I know I promised a last giveaway for August, but I underestimated my things-to-do-before-I-move list. So apologies – let’s kick off September with a bang!
I love a teeshirt that says exactly what’s on my mind, and not in a here-sketchy-dude-read-my-chest kind of way.
I love a teeshirt with impact.
I love a tee with a message that actually makes you think.
So when I was introduced to Cut It Out Apparel via Twitter, I fell in love hard and fast.
Cut It Out’s creators, Tirinda & Noricia, are bellas after my own heart. The Brooklyn based company is all about clothing with integrity, powerful, positive messages, and dope style. Their tees declare messages I know many a bella has wanted to shout to the world. My Facebook friend Carolyn Edgar came immediately to mind — she needs the My Name is NOT Shorty tee for the days when she wants to go running outdoors! Stop those neighborhood dudes in their tracks!
Cut It Out clothing ranges from $10 tees that are dope enough to make you holla and scream, to the $25 Cut It Out logo dress. And oooh, is this Grace Jones tee not the bomb.com? I think so!
I’m happy and proud to support Cut It Out, and I know this is the kind of giveaway bellas will go bananas for. AND I’m gonna be moving and busy and on blogcation for the rest of the week — I plan to be back with a fresh post Friday!
So here’s the giveaway. Cut It Out is offering THREE tees.
— Destroy Stereotypes
— CIO Peace
— My Name Is Not Shorty
And here’s how you can win.
Leave a comment below telling us which tee you want, and why. Maybe it applies to your life, or something you’ve been through, or it’s just a message you want to share with the world. I wanna know!
When I get back to being online at the end of this week, I’ll close the comments and choose three lucky winners.
Deal? Deal!
For more info, visit www.cutitoutapparel.com or call (877) 7-CUT-OUT.
Good luck, bellas!
** edited Friday – comments are now closed! Thanks to everyone for entering. I’ll be choosing winners early next week!

I would like the “Destroy Stereotypes” tee because that is exactly what I would like to do. I have been natural for three years now but I recently began wearing and styling my own hair instead of wearing weave braids or twists. Now, every other person I meet asks why I don’t simply wear my hair straight or they think I’m “deep” and live a more afrocentric lifestyle than a sista with a relaxer. I am merely trying to embrace my natural beauty and ultimately live a healthier lifestyle. Every black woman who has natural hair is NOT a Black Panther!
I really like the ‘Destroy Stereotypes’ shirt, not only for the hip and fresh use of typography, but also the message.
I am an individual. I like this message.
I love the ‘My name is not shorty’ shirt!! My personal tee would say, These are my boobs not my eyes. I’m a well-endowed bella and have this issue all the time!!
I would like the “Destroy Stereotypes” for my 13YO daughter because she has been natural from birth and is always having to defend her choice to stay natural to the other AA girls in her 8th grade class. They constantly ask her why she won’t get a perm, and she constantly tells them because she likes being versatile – she can wear it straight, twisted, or “wild and free” based on her mood. She is destroying the stereotype that you have to perm your hair in order to be “in-style”. I love that she is standing up for her beliefs in her own, unassuming way!
I love the “Destroy Stereotypes”; it is straightforward and applies to my life. I destroy stereotypes daily by being me. My upbringing, my intelligence, my image, my everything = ) That tee is so me…
I like the t-shirt my name is not shorty because my mane is daughter, sister, mommy, soror Ms. Jolly,MEd., and most of all my name gives thanks to the Lord above because without him I would not have a name.
I want the “Destroy Stereotypes” shirt. Like the woman pictured, I wear my hair natural, and I don’t do it because I’m militant, or want to make a political statement, I wear my hair natural because its what God gave me. I grew up in a predominately white neighborhood so my mom was very big on not perpetuating stereotypes, so she made sure I was always ontime , well early, and that I spoke well, among other things. I hate when people make sweeping assumptions about me, upon meeting me, so I love this shirt.
