You are probably sick of me blah-blah-blahing about Twitter by now… but I gotta talk about this tweet right here about Oprah’s hair.
On her show last Friday afternoon, Oprah defiantly declared — I’m not wearing a weave! And then she proceeded to display a photo of her actual hair, as it looks before she “gets pressed and curled in the morning.”
This has left me with more questions than answers. Let’s go to the video.
I am by no means a weave detective as many others claim to be. I can’t spot a weave a mile away, and I’ve learned more than once not to assume anything about another woman’s hair. But I will admit, I just kind of assumed Oprah wore hair pieces, or wigs, or some kind of synthetic assistance — just because she’s on TV every day!
Every day she’s under hot lights, and after getting made up she’s getting her hair styled straight, curly, and all points in between. I mean, Jessica Simpson and Paris Hilton even have their own brands of hair available for sale. Why wouldn’t I assume Oprah’s wearing tracks of assisted hair for the camera, when just about every other celebrity does the same thing?
The photo Oprah displayed left me a little confused. I’m sure it’s because I haven’t used chemical relaxers in so long, I have a hard time playing hair detective. Is Oprah’s hair relaxed? Or wait — is it thermal heat straightened? But she still she uses heat to press and curl it every day? And despite all of that, it looks really long and thick and healthy! Ooooh, what hair products does Oprah use? I bet she’s got the best deep conditioning treatments known to man!
So I’m putting a public request out there — Oprah, please do a show about this topic. In the past you’ve offered curly girls straight-hair makeovers, and there’s SO much to discuss when it comes to hair issues. And now that you’ve shared that photo with the world, inquiring minds wanna know! At the very least, please spill the deetz about your favorite hair care products. We all know you’re a woman with favorites! Introduce us fans to the best of the best. And if you’re down for a fun, frank discussion about natural hair, Afrobella’s forever your girl!
So bellas — what questions would you want to ask Oprah about her hair? Don’t leave me hangin’ — I know I’m not the only one with questions about Oprah’s hair!

I don’t think Oprah was saying she never wears a weave, I just think she’s saying this particular style is not a weave.
I personally don’t think her hair is natural, but I would love to be proven wrong.
So that’s the only question I would want answered, is she or isn’t she natural!
“natural” is such an undefined word to me. I knew a hairdresser who relaxed the perimeter of her hair, but kept the bulk of it natural.
I don’t particularly care much about Oprah’s hair. I guess I would be curious to see what all goes into her hair, how often she gets it pressed and curled. Back in the days I had a P & C, it stayed curly for about a week then I wore it straight the next week. If that is all her hair, it has held up amazingly well to constant styling.
Oprah has a hair salon at Harpo Studios and the guy who does her hair is the best in the business so I am not surprised that her hair looks so healthy.
I could see how her hair would hold up – Oprah has access to the best of everything! Her hair looks pretty strong. I guess it really depends on your hair type…I dunno. I had a friend in school who had similar hair. She didn’t have a relaxer, she would only press and curl. But even when she didn’t press out her hair it looked pretty straight.
I would love to know what products Oprah uses to keep her strands so healthy, strong and shiny.
I don’t think she can answer too many questions about her hair or products. Oprah is big business and her endorsements can make or break a product. I think she endorsed Phytospecific relaxers a few years ago, and she may have even said that she used them. Of course, after that if she comes out and tells folks that she’s natural, they may ask why she’s parted ways with one of her “favorite things.”
I always thought she wore lacefronts.
I just don’t like the fact that she (and others) always act like natural hair is the before and straight hair is the after.
You totally made me remember that I wanted to post on this today!
I remember seeing a pic of Oprah when she was a youngster and her hair was very similar to the recent pic. shown. I know that she has a special stylist, a team in fact, but I want to know what they are using SPECIFICALLY. I need product names, the process I want to see it all in action. lol
Her hair is beautiful.
Girl, you and be both! I would LOVE to know what she uses. Who knows? After all this buzz, she just may address it again. Maybe with Andre, her hairstylist!
As far as the Phytospecific relaxers, when I used to relax that was what I used, and it did leave my hair really thick and healthy, so I can understand why Oprah may have shouted them out. I don’t think her possibly parting ways with her Phytospecific relaxer has anything to do with her not liking it or having a bad experience, maybe she just felt like going natural? (like I did :o)!
hm…oprah’s “before” picture looks like my hair did when i was little (pre-perm). after it had been blowdried, it was poofy like that, not completely straight. my mom would have to press it to get it down to the “after” style.
I would love to see Oprah do a show on AA hair and a really frank discussion about what it means to be natural. As for her hair, I’ve always assumed it hers but she assists with pieces as nescessary.
I’d also love to know what products she uses. Her hair is so thick and healthy looking.
I don’t think Oprah’s hair is natural I think she may have a mild perm because I have a perm and sometimes even with regular strength some people’s hair is just frizzy. I will eventually transition to natural and I think we should all try to change Oprah’s minds about African American hair. We should vote to have the natural hair advocates like Afrobella, and motowngirl, and nappturality to be on Oprah’s show to help shake up the mainstream and show our people and other races that there is more than one way to wear hair. I think this is especially important for her makeover shows, so they can stop straightening the hair of the women who come on their and are natural. Oprah is on twitter we should bombard her everyday.
