Just when I think I’ve gotten accustomed to life in Chicago with all of its weather-related vacillations, here comes the transition from winter to spring. This year has been particularly unpredictable, varying from highs in the 80’s and surprise afternoons that feel like summertime, then veering sharply into cold with flurries and/or rain. Seriously, the other day there was a 40 degree temperature drop in one afternoon. What part of life is this? And how do you dress for it?
We’re moving from March to April and it’s so true – April showers bring May flowers. It’s been quite rainy ALL week, presenting your girl with a fashion challenge. What to wear and how to prepare for going out in the kind of weather that might switch it up with a quickness? And why is it SO challenging to find cute plus size rainy day gear? I’m here to help. I have some great rainy day gear that I’m happy to shout about, but I’m learning that I need some new accessories and boots! Allow me to share what I’ve got and LOVE, and what’s on my rainy day radar (for days when the Doppler is acting up).
A Raincoat
For years I have yearned for a raincoat. A real, effective raincoat that kept me dry AND was super cute. It can be hard to find in plus sizes. The coat I’m coveting right now is the Columbia Plus-Size Pardon My Trench Rain Jacket, which comes in 9 colors and is pretty much my style.
Rainwraps are an intriguing option that has some flair, and they come in just one size. All reversible, in a variety of colors.
Recently I got a beautiful rain poncho by indie Australian-based brand November Rain — see the fly photo at the top of this post? That’s the one I got! Designer Belinda Coker makes these super stylish rain ponchos with the intention to fit all shapes and sizes. She says they’re “perfect for that urban girl who needs to protect herself (and her handbag!) in the city showers”. The poncho can then fold up into a little bag you can toss in your purse. So awesome, so overdue! I LOVE the prints they come in. Check them out at www.novemberrain.co.
Rain Boots
I need some rain boots, y’all. I touched on this topic in my winter boot post of November, and back then I was considering a pair of Sperry Top-Sider boots, or Hunter boots. But my calves, my plus size calves. I got a super cute pair of Bernardo rain boots (click here to see the style) but I’ll be honest – my feet are wide and these are just a touch too pointy for me. I realize what I need is a boot that can accommodate wide calves and feet. Right now I’m thinking mid-calf is the way to go. I’m checking out this mid-calf classic pair by DailyShoes – super affordable and it comes in a great range of colors and patterns. Also some people HATE Crocs and others still love ‘em. I’ve never been a big fan but the Crocs rainboots are kinda exactly what I’m looking for at an ideal price range. Don’t judge me, we’re in a judgment free zone and in here, our feet are dry and happy.
An Umbrella ella ella ay
On a day like today when I look out my window and it’s raining cats and dogs, I’d need a really fun, highly functional umbrella to boost my mood in the face of these weather-related odds. I welcome just about any opportunity to rock my clear bubble Totes umbrella – I’ve always wanted one and I love it!
I was just gifted the undeniably unique Dryzel umbrella – check this thing out! It opens in reverse and has a distinctive C shaped handle. It’s supposed to be really wind-resistant and is intended to keep rain water from dripping in your car/on your floors etc. I just got it and have never been excited like this to try an umbrella before. The Amazon reviews are solid on it – click here to check them out for yourself!
If you’re on the go, a smaller brolly is the best. Something to slide into your purse or rock around your wrist with the attached wristband. Rainlax has a solid reputation and their travel umbrella promises to be unbreakable and lightweight, it folds up, comes in a bunch of colors AND costs under $20 on Amazon with a lifetime replacement guarantee. Pretty solid deal.
Honestly, on rainy days I just try to stay indoors as much as possible. But if I have to go out in it, at least I’m protected.
Stay dry, bellas <3
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Rain gear never seemed so good before – lovely!