Hmmm that “My Name is not Shorty” tee is callin me! Because of my body type, I do get THOSE “men” and it’s so bothersome. BUT if I had to choose, the blue Destroy Stereotypes top is my fave. I feel like no one expects me to be a college educated woman on her way to a masters degree [and hopefully an MD if God wills it]. I also look very young and my hair is natural, so they assume I’m a 15 year old vegan militant feminist type. I’m 23, won’t turn down a good burger and while I’m socio-politically aware, you’re more likely to find me at an arcade or DSW than a rally. ^_^
I would like the My Name Is Not Shorty so I can stop hearing “Shorty got a donk”. Thank you for appreciating my form but please find a more appropriate way to express that.
I would like my name is not shorty tee. I live in a very ” urban” area and trying to go to laundry will become a much easier task! Plus I am a woman of intelligence, integrity, power and strength….not no damn shorty!
I like ‘because my name is not shorty’. I am just shy of 5 feet tall and I get that a lot lol. I remember in hs when 95 percent of class time would be the boys focusing on who could tell the best ‘short’ jokes lol.
I would like the “DESTROY STEROTYPES” becasue working in the field that I do with a lot of exposure to senior level management you very rarely see people of color, i’m breaking those stereotypes by keeping in professional yet still ME! Strong, Black, Womanly and “BREAKING STEREOTYPES:
I would love the “Destroy Stereotypes” tee because I want me son to grow up in a world that sees him for his creative, sweet and funny spirit instead of as a future thug/drug dealer/prison inmate. Thank you!
I find something fly every time i come to this website I like the Destroy Stereotypes tee because it describes what WE all r trying to do day 2 day YES I’m from East Oakland CA but NO I don’t have a baby daddy, Yes i’m in school to become a dentist, and Yes i grew up in a 2 parent home..thinking about it I’ve already destroyed stereotypes (takes mirror out an winks at self)
Definitely “Destroy Stereotypes”… as a young looking 27 year old black female with 6 tattoos and an MBA, I’m regularly proving that I’m not what you assume I am 🙂
The “My name is not shorty” tee would be an excellent addition to my wardrobe. Maybe when wearing it I will be able to walk down the street without receiving catcalls and comments addressed to “Hey yo shorty”
I would be super-honored to win the “Destroy Stereotypes” tee, and would proudly rock it every chance I got. As a full-figured, natural haired, tattoo’d and nose ringed sistah from Brooklyn, I seek out opportunities to shatter preconceptions about me based on my race, my size and my style, and I am quick to let folks know I am sooo much more than what they see before me.
i would like to sport a ‘destroy stereotypes’ shirt at my gym. i am a full figured young woman who loves working out. i have been working out for over a year now and i still get smirks and whispers everytime i step on a treadmill or enter an aerobics class; but as soon as people see i can light-weight jog for an hour on the treadmill or kick, punch, and jump as fast or faster than them in aerobics class they tend to look at me different and sometimes have the nerve to tell me wow you can really move. i even teach aerobics at my job… my boss even doubted me at first until she saw me working the ladies :-D. When i first started working out i had terrible moments when i wanted to just quit and live with thought im just going to be like this for the rest of my life… God knows i had some terrible times. But with the strength of God i fought to be happy and healthy. Im still extra thick 😀 (i do like being a biggie), but im healthy and so happy and i feel great.
Bella, I LOVE the “Destroy Stereotypes” shirt. It resonates with me because I worked on Wall Street for 8 years and like most of us, wore my hair in a myriad of styles. I cannot count the times I had “them” ask me…if they could touch it (which I felt like “can I pet you?”) and how I washed it (cause soap and water seemed out of the question). But…whenever i felt the question was asked out of genuine and respectful curiosity, I always gave a response I thought would shatter their negative perceptions of our hair for me and any other Black woman they encounter. I know it’s just hair (beautiful as it may be) but it’s also another step towards breaking down the barriers built by stereotypes…
After all, if you cut me…do I not bleed? If my hair gets messed up, is it not a bad hair day for me too? LOL
I love the “Destroy Stereotypes” shirt because through out my life I have fought to do exactly that. As an immigrant from Jamaica I fought my teachers in grade school who believed that as a foreigner I wasn’t as smart and did not know english, despite my advanced education gained in the islands. As one of a handful of students of color in a predominantly white affluent boarding school I once again bucked the stereotypes others tried to place on me by not being the token ghetto girl and by beating out most of my class for an acceptance to an Ivy League institution. Even though many claimed it was a result of Affirmative Action I knew it was because of my hard work and prayers. Once in college, I realized that once again my fight would have to continue as I found myself the only woman or the only student of color in my upper level science courses. I was unfazed and continued to work my hardest. Upon returning home from school, I repeatedly met old classmates and friends from my youth who were astonished that I had not fallen victim to the stereotype that my town has of churning out teenage mothers. Now as I enter in my doctoral studies, I realize that my fight against stereotypes will never be over. However, I face each new challenge and “box” that society attempts to place around me as my motivation to succeed.
