If you saw photos and video of Erykah Badu at Lollapalooza, you probably have two questions.
1: What was Erykah going for with that fabulous out-there hair?
And 2: Where can I get a pair of those AMAZING earrings???
Thanks to the article and video interview on Billboard.com -we know that soon enough those enormous gold earrings will be available for sale!
“Long known for her jewelry and fashion choices, Badu says that her huge gold earrings (which she wore for her Lollapalooza performance as well) are not just something she bought: the styles are called Baduwings and Earwings — and they’re the centerpiece of Funktional Art, her first-ever line of jewelry. Fans at her most recent shows may have noticed the earrings onsale at the merch booth, but anyone will be able to pick up a pair plus other items in her Funktional Art line on erykahbadu.com beginning in late-August or September. Badu says that she has already made arrangements to sell them in boutiques in Chicago, Dallas, New York, London and Paris.
“It’s the beginning of a new thing for me,” she says of the jewelry line. “I’m working with different designers to come up with things that fit me and fit the fans who support me and fit the women who feel free and can fly.”
The accompanying video interview is awesome. In case y’all didn’t know – Erykah is here to STAY!
She totally knew she had the audience in the palm of her hand during her Lollapalooza performance. I agree completely!
Would you rock a pair of Erykah Badu’s Earwings? I most definitely would!

OMG! I’ve been jocking these earrings since I flew to see her in Chicago this past June! Since then, I’ve been trying get my hands on a pair. I even tried to see her in Memphis so I could ask but didn’t get a chance. I cannot wait! Even if I have to drive to Dallas, I will get a pair for myself!
OMG! I was @Lollapalooza and didn’t know they were at the merch table. I totally would have bought a pair!
I love those earwings! Maybe in a smaller size, I don’t think my earlobes could take it. I don’t share her style, but I love Erykah’s uniqueness.
I don’t think they were at the merch table…but if they were I am KICKING myself for not checking it out!!
I need to meet her… (add this to my bucket list) That is all…
Sometimes big earrings turn out to be incredibly lightweight, and I am hoping these aren’t too heavy. Cause I plan to rock em! I love her uniqueness too!
Those earrings look awesome! I would love to try and pull off a pair 🙂
only she can pull off that look.. truly fab..
I love those earwings!
I definitely would. I love big earrings. The bigger the better! haha.
OOOOOH LOVE!!! Yes, I will definitely own a pair of those earwings!
I’m not into the hairstyle or the earrings BUT I LOVE the dress and the ring.
The earwings are amazing but I absolutely dislike her hairstyle, think she wa so much better before that!
Baba G makes these earrings visit his facebook http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?pid=5080303&op=1&o=global&view=global&subj=100000655002893&id=566746652 & his email isbabag7000@gmail.com
Blessings Boabw
Building A Strong African Sisterhood!
I luv so-fly earrings and plan to purchase as soon as they are available.
hi ladies,
if you just can’t wait and would like a pair of those earwings NOW. you can check for the designer/creator Baba G thru facebook. No worries, they are not very heavy at all, I have a pair and i LOVE them!
You can order these earrings at luxorcouture.com
You can order these earrings at luxorcouture.com
They are very light weight, you can order them at luxorcouture.come one pair left
Earwings can be purchased at luxorcouture.com
only she can pull off that look.. truly fab..