I’m as confused as you are! LOL She may have a texturizer in to loosen her natural curl and tame the frizz. I would really love to know what she uses!
When are you guys gonna get it. There are no magic products, it is genetics, Oprahs little girl pics show her with thick healthy, pressed hair. My cousin has always had long beautiful hair and she uses $4 grease and regular drug store shampoo and conditioner. Thats right no Miss Jessie, no homemade miracle recipies, genetics.
thank you Omi, Oprah hair has been nothin’ but blow dried. It nothing but a blown out Afro but she has length
I have friends who consider themselves ” natural” as they don’t relax , but they chi ( flat iron) thier hair all the time, when I flat iron my hair it takes a few washes to get back to the kinky coils I love. so she could be natural but with the daily ( weekely? ) pressing her curl is not as tight as a virgin head of hair… or maybe her texture isn’t coiled…. I don’t know, but if she has a super conditioner that would soften natural hair and make it easier to keep moistuized I need to know!
I thought I was a great weave detective but spotting the weaves on the bus is different that spoting a weave on TV even with HD unless your Brittany spears with falling out tracks I don’t always know. But I thought Oprah used half wigs or something…. but in the summer when she has braids her hair looks natural and long.
@politically incorrect- you can’t neccessarily rely on childhood photos to tell someone’s hair, for example my mum relaxed my hair when I was 3!
It looks to me as though she had her hair blow dried in the picture with the orange headband. When my hair is blowed out it pretty much looks like that. I do wonder if she has natural hair or not. I agreee with afrobella she should do a show on ethnic hair
My Mom’s hair is as long and thick as Oprah’s picture. And yes, hers is natural. She gets it washed and blow dried every two weeks. She often wears it in two-strand twists or braids. And she’s not of mixed race. So yes, even black folks can have long and healthy hair. I am hoping to get mine to that length. But it’s frustrating and makes me want to cut it off at the moment. Mine is at neck length.
relaxer @ 3? Oprah is over 50 and they didn’t have relaxers back then. I think people are doing so much manipulation they forget the best way for your hair to grow is to leave it alone.
I think her hair is blow dry and then flat iron. If she had a perm it wouldn’t be that full.
I think the greatest success for Oprah and her hair has been her personal hairdresser. For many years, Andre Walker was her hairdresser. Not sure if he still is or not but I think that’s the key especially when you consider how much is done to her hair for being in front of the cameras.
If you happen to see a picture of her on vacation or in Africa, she is often wearing braids which would allow for less maintenance on her part and away from her stylist.
Knowing the products that are used on her would be helpful as long as they are affordable.
Oprah’s hair is definitely natural! My hair is shoulder length and I’ve never had my hair relaxed. I used to get it pressed regularly (once a week) and now have it flat ironed regularly. I just wrap it ever night to keep it smooth.
When my hair is wet it returns to it’s natural curl. I wear it natural during the summer months (because of humidity of course). People are always surprised when I wear it natural because they always assume it’s relaxed.
There are no miracle products and I by no means have “Oprah money.” Speaking from my personal experience, all it takes is lots of consistent love and care!
Her hair is lovely! Like others have said, it looks like a blow out. I would love for her to wear it on her show. Her audience would probably be shocked though LOL.
And FYI politicallycorrect, relaxers, in one form or another, have been around since the 19th century.
I think people forget that the old fashion press n curl wasn’t breaking people hair off. People only started perming their hair so the straightness could last longer.
Oprah was a poor girl from Tennesee, I doubt she was getting relaxers back then.
Well, whatever she does, she looks great.
Oprah’s hair looks beautiful, before & after. And when u have money like her, anything with hair is possible. Maybe she’ll talk about it further this Friday. One of the keys to having healthy strong hair is eating healthy, taking vitamins, loving yourself and living stress free & not trying to keep up with other people. Do you and keep God first!
Andre Oprah’s hairstylist once said that Oprah washes and conditions her hair at home every morning, comes in with it wet and he blows it out and presses it. Oprah once highly praised the Kérastase product line as changing her hair. So more than likely that’s what she uses….
I think a show on this topic would also be great – it would be good if we could send in questions to be answered live :o)
Oprah’s hair looks fabulous! I am a big fan. When you look at pictures of her childhood or younger years she has always had lots of hair. Wearing protective styles such as weaves (which she does wear most of the time)… allows hair to stay safe and healthy. I wonder why she doesn’t embrace her kinnks? If Oprah went natural… the world would follow. Well at least SERIOUSLY consider it. I guess that internal war of self esteem she talks about has stopped her? If she could show that crazy or should I say unfaltering photo–she should go natural.
