview, she states “Arunte” is not her name, never has been.
However, in this Youtube clip ; that’s the name that is televised and she does not challenge it (I would think she would have verified the name they have flashing on the screen, no?)
Help lol. Just want to know the correct info.
God bless Aunty Sintra. I am all for Caribbean unity. The whole purpose of the commercial was to show the beauty and diversity of Jamaica. What would people have to be angry about?
That poster has been in every cook shop and barbershop in the diaspora. Lol. It’s as iconic as those Ray Chen photographs.
I’m going to find a copy of it and put it in my office.
Love you and thank you Aunty Sintra. Bless xo
It’s about time the truth be heard. Wonderful story.”hi Aunty Sintra” still looking good.
when i used to see this poster as a child growing up in Jamaica, I knew without question that my wife would have to be Asian.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you very much for that most beautiful picture you took in representing Jamaica. I never knew that you were a Trinidadian until today 18/11/2015. You are as lovely as you were then . I would like to apologize too on the behalf of our government to which should at least make you more known to us after 44 years which 90% like myself still thinks you’re a Jamaican. Thank you for representing the Caribbean on a whole. I hope you will make it back to Jamaica soon so we could really say thank you and honor you for been the most beautiful Caribbean woman EVER. I’m , Shane Howell.
Hi Sintra, you still look beautiful after all these years, you might not remember the name Norman but I was the one that held you from falling from the water falls in Jamaica while
we where shooting VO5 Commercial with Noble Film Production, I also brought you a bottle
of homemade wine to your home, you might remember now, if not please stay beautiful.
God bless you Mrs. SIntra Bronte. When Paul posted this article on his FB account I was immediately intrigued. You truly are a captivating vision of beauty to behold now as when you were that poster icon at age 26! Thank you for your candid interview. I respect and admire how you handled the attention you received at that time, especially your very clear rejection of posing for Playboy magazine. Your insights about nutrition and wellness very much appreciated. I see God’s favor has been upon your life, for he has blessed you with a husband, and family and extended family who all adore and cherish you. I’m grateful to Paul for introducing your beauty to me and touching my life so tenderly. Be blessed.
Thank you Afrobella! Thank you Ms. Bronte!
This story is quite intersting and I am so happy I know the true story behind this picture. And, I will be sharing this with my dad, as he has this poster at his place of establishment for years. My brother still have this picture at his place of business to this day. So, I will admit that all along I thought she was Jamaican. Thank you for sharing the real story.
An enjoyable read. Thank you. It’s nice to know ‘where is she now?’. I always loved that poster. I discovered she was from Trinidad several years ago in conversation and I found that an interesting tidbit. Alecia Keys’ update is nice, but iconic moments can’t be duplicated; it was a moment in time that was meant to be and in this instance, the original is simply the best. Thank you for sharing your wisdom Aunty Sintra. I’m prepping for the me in 30 years. Blessings.
Thank you for this. I remember the poster from when I was a child and it is nice to know that the model is still beautiful, super successful in life and still going strong.
I spent my childhood in Jamaica. That poster was everywhere. Later, when we moved to Canada (which I wasn’t happy about at the time), Sintra’s poster was always in our home, reminding me of the beauty of my country. Thanks for the great article and interview. And yes, Sintra’s poster was the outstanding original, although the tribute is nice.
Thank you so much for sharing this story, this is a real story and when i read this story of poster girl sintra and her secret life story i was remember that and share this topic in my dad and family member, they are very happy to hear this story. She is very well known person and everybody love her very much. She is beautiful and she looks like a model
As a Jamaican, It’s wonderful to know the true story behind that iconic poster. Aunty Sintra was a beauty then, and she still is…..Caribbean women seems to be born with those genes anyway, her inside beauty is refreshing and inspiring and compliments her outer beauty. God bless her and her family.
Love the article. Ms Sinatra you are a stunning woman. I’m a year older than you I lost my wife this past September. She was a trini too. Your pic reminds me of her. We met later in life and I have no images of her as a young woman so I’m using you image
Bob Keller
Thank you for putting this information out in the public! I had the biggest crush on your aunt as a kid . Every Sunday on the way to church I would see her picture in the window of this travel agency on Central Ave in East Orange NJ this was back in the late 70s early 80s. It’s funny im an adult now but I have that picture in my man cave it’s the original think cardboard used in the travel agencies years ago , I outbid everyone on ebay for it LOL !
I remember seeing this poster in a old tourist brochure my mum had. I was about 10 at the time, im now 25. I remember thinking how beautifully simplistic this was. Its photos like this that made me wish i grew up in that era. Sintra you are an amazing Trini woman! one love.