I would like to receive the “CIO Peace” because I believe that it is the obligation of thinking people on this planet to weigh the implications of a future without co-existence, to ponder the underlying causes of today’s conflicts, to encourage efforts aimed at addressing these complexities and to promote similar thoughtful consideration by others.
I’d love to receive the “My Name Is Not Shorty” tee. All my life I’ve heard various forms of the word when men have tried to approach me, but it seemed to get really bad when I moved to Florida. I love being out and social, but I hate being harrassed and called out my name just for minding my own business.
Thanks for sharing about this new company!
I believe that the “Destroy Stereotypes” is the best tee for me. This is the best tee for me because at this stage in my life I’m fighting not just for my self but for my 3 sons. My oldest son has Autisim and he is always prejudged. It is always assumed that he is incapable of learning or functioning above any level they set for him. By the grace of GOD, my son continues to baffle the naysayers. I would love to be a proud Bella Mama wearing this tee. Thanx for letting me share.
I would love to get the “Destroy Stereotypes” tee. I would love this tee because my hair (of course) is natural. And I often wear it in an afro or twist out. It seems to be that people with “afros” are more artsy and neo-soul driven. Although, I do like art, I’m pretty much more “preppy” than anything. I just like to wear natural hair.
I love “My name is not shorty”. Men these days don’t come up to you and say “hi, how are you” or even “good morning”. They’re always saying “Hey shorty” or “Why don’t you smile?/Why you frownin?” They’re already lookin at me chest anyway(G cup lol), so this shirt would be a good way to stop them in their tracks.
i want the ‘destroy stereotypes’ shirt because I want people to understand that everyone who has locs is not a Rasta. I am wearing my hair natural because I am sick and tired of living the lye and lie of chemically altered hair. Please guys if you want to speak to me on the street just say hello, not “Ras”.
I am really digging CIO Peace. Its a message I would never hesitate to portray. I think that we should be able to walk around and exude an attitude that is amiable and not be so closed or angry. When we start there we can actively seek peace in our lives and in the lives of others. CIO PEACE!
I want the ‘Destroy Stereotypes’ shirt because that is what I like to do. I am a single mother, working full time, going to school full time and active in my community! By America’s stereotypes I should be living in public housing surviving off of the government and not striving for higher education! I love proving people wrong and this shirt just broadcast my stance!
I’m diggin’ the Destroy Stereotypes t-shirt! I had a little disagreement with someone at work this morning and when I began to speak they started waving their hands and jerking their head from side to side. I asked immediately, “why are you doing that?” just to stop them in their tracks and let them know that whatever it was they were implying was not cute or cool! I’d love to wear this tee to work! Love the message!
I would love to have the “My name is not shorty” tee! I’m working with a lot of junk in my trunk, but that doesn’t give men a reason to disrespect me. “Say shorty, you got a$$.” Wow! Really? Hmmmm, didn’t know that. I hate it. Why can’t people see you for the person you are, not for your assets.
that “my name is not shorty” is a given! that way i can just point to the shirt, keep my smart remarks to myself and keep it moving! 🙂
I already ordered the Game Over tee but if I could win one( cause free stuff is friggin awesome!) I’d go for the destroy stereotypes tee. The whole ideal behind the stereotype is to simplify and generalize, leaving out room for true understanding. Overuse of the stereotype just kinda seems to make people a wee bit more stupid every day…
I would love the “Destroy” tee because that’s what I do on the daily. I am the single adoptive mom to a white child and I an constantly showing the world 1.I am not the nanny, the babysitter,the friend or the social worker- I am mama and 2. that children without a mama just want a mama no matter what the color mama is.
love it! I like the CIO Peace because that’s how I live my life and have run my site/blog for years. I’m all about loving folks, and ignoring negativity in real life and online. Besides the message is quick to discern when others spot me from across the street and yellow is the bomb on my *smile*. toodles ~ ini
I love it all and love what the CIO bellas are doing! I would like to receive the “destroys sterotypes” tee because I’m a natural girl living outside of N. America in a place with very few African-descended folks and have come to relish changing folks preconceptions about who and what we are. Rocking that t-shirt would at least give them fair warning when I come through!