I want to know what hair products does she use on her hair too. I always assumed she wore hair pieces because she always under the hot lights. Her hair looks great!
can very well be permed.
my hair is permed and when its washed and air dried it looks just like that or even bigger!
i think perms of years ago are way different than the ones they use today (well the ones my stylist uses). no one can really tell when wet or air dried if i have a perm.
once its blown out and curled it can last up to 2wks straight if not wet.
People, please open you eyes and pay attention. Has anyone not noticed that Oprah has been wearing that curly style in at least three lengths and variances of curl? Those are absolutely wigs (not lace fronts). If you look closely, the weft of the wig shows about an inch and a half beyond the hairline. Oprah does have a lot of hair, but not the length she’s claiming today. Pressed hair doesn’t have the motion she’s got. Think about it, when has she had time to grow out of her relaxer? We all know how difficult and damaging the process can be, and as an aging woman, you lose more hair to thinning. I believe Oprah has a couple tracks for added length. I’m a 27 year hair rofessional, who knows all the tricks of the trade. I love Oprah, but she’s told a little white lie.
I’m gonna have to agree with Sharon (33.)…its pretty obvious that she has to be wearing wigs or weaves the majority of the time—do you know how bad that is on your hair to be pressing and manipulating it as much as she does every day?? It wouldn’t look the way it does…plus, she’s worn her hair in shorter and longer curly styles (as Sharon mentioned) pretty recently….i just don’t believe it
has oprah worn weave in the past…yes. do i believe in the pic she showed for all the world to see that her hair is real.. yes.
I am with (29). Back on the farm in Tennessee she had the same hair flowing down her back. I definitely was suspect of Oprah’s swinging locks but I would doubt she would go to that extreme with the before video. She is Oprah!
Kerastase products are amazing- especially oleo curl
I would think that it is clear that Oprah Has been wearing curly wigs for some time to grow out her hair.
Her new straight style is her own hair blown out with a flat iron.
@ Sharon, I do not wish to be rude but I am no professional but I can get my almost apl hair looking freshly relaxed with a rollerset then flatiron of the roots.
My hair has movement and SWANG.
The key is using small amounts of quality products.
Also I have not found it “difficult” or “damaging” at all to grow out my hair.
If hair is kept moisturized and conditioned at all times it makes it easier.
Oprah don’t wear waves because she has a personal stylist at her home so the wave it’s just a waste of time for her
Yes, I know that Oprah had long hair as a young girl. To Angie, you probably have a much different texture than Oprah’s very course strands. Not many people realize that you can obtain silky locks using a great moisturing shampoo and a blow dryer, and no oils, but it still depends on hair texture. As someone with a very thick, more than 15 inches of hair, I color away the gray and sometimes use an array of hairpieces to enhance my look. I could guarantee that the most critical eye could never tell the difference. To w-all, wigs, intant weaves, and wiglets, always saves time for the stylist. Who would want to press and curl the amount of hair in that picture everyday? Anyone interested checkout my mane at
I think for Oprah to have a show on natural hair would be great. Unfortunately, I don’t see that ever happening. Oprah Winfrey’s primary audience is middle aged Caucasian women. I doubt that she would ever have a 1 hour show on African American natural hair, because that is not what her main/target audience is interested in.
Could it be that she is using the Keratin processing?
I have loved Oprah’s hair forever! I saw it one day and asked what happened? I saw the track showing in the front and knew something had happened. She had been using a relaxer that I turned away clients who wanted me to use it. It was very drying and I thought over time it would eventually cause breakage. The hype about this particular relaxer passed so I suspect that was what happened to her hair. I do extensions and I pride myself on telling bad jobs. It is okay to wear extensions, but do try to fool someone. Oprah does a great job doing it. Now, look at her pictures in the magazines and the lighting tells the story. If looking closely, you can see the obvious texture differences. I have clients with glorious unrelaxed hair that is silkened to perfection. I know it can be done, BUT Oprah does not have it. I would love for her to make a liar out of me by showing us the blow out process. Curly, parted, blown out. I do this everyday to clients and it is not as arduous as some may think. I do have the best products available. Combine that with the actual science of hair and you can do it. AA hair is versatile and very beautiful.
Oprah may be among the many black women who do not relax their hair but “train” it to stay straight with consistent blow drying and pressing/flat ironing. Eventually, the natural curl subsides and only becomes stringy or very loose. This pic looks like she might have been blow dried though. I can believe this is all her hair. It has consistently grown in length over the years (I remember her wearing a longish but regular looking ponytail while visiting the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina). And with the best stylists, products, regular trims, etc. it is quite possible to be that healthy.
Hello all I wear my hair natural and don’t do much to it. I love it, but I’m not such a hairstylist, so I can’t really give any particular products. But, my hair is thick, long and healthy and I don’t wash it constantly. I do use regular olive oil to keep it oiled and also for hot oil treatments. Works great.
Our natural hair can grow long and fast when it’s nurtured and protected. She may rock a piece or wig (Ellin Lavar used to do her weaves) to shield her hair from the heat and lights, etc. sometimes. However, if she wants it in a basic style like what she wore the day of the video, she can blow-dry it and get a p&c. My hair looked like that when I was younger (elem. & H.S.) and it was blown dry with no product so it’s not hard for me to believe that’s all her. Thanks to a wider range of products now available for naturally textured hair, my hair looks even better than it did 20+ years ago. Also, I think what she mentioned years ago was Phyto’s Phytodefrisant, which wasn’t their relaxer but is a styling balm/serum.