Still stunning,. I remember….
Still stunning,.I remember….Be blessed…
Amen. Thanks. I didnt know that she was a Trini. In rememrance of that poster(the local one dis appeared) I jus got the Tshirt.
Beautifully written article and beautiful lady who I am proud to call my new friend
Her spirit is fueled by her love for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and her humility in spite of her wealth and success is very charming and truly admirable
Thanks for sharing this article on a very beautiful spirit (inside as well as out)! I wish you continued joy, peace, and love – forever and a day!
While messing around on Instagram, I came across the Keys’ version of the iconic pic and finally learned a your dear aunty’s name. From there, I searched the hashtag in order to learn more since I’ve beed used to seeing the original since I was a kid. I remember my brother having the Diva Sintra’s poster on his wall alongside the Whitney poster from The Greatest Love of All. Wait til I tell him I “found” his bae?. Like many others who’ve commented, I still am blessed to capture a glimpse of aunty’s beauty gracing walls of many establishments that I visit. Aunty’s beauty is timeless! She has truly been instrumental over the years in “doing it for the culture ” ???
I agree with a few previous commenters about:
**Aunty writing a memoir
**Clarian offering to make you a spokeswoman or collaborate with you to make your own lime
**The Jamaican government paying homage to you in some way
All in all, God has seemingly been taking good care of you Aunty! Thank you so much, Afrobella for sharing such an inspiring story of your dear aunt with us all. ?
Please pardon the spelling errors as well as the weird and random punctuation as those were supposed to serve as emojis.
I was about 14 or 15 years old living in Jamaica Queens NY where almost everyday I would pass by this travel agency where Sintra poster was on the front window. I’ve had a crush on her still today. I always told my wife, which is from” Westmoreland, Jamaica and she’s a head turner….” that when I go to Jamaica I want to see and take a picture with her. I’m a 22year retired Veteran that’s been around the world and never seen such beauty …
When I think of the Caribbean, I think of sun-soaked golden beaches, azure waters, colorful clothing, delicious food, delightful people, Shoal Bay, Sir Vivian Richards, Michael Holding, Usain Bolt and most of all, Sintra Bronte! She is absolutely right! She represents more than just one island, or one island culture. As far as I am concerned, she is the face of Caribbean beauty and it is so refreshing to know that she is such a beautiful person inside. Thank you for sharing this!
I think I was about 11 when I saw this photo and I remember thinking , I’ve never seen anyone who looked like her and now it confirms that she isn’t Jamaican. I am disappointed a Jamaican wasn’t used for the shot. However She sure represented beautiful Caribbean women.
I had no idea there were controversy around the claims of the model. Do enlightening.
I’m a couple of years late with a comment, but, I was inspired to search, just from a memory. That’s quite powerful in itself.
In 1978, I was a young Naval officer stationed on an aircraft carrier in Florida. All it took was brief visit to Montego Bay during that period to place that iconic image on the wall of my room on the ship. I could usually count on a comment, on this beautiful image, by visitors to my room. This poster sailed with me to places far and wide. What a great way to improve my morning mood as I ‘hit the deck’ for another day of labor.
So many years later, this enduring image has, as she relates in this story, embedded inspiration to an entirely new generation.
It was the work of the higher power to place her in ‘the right place at the right time.’ The stars aligned on that day.
Thanks for this great story. Growing up on this pic here in Jamaica, I never dreamed she was not Jamaican. I just give thanks that that one picture has sold Jamaica more than most of us could.
Beautiful! A chance meeting that has changed so many lives. Who can forget this beautiful image? Thanks for sharing this story.
Cheers to you for sharing your Aunty Sintra story!
My sincere apology to her on behalf of Jamaica for not giving her credit. I only found out a few years ago from my Trinidadian niece, that your Aunty Sintra was not Jamaican. Thanks to her reminder that we are Caribbean beauties. Keep sharing he story, her energy, she is beauty inside and out.
Lovely article.
Mrs. Bronte used to have a website years ago. Does she still autographed posters?
Thank you! Lovely interview from a Trinidad as well. She is correct. That pic celebrated all of the Caribbean. Wise words. Great inspiration.
My grandfather has always had this poster hanging up in his home ever since I was a baby, and still does, he will be 90 this month. I was always mesmerized by it. I am Jamaican so seeing this image and how beautiful your auntie Sintra is as a little girl gave me a sense of pride in my identity, she showed such a comfort in her own skin, and took up space in a really humble and effortless way. Now to read her words makes me feel like I am hearing an auntie myself, such beautiful life advice. Amazing intervie so glad I found it. -Ciara