I love the CIO Peace t-shirt! I think that peace is a message that the world needs to be bombarded with every day, and this shirt expresses not only the need for peace and unity around the world, but especially in our communities where unity has been lacking in recent decades.
I have been natural for three years and it drives my father crazy. My family makes fun of me when I wear a turban! They call it “THAT THING”! I am currently fighting a custody battle and my family keeps telling me to straighten my hair so that I will get more respect in the court room from the judge. I oppose! I am a radical, militant, and insightful. I am a trendsetter and I don’t change me for anyone. Like it, love it or hate it. Your choice … My choice. Respect me for who I am not how you perceive me from a look!!!-) Power to all of us who have decided to be natural the way we were born!!!! Selah!
MAN! This is AWESOME! I LOVE THIS SITE! I LOVE THESE SHIRTS! I would wear the My name is not Shorty tee because it blatantly combats the labels and objectification of beautiful afro bellas everywhere! Its my sexy confident and fashionable way of saying Ha! Take that! Straighten up your act sucka and treat me like a lady!
Love the destroy stereotypes tee. The message is relevant and timely. Especially now. But, I SO need the “my name is not shorty” tee. I’m short (5 foot even). So I’m short and pretty cute so men think calling me “shorty” is cute. Uh, no no Boo Boo! My name is Mignon. K? Thanks! It frustrates me to no end. Maybe with this shirt, I wont have to breathe any words of disgust. I’ll stop the madness before it starts.
Anyways, thanks for hipping us to this company. Love supporting black owned businesses of relevance.
My pick is the “My Name Is Not Shorty” tee. My reasoning is that as a 23-yr old woman I feel that it will serve as a warning to today’s man. I get approached (or should I say accosted) by today’s man addressing me by everything but my name. I never answer but then I get called even worse names because I don’t deem them worthy of a response. So I would REALLY love to have this shirt…it would make that process just a li’l smoother.
I would love to win the CIO Peace t-shirt. I’m all about peace. Almost every picture I take I’m holding up 2 fingers (you can check my myspace and facebook accounts!). I’ve been wearing my hair natural since 2006 and it’s been both war and peace. The war is with other people who think I’m crazy for not having a perm. The peace is on the inside, just by knowing I can be free on the outside. Thanks, MerryJane.
I love the “my name is not shorty” tee–that’s ALL me. I live in the hood and walking to the bus stop becomes a chore when everyone honks their horn and yells out the window “yo SHORTAAAY!” Little do they know I’m on my way to school to better myself. I’m a young lady not class not a young lady with a whole ‘lotta ass!
The tee I desire is “Destroy Stereotypes” because all is not what it appears to be. Stereotyping is definitely something I must work on as an individual and our society must work on as a whole. Wearing that shirt would be a reminder to be less judgemental and more open- minded and understanding.
Hey Bella!
I want the “Destroy Stereotypes” t-shirt because that has been my mission since birth. I grew up in an all-black neighborhood in the South and my penchant for speaking proper English encouraged my class mates to call me “white girl”. Throw in my love for the band Hanson, and I became fodder for a lot of jokes. Back then it used to get under my skin, but now I know that I am uniquely me and I refuse to let anyone put me in a box based on their own stereotypes of what they think “black” is. That tee would look really fly on me at the Hanson concert I am going to in October! I already know how I would wear my hair.
I love the “destroy stereotypes” though I have to admit I had a very slow moment to read it fully lol.
Glad to have been introduced to this brand.
I think you should pick me for the CIO Peace t-shirt because I’m Canadian, eh! Just kidding, but sort of not because I already made space for it in my closet. I’m not sure that I’d make a splash in the pool of politics by wearing it, but I already have an outfit planned for it. I’ll give it a good home, pinky promise^-^
It’s great to see fashion make a positive statement! My favorite “Destroy Stereotypes” is so important in this day where progress has been made yet there is so much still to be done.