Meh. I just don’t think that is all natural or all hers. Doesn’t matter though. Mine is.
Just wanted to let you know that I linked this to my blog 🙂
Lawd people that is Oprahs dang-gone natural hair!!! get over it. Yes she has worn wigs/weaves in the past but she has always had great THICK hair… so imagine it just a growing under that ugggg curly wiglet/weave thingy shes been sporten over the past couple of years. Its a wrap she’s grown a massive bush!
I don’t know about Oprah’s hair, I always figured she wore a weave, or at least a partial. I’ve got really kinky hair to begin with, I work in the beauty industry. I’ve worked in Aveda salons, and used Kerastase, as well as Ojon. My absolute favorite brand is called Eufora. Instead of using a base of water which doesn’t exactly moisturize the hair, as it does evaporate easily from the follicle, their products contain over 80% aloe barbendensis leaf juice. Umm… it could moisturize the sahara desert. Try the Urgent Repair conditioner once a week, you’ll be addicted.
who cares!!!!!!!!!!!!
Regarding comment #33, my natural hair pressed (flat ironed) looks like a fresh relaxer and it swings and shines more than it did when it was permanently straightened. It’s not stiff at all as my stylist doesn’t use heavy oils or pomades. My hair also has movement after it’s blowdried but before she flatirons. I have a cousin who’s pressed her hair all her life; it’s at mid-back length and very healthy. She would have it done once every few weeks, as the hair was “trained” over time to stay straight. I’d say everyone’s hair is different….and I believe that Oprah might use additions sometimes, but the hair in the video is real.
I think that’s her hair. And I think it’s natural, just kinda in between since she gets it pressed out all the time. As someone said in one of the posts, genetics has a lot to do with it. And her teenage photos show her with a thick head full of hair. Also, with having her own personal stylist giving her daily TLC, even with all the heat styling, etc., it’s totally witin the realm of believability that this is all her. However, I do believe that in the past she has used hair pieces or extensions at times, to accentuate certain styles.
And yeah, it would be really great for her to do a show on that. I’m keen to see her haircare routine in detail also. I’d tune to watch for sure.
I love Oprah too, but I’m amongst the doubters of late. I’ve kept copies of O Magazine since it was first released and i went back to look at all of her covers. No way could she grow that much hair in less than three years, unless she’s been braiding it and wearing a weave over the top. Her hair was way short not that long ago. Constant heat styling alone would seem to preclude that much growth. Also, as much as she loves wearing long hair, she would have been wearing it that way before now, like back in the early nineties. Just my thoughts. On behalf of all black women the world over struggling with hair issues and identity, it would be nice if she did us the favor clarifying exactly how it was done.
I have no problem believing she doesn’t wear a weave and that’s all of her hair…but I’m confused at the fact that many times on her show she has stated to “others” that black women hair don’t grow like that and there’s some weave in their if you see it all long and flowing…I remember her definitely saying this on the “something new promo show”… I remember because it pissed me off because I’ve never worn a weave or any additives,I’m not what people would considered mixed meaning I have two black parents and my hair has always been long…
Personally, I believe that it is Oprah’s hair. I brought a hair book from a while a go and it stated that Oprah washed her hair everyday and even gave some of her techniques which I still use to this day. If you don’t have a personal stylist, then you have to go the extra mile when caring for your hair…it can grow…trust me
Oprah is so over. Her hair sucks and her show sucks. I used to be a fan but not any more. She should have left when she gave away the cars and left in the red dress. You’re OVER Oprah!
guys, if the hair in the before picture were pressed straight, wouldn’t it be longer than the after picture? whatever. but to my eyes, until the recent straight, hair-parted-in-the-middle look, you could see a texture and length difference between what looked like shorter, “real”, natural hair combed over the top of a curly wig plopped on top of her head, no?
I love the fact that Oprah had the courage to show her hair in its natural state. A lot of famous people would not have had the nurves to do that, so give her some credit for that. Please! I agree with Jasmine, “Oprah’s hair is definitely natural.” My hair is totally natural and when I wash and blow dry my hair it looks just like Oprah’s hair in that picture. Furthermore, I also agree with Olivia eat healthy, take vitamins, love yourself, live a stress free life, don’t try to keep up with other people and keep God first, and if its in his will you will have strong healthy hair too. I have had natural hair for eight years and I tame my hair with hair mayonaise, olive oil, carrot oil, herbal hair grease and deep conditioning conditioner everytime I wash it. I want to thank Dee Ray, I will look into “Kerastase” Products, and thanks to Nicole D. I will look into “Eufora” products and “Urgent Repair Conditions”. Good looking out.
Oprah does wear weaves. Oprah’s hair stylist has said that oprah’s hair is not curly, it is a zigzag kinky texture (4b) I know, because I am from Chicago and I saw her hair up close when she wore it natural, years ago. So when you see that curly look , know that it’s a weave. I think it’s a great choice for her because for years she styled her hair for every show. Wearing the weave allowed it to rest from all the heat and styling everyday and grow. She doesn’t have to wear a weave and sometimes she doesn’t, but for the last couple of years she has worn a curly weave, occasionally wearing her own hair.
That picture looks like my relaxed hair after I blowdry but before I flatiron it… Maybe she means natural as in it is hers?
That’s Oprah’s natural hair! Oprah (& Halle berry) has used Ovation hair products for years. This stuff is amazing, because it totally grows black hair three times as quickly as normal. I have been using the Ovation Cell Therapy on my hair since Feburary 2009 and have over three inches new growth! On top of that my hair is so strong and healthy, sometimes I can’t believe it!
Arlene, I like your response…it really reflects your knowledge of black hair. I would like to know where your salon is located (state and contact info). !!!
I watched the Oprah show “Good Hair” and she openly admitted to wearing wigs and weaves. She also stated that her hair is currently relaxed. In October 2008, I decided not to relax my hair for 5 months. My hair was severely damaged and breaking. As a child and teenager, I had long thick tresses and I missed my hair. It was a difficult decision because I am tender-headed. The first 2 months were awful. I recently moved to Miami so I didn’t know any stylist in the area. I ended up in a store in Pembroke Pines (which has a salon in back) and I started talking to the cosmetologist and after a while I asked her about her hair. She introduced me to her stylist and I explained to her what I wanted for my hair and she told me how to go about doing it. Now, I’m very particular when it comes to my hair, like most AA women, so I talked to her 3 different times before I scheduled an appointment. I went to the salon every week for a Mizani under the dryer conditioner, blow dry and flat iron. I didn’t put any product or heat on my hair in between visits. Let me back track for a minute. Prior to my first appointment I had cut off about 4 inches of my hair and it still looked awful and on my first visit she took an additional 3 inches. My hair is extremely healthy and for the first time in a long time I love my hair. It was hard but the end results were worth it. I just tried the keratin treatment and it’s alright. If you are the type of person who needs to have straight hair all the time it’s not for you. I’m not sure if I will do it again. Right now I’m looking for alternate means of straightening my hair. Until next time…
In my mind it is simple the reason why people thought that O’s hair is not her own because no one saw a natural progression of hair growth. She is a reporter she knows how to dispel doubt all she has to do is show a picture progression and say, “see my hair growth through out the years in case you all missed it I am only on TV everyday.” And, with that said, how did we all miss it? I believe she has auto implants- where someone’s hair is implanted in your head instead of your own virtually undetected except sometimes there is scaring.
By the way Chris Rock said, This is rich not impressed with the expensive houses and cars but impressed with this- perhaps to say he believed that she paid for it just like the houses and cars.
I’m almost positive Oprah said that picture was her hair before she got it relaxed. I’m assuming she went quite some time without chemicals but now has a relaxer.
I also would like to know what products she uses. After watching her show with Chris Rock i was so surprised that was her hair. i used to have thick hair like oprah and now its thinning. I want my hair back. Please oprah do a show about that or at least let us know what GOOD products an african american women can use to look like yours.
People, Oprah’s hair looks great because it is healthy! Everyone’s hair would look great too if only knowledgeable professionals touched our hair. Oprah said it herself, she has had the same hairstylist for over 20 years, whom is great at what he does. It was Andre Walker’s book that taught me how to care for my own hair.
One last thing, we must some people call her a liar? Oprah has said many many times, that she often wears protective styles to give her hair a rest. She has even shown us she wears sewn-in weaves (protective styles) before. She’s upfront about her hair.
I watched her “Good Hair” episode too and when she pulled her hair up and out I was more convinced than ever that that is not all of Oprah’s. And as someone else said,use your eyes and really look and you can see, the differences in color and texture between her own hair and that added can be seen ,not to mention the short hair at the front that’s blended into the added is also visible. And, as happens,sometimes the hair seperates. And lastly, I’m her age,with that “growing” kind of hair that doesn’t need heat and hasn’t seen a chemical in 20yrs.But no way is my hair(or any of my friend’s hair)nearly as thick as it was in youth! But given the trips and swag she lavishes on her staff, don’t hold your breath for the TMZ tell-all,LOL!
Maybe its a strand by strand weave. Maybe she meant that her hair was not a sew in weave. I know those strand by strand weaves are EXPENSIVE and they last a long time.