I would enjoy wearing the “Destroy Sterotypes” tee. It speaks to all races and genders. People today are so quick to judge. At what point do we stop judging and just ask “who are you and what do you stand for?” We should all know from experience that looks are very disceiving. This shirts speaks volumes and I would love to express it on my chest!
My favorite is the Destroy Stereotypes. I love the message is so powerful and current!
Thanks a lot.
The one tee that spoke to my soul was the one pictured, Destroy Stereotypes. I choose this tee for many a reason, but mainly because I am atypical but oh so typical. LOL! What I mean is that I don’t have natural hair; instead I have relaxed hair that is screaming ‘get a perm today…stop working so much, being a Mom so much’. I don’t have long hair; instead I have shoulder length hair that speaks to my Michelle Obama type of swag! I don’t wear a weave like the typical video girl; instead I just pray for my hair to grow out to accentuate my behind closed doors, MC Lyte type of swag. I am youthful, beautiful, and above all intelligent. This is what makes me typical depsite the atypical looks that society places on women of the African-American culture. I enjoy being normal. Sure, I have my days when I do wish I could look like Nia Long one day and then Naomi Cambell the next; but in spite of it all I smile and remember that I what God aspired me to be…a typical, hard-working Mother. I don’t need long hair to look beautiful. I don’t need natural hair to look beautiful. I don’t need silky-straight, hair strands completely in place type of hair; instead, I just need my kids to say ‘Mom, you look great today’! That is what inspires me. No stereotypes…just good ol’ fashioned truth by my children! **Destroy stereotypes people…they are so not becoming on you**
I would love to win the My Name is Not Shorty tee!
My name is not shorty!, it’s not “aaayy girl!” it’s not “lil mama!”
We women go through being catcalled and borderline harrassed for just minding our business going to the grocery store, walking to our cars etc. just normal everyday activities become a battle and that tee is like armor! Let’s bring chivalry and just plain everyday niceties back!
Destroying Stereotypes is what I do daily. As a “darker shade” black woman married to a Mexican man that has graduated college and is in the process of purchasing my own home. I have broken every stereotype that has been expected of me and i’m only 25. My mother was a teen mother and my father abandoned me. I chose to break those stereotypes and not get pregnant young and to be open to love when I found it. I also break the stereotype when employers meet me and realize that the voice they heard on the other end with the person who has all the necessary credentials and sounded as “white” as them was an afro/cornrow wearing size 18 black women. If I win the Destroy Stereotypes tshirt you would allow me to say who I am without uttering a word.
The Nikki
I’m 5 feet tall and I have been called shorty for being short but also just because guys use that term…. I love that T! How clever!
I like the “Destroy Stereotypes” tee because it is soo what the world is in need of right now. So often people have preconceptions about who one is because of the color of their skin, the way they walk or even how they wear their hair. Right now is the time to destroy stereotypes and stop living as if it’s one against all. Everyone is an individual and we should all appreciate that!!!
It is also a good tee because recently I had a bad experience at a restaurant because of the stereotypes that my waiter had about who I was. He thought because I was a young black woman that I didn’t deserve the same decent service as everyone else. As long as my money is still green, I am still somebody!
I really like the “Destroy Stereotypes” tee. I love the statement that it makes.
i would like to have the CIO Peace shirt because i think the shirt is cool and hip and the figure is shaped how i kind am…LOL
i would love to rock the “my name is not shorty” tee. i am in the middle of a process right now. there is a very dear friend of mine that insists on calling me shorty. it has caught on and now several people are calling me shorty. at first, i decided that perhaps i should fall in line and be a good sport…i mean, like i dont have to be an actress about everything right? but as the months go by, i am second guessing myself because i’m like, my name is not shorty dammit! it is %$^(*&()* and it is a beautiful name that my parents gave me and it is MY NAME!!!!!!!!!! if i let you call me shorty, what will it be next year? so, i am in the middle of a transition in my life and this tee would be a wonderful way for me to remember this time in my life. thanks in advance.