Her hair is not a weave NOR a Texturizer. When you go to a good hairdresser that doesnt fry your hair and nows how to do a blow out with a flat iron finish this is what you get. Trust me I know, this is how my hair looks. Not everyone has the same curl pattern. This is not an ad or anything but for my natural hair I have been religiously using moroccan oil WOW it takes half the time to blow dry on the lowest setting and gets it practically straight. When our stylist stop using mineral oil peteroleum and all that crap on our hair…you get what oprahs hair looks lke trust me. Go on you tube and look at all the videos of nautral girls straightening their hair
go on youtube look up this user RUSTICBEAUTY she has been nautral only 5 years watch her video and see what it takes to be natural and how a simple blow out straightens her hair pattern if you do not believe oprah
I think that society has made African-Americans feel that anytime someone of our race has long healthy hair somehow it has to have been enhanced by weave or wigs. Sorry society but all African-Americans don’t have short hair, kinky hair, or no hair for that matter. I have many people in my family who are full African American and who have long flowing hair. One in particular that’s been a news anchor for over 20 years and sits under hot lights every day as well and has hair similar to Oprah. She gets her hair trimmed once every month and gets it styled and shampooed once a week and wraps it every night. Don’t let society fool you into thinking that we’re relegated to the image that they’ve put out there for us.
I think it is her hair. She didn’t say it was not permed. She was saying it’s not a weave. However, one thing I think the show, Oprah, and Chris Rock didn’t consider. Black women, back in the day, had to have a good looking hairdo to get a job…especially an office job. We had to fit in and look Western. When we went for interviews, we made sure I hair was straight. The man wanted us to look good, as all women must look good at thier interview. That’s just the way it is. No one back then could go for an interview with dreadlocks or a wild afro.
It was not considered by Oprah and Chris that back in the day woman had to blend in for a job in the corporate world. I experienced it first hand. when I worked at a major bank on wall street, I was told by the ceo that he perferred my hair straight in opposed to the braided hair. He even when as far as to tell me not to look so exotic. When I got my hair baided I had it as simple as possible and professional. How easy we forget about the pressure black women have be though over the years. I think that it is being taken very lightly about how most black women feel. That’s is a lie that most black men do not care about hair. Yes they do. Everytime I grow my hair males always say “no don’t cut it”. “I like it like that”. Just this pass October my daughter that has a head full of hair was told by black man a stranger that her hair was a weave. He even made a bet that it was not her hair. The brunt of comments by people at church, school, etc. People was saying that’s not your hair. Hey! why a brown skin girl can’t have a head full of healthy hair?
biotin is very great for quicker hair growth. also a good scalp massage stimulates the blood flow in the scalp to inforce hair growth. rosemary is very good if youu choose to massage your scalp…do this for at least 5 minutes a night. then try to choose a quality shampoo with essential oils and herbs. Carol’s Daughter and Aveda have great products, and i faithfully use both products. quick and longer hair growth is inherited, but the right products can be very essential. also eating a diet with protein and green leafy veges. is important. If any of the above information isn’t helpful, consult your doctor because it can be an underlying medical condition. God bless and good luck with your hair growth.
Anybody who thinks that is Oprah’s real hair needs their head examined. You can tell by the edges around her forehead that the hair is a completely different texture. Secondly, the picture of her with the unstraightened hair is also a wig. The headband gives it away. If she has this much hair to be straightened, then why is it all broken at the temples? Nobody really cares if she is wearing a lace cap wig or extensions, so why in heaven is she lying about it. Everyone in the industry has some help with their hair, no one has perfect hair. I really don’t get it. What is her hang-up. I,m a black woman, and if it were’nt for my back up wigs I’d be lost.
wow some of y’all are truly some haters! She has beautiful long hair. You can be straight black and have pretty long hair. Check out this site
Wow. To think that a blog would have so many negative comments, especially about hair…and not even your hair but Oprah’s hair.
This woman can support Barack Obama, open a school for African girls, give money away by the boat loads and when she shows her hair everyone will say they don’t believe it.
Folks have even gone through great lengths to “examine” her hair (from a tv screen or magazine no less) and claim that she is lying about her hair?
I believe it’s hers, why would she lie, she could, but about hair? Chris Rock even ran his fingers through it…twice, and he was just as suspect as most of you. I didn’t think Oprah wore her own hair on the show, just because that’s show biz but I was presently surprised to see that she had long, healthy hair and I was happy that she showed it.
Why is hair so sensitive with us as black women? We have the capability to grow it just as long as Oprah’s. We don’t have to be mixed for that to happen either and you can still perm your hair if you want it to grow. I think one thing I get most tired of is the whole ‘go-natural’ concept. I get tired of hearing that it is terrible or wrong. If I dyed my hair it’s just as harsh as perm but I guess it’s more acceptable with us to rock a red or blond streak in our Kinky Afro then perm it. No matter what chemical you use -perm/dye/texturizer you’re still changing your hair’s natural state.
I say, love your hair whether it is permed, kinky, short or in transition. At the end of the day no one has to deal with your hair but you, and in Oprah’s case she has the luxury of having a stylist that is on salary…to me that’s rich.
It’s funny, we will believe a caucasian’s woman’s hair length is hers before we accept our own sisters, but caucasians do just as much synthetic styling as we do and have been for years.
If ‘going-natural’ makes you as pleasant as some of these comments, I’ll stay permed for a while.
Thats Oprah hair all you haters get over it.Start taking care of your own hair.Eat right and workout you will reap the benefits.Stop being so jealousy.
Elaine your comment of dated March 21,2010 I agree with you so much! folk need to stop being so jealous of Oprah’s hair. It is her hair and she takes care of it. She has her own personal beautician also folk that perpare her every meal so she eat haalthy and she has her own personal trainer for working out. Everyone need to get over it and get a life. That thick hair is genetics
It’s funny, but I always assumed Oprah’s hair was all natural. There are plenty of black women out there who grow long, thick hair. They aren’t “mixed” with anything either. Two black parents.
In my family we grow long hair like Oprah, too. If you notice her childhood pictures her hair is long and thick. Plus, Oprah has a personal stylist who’s been taking the very best care of her hair for the longest time.
If I had that, my hair would be flowing down my back as well.
With our men and women away fighting a war Bush stuck us with, with an oil spill Cheney’s family has some interest in, and an economy left in shambles we are trying to repair, with families losing their homes due to the aftermath of predatory lending practices and the fall of various multi-million dollar ponzi schemes futher damaging our nation, is OPRAH’s HAIR REALLY THAT IMPORTANT IN THE SCHEME OF THINGS?! Get some perspective. It’s HER HAIR, whether she grew it, blew it or “drew” it (lol). I’m with Jade, “WHO CARES?”
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I have no doubt that this is Oprah’s hair based on my own experience and some observations. Of course I could be wrong, but these are just my observations:
Let’s say Oprah wanted to “lie” about her natural hair. She could’ve just gotten a weave of straight or curly hair, right? Because that’s the “good hair” that everyone seeks. But the hair we’re seeing isn’t either of those. If she was going to lie about having this hair she wouldn’t have gone with the frizziest hair type.
Also, as someone who’s been natural for five years, I can attest that Oprah’s hair looks consistent with so-called “African hair” that’s been grown out for at least 6, 7 years. It has the exact same volume and texture; plus the ends of the hair are a dead giveaway that this is natural hair we’re looking at.
For people still doubting all this, what you fail to understand is that even the kinkiest black hair starts to straighten out once it reaches a certain length, either due to pressing, blow drying, combing or braiding. Both times I went natural I experienced this phenomenon. The first 2, 3 years the hair is extremely unwieldly but after awhile it starts to loosen. No, it never straightens out to a luscious curl or bone straight strands; it just starts to resemble frizzy Caucasian hair, which is what Oprah’s hair in the picture resembles.
Some people just can’t stand to see Oprah lookin’ good, I guess. I’m watching her show right now, and all my life, I’ve known AA women with long beautiful hair. It depends on genetics, health, and hair care. Honey, I only wish I’d had someone like Andre Walker to depend on to do my hair for the last 2 decades-I’d have no problem at all with my hair, and I’d let everybody be jealous, too!
Thank you for that commentary. I couldn’t believe how many people were speculating on Oprah’s hair. I liked the article and was curious myself but my question wasn’t whether it was her hair or not. My question was what she did to have it grow that long. My relatives all have long beautiful hair and the straighten it (hot comb) but primarily wear it in french rolls or buns naturally until there is some event going on, but I didn’t want to go through all of that. I’ve done the big chop at least 6 times in as many years so I always just end up with the 5 inches and my hair is really thick and coily. I can’t even comb it unless it’s wet and the wash and go doesn’t help my sinuses. So I get on the treadmill of relaxing it, cutting it, wigging it…I just want to stop.
I love Oprah. She has done so much for people in general and is such a positive role model for black women. Her hair has always been thick and for those of you who remember the “nappier the hair the better the straightening”. It took the straighting comb well or better than those with fine hair. When my mom was in charge of my hair it was down my back. When I got perms after 13 I had to wear it chin length and then when I got my hands on it I wore it Anita Baker style. I’m 10 years younger than Oprah but I see that she really has a stylist who knows what he’s doing. Stop hating on Oprah when she’s loving on us. It’s negative energy that we don’t need. Thanks for the article, it was thought provoking.
I agree that some people can not stand that on top of being rich she also has hair. If we all had our hair given that kind of daily love we would all have hair down our backs. I believe years ago she may have mentioned her hair is washed every day. I can not swear to that. But that day with Chris Rock on the show Oprah said that was her hair. And I believed her. She gets her hair “salon done” daily. When I go to the fancy stylists in New York City I am ready for the cameras too. She has also admitted to wearing wigs, weaves etc. Sometimes she does sometimes she doesn’t. She did NOT say I have never worn a weave. In front of millions of people Chris Rock and two strangers ran their hands through her hair! I have never had a doubt. From years ago she has always had a beautiful head of hair long or short. Why is this so impossible? I think she changes up often and we all can tell, but ever since that day, I can now tell when it is her own hair. Can we move on?
Well spoken.
Simply put (if not mentioned already), some black woman don’t want to damage their natural hair by relaxing it or burning it everyday, especially when they can get the same look with a wig, half wig or weave. I’m black and my hair is half way down my back when straightened, but because I don’t get relaxers it’s simply easier to wash my hair daily and throw on a half wig when I go out. It takes hours for me to do my hair otherwise. If I don’t have the time, I’m sure Oprah doesn’t have the time either.
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I agree. I am caucasian, but have thick curly hair that most hsir dressers hve commented on as “black hair” I think that was rude, but what ever. I have been th one to try and deal with it for 49years. Itis a bear. But it is nice in a lot of ways.It will hold a curl once you get it blowed out and straight. then you just do a lot of praying!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love DEB
Seriously! I didn’t realize there was this much h-a-t-i-n goin on out there over the hair on “someone else’s head”… dang! Personally, I love Oprah and she has beautiful hair among the other beautiful qualities that stand out way more than her hair… like her giving spirit. There was a time when I thought she wore extentions, but it wasn’t a big deal to me. After seeing Chris Rock run his fingers thru her hair though… I was like “wow, all that’s hers”. I’m a dark skinned all black female and my hair would scare some of you because it’s curly. I’ve worn it long, short, natural, and relaxed… but the end result is always wavy or curly. People actually come up to me to touch my hair (and I know it’s mostly because they think it’s weave). Sorry, but it’s mine. Why is it so hard to believe it’s her hair?
My point is… a black woman can have long beautiful hair and it doesn’t have to be someone or something else’s. It can just be the hair that God blessed to grow from her scalp. On the same note… just as we come in many shades, our hair comes in many textures. All of which should be embraced, that’s what makes each and everyone of us unique. Those that hate on Oprah may not mean the things they say in a bad way, but time spent hating on her or doubting her could be better spent on loving her and learning from her to be giving, grateful, and successful. The hair is merely her crowning glory. We should all be a little more careful at what we say & how we put it out there. Justa suggestion. 🙂
Absalom, Absalom! And so the saga continues!!
I’m sure you all realize that if Oprah was wearing a weave, she would say so. As much “coming out” as she has done over the years, why would she lie about something as benign as her hair. It just doesn’t make any sense to me.
Are these posts serious? We have so much chaos occuring in this country, and you are worried about Oprah’s hair. Or hair in general. Who really cares? How does this impact your life? Many of you are miserable women, without a life. Pleasel, Wake Up, and take care of your kids, and teach them from right and wrong so that he/she will grow up to beccome productive citizens.
This is so sad! Of all things to discuss, this shows your level of intelligence.
@Christine: Funny that you are “wasting” your time by reading this and then commenting on it (guess that reflects on YOUR level of intelligence). Hopefully you have no kids to take care of yourself, as I don’t think we need you passing down those terrible grammar/spelling skills you’ve so proudly put on display.
It seems that you are not intelligent enough to manage your life in a way that allows you to indulge in the lighter side of life. Probably getting yourself all worked up for the end of the world in a couple of weeks, eh darlin’?
You can fool some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time. We are not that stupid. Like her or not, Oprah is the only person on the face of the earth that has naturally grown longer fuller hair in her old age. All of the rest of us experience thinning and growth at a snails pace as we age. But a billionaire- not so. I would say hair transplant… and not her own. All of her career she had tight, short, straight (not much of a curl pattern) hair. Even if it gets long it will be tight, long, straight (not much of a curl pattern) hair- not bouncy, soft, curly.
Oh please, we like someone in the public and act like they are perfect, incapable of common living. This kind of action is common in their circle. If it were our husbands we would put nothing past them. But not our favorite star they tell the truth about everything! Grow up!
Oprah is a billionaire. She has the means to get her hair to do whatever she wants it to do. I believe she wore her own hair out on the Chris Rock Good Hair episode. I also believe that she wears weaves occasionally to protect her hair from too much heat styling. Oprah can afford to have a personal stylist to care for each strand of hair on her head, and on her entire body if she desires. She could have had a full scalp transplant or hair implants. The bottom line is – it’s her hair, whether she paid for it or not. It belongs to her, therefore it is hers.
To the one who said Oprah is so over and she sucks. Sounds like you’re jealous!!! O is a beautiful person and the world is a better place for her being here.So……..sounds like you are the one who is over!!!!!!
I know I am way late on this, but I just stumbled upon this site. I beleive that is Oprah’s hair and the fullness and thickness is probably due to lack of relaxer. I have 4b/c hair, super thick hair and I only relax twice a year. When i am strecthing my relaxer (beginning at8 weeks post-relaxer) I wash and straighten my hair and let me tell my hair has that thickness and fullness. I always get compliments and people have to ask me if its a weave.
well I think she have beautiful dark brown hair and thic——————-k girl what are you using on your hair it sure is a heavy head of hair. let me know what you are using on your hair.
well I think she have beautiful dark brown hair and thic——————-k girl what are you using on your hair it sure is a heavy head of hair. let me know what you are using on your hair.
Oprah’s hair isnt 100% Natural.Here is the article from her stylist Andre on how he achieved her natural look on the cover of O mag in September.
The link about Oprah’s “Natural” Hair–169311246.html?page=2
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Hi see my dream to have somebody out there that could teach me or show me how to take care of my hair I am so sick and tired of weave extensions I just don’t understand why I can’t get my hair to grow Oprah please help me
She uses b a product called MONEY.