I get so many e mails and messages about Miss Jessie’s products. It’s one of the popular search queries that brings people to my site. Let me tell y’all something – Miss Jessie’s might be great stuff (I don’t know yet because I refuse to spend that much money on a hair product), but instead of asking me about reviewing that, I have some helpful advice. Get Kinky-Curly instead!
I got in touch with the company through their MySpace page, and they sent me wonderful, full-size samples of the product line.
I am blown away by the results. I started out by trying Knot Today, a scentless “creamy herbal conditioner” that made my hair slick and smooth. I used it after already combing my hair out in the shower with my regular conditioner (I was advised to wash my hair first because the products are made with aloe gel, which doesn’t blend well with oils from other hair products. The site offers helpful advice on product use) – but Knot Today made my curls sleek and long, kind of like Chili from TLC’s hair back in the day. Love that.
The product most afrobellas might need is Curling Custard. This thick tub of clear goop looks a bit like gel, and has a mild vanilla scent. I applied Curling Custard a bit too liberally at first, whoops! I wound up with super-defined, crunchy ringlets. Over the course of the day, my curls settled into shiny, moisturized spirals. I slept with a stocking cap, and the next day I wet my hair a little in the shower. I didn’t even need to apply more Curling Custard the next day – my curls sprang out soft yet defined. I am in love with this stuff, and I’ve used it almost every day for the past two weeks!
Even better, the ingredients are all natural. Curling Custard’s first five ingredients are “botanical infusion of water, horsetail, chamomile, organic aloe vera juice, agave nectar.” Same goes for the other products, which use wild cherry bark extract, slippery elm, marshmallow root, sage, and lavender water as their primary ingredients.
Kinky Curly Spiral Spritz comes in a spray bottle, but because of the thickness of the product, I spray it into my hand and apply it to my hair by gently working it into my curls. I really like the lavender scent of the spray, but I think this product would work best for women with type 3A and 3B curls, whereas the Curling Custard and Knot Today are ideal for my mop of 4A hair. Spiral Spritz worked great to refresh my curls fresh out of the shower.
According to the Kinky Curly FAQ, the products also work great for women with silkened or texturized hair. I know my sister and mom would flip for the Gloss Pomade, a small tin of lemon scented stuff fortified with avocado, borage, black currant, jojoba, pomegranate, soybean, safflower, and meadowfoam oils. I used it around my hairline for slickness and to reduce flakes. My straightened-hair family members would love this stuff for flyaways.
My favorite thing about Kinky Curly is the price. An 8oz bottle of Knot Today costs $12. A heavy 16oz tub of Curling Custard cost $22, and knowing what I know now, I would gladly pay that much. Spiral Spritz is $9 and the Gloss Pomade costs $7. The products are available in some stores but not many. Currently, Kinky Curly is available through their internet store. But I think this stuff could wind up becoming more popular, and who knows – maybe someday Afrobellas everywhere will be able to buy this stuff at their neighborhood beauty supply store. Lord knows it worked better for my hair type than half of the chemically-laden crap cluttering their shelves!
Look out for more hair reviews in weeks to come!

i am so glad it worked for you, i never fully got the hang of it.
Why am I on my way to Uncle Funky’s Daughter hair salon in Houston, TX to buy this product? Afrobella…I’ve tried the following products because of your informed recommendations, Maybelline Moisture Extreme Volume + Length Microfiber Mascara (I thought I had fake lashes on! I was amazed!) Urban Decay Primer Potion (it goes on smooth and your eye shadow stays forever!), Milani lip gloss (love it), MAC Powerpoint Eye Pencil (wonderful…love it!) and Carol’s Daughter Hair Milk (I like this stuff). I have not been disappointed yet. I too have two Christmas parties to attend on the same night! I’ll be set to grin and smile all night long. The first time I tried to shop at Sephora I just turned around and walked out because I was so overwhelmed. This weekend I went armed with notes from Afrobella. It took me fifteen minutes to get my products and check out all while entertaining my husband who was paying for it all. I felt so powerful and so informed. You go Afrobella!!!
Thanks, Von!! I’m very particular about products, so I am happy that the ones that have worked for me have also worked for you. Get ready to shop, because in December I’ll be doing a Christmas shopping guide!
And Coffy, I always look forward to your feedback! I’d love to know what products work for you and what kind of hair you have. Because of your advice I bought the Cantu Grow Strong and trust me, I’ll be writing about that soon as well! I might have to hit you up about bronzers, too!
Bella, I have “Nappy” hair. Not curly or twisty. Will this product (Kinky Curly)work for me? You listed different kinds of hair such as 3A, 3B and 4A. Can you tell me what that means. I am new to your site but have tried Carols Daughter Hair Milk and loved it.
greetings bella,
there’s something about your energy that feels so bright. i really enjoyed a post you made recently (don’t remember where) about lauryn hill. it’s nice to read a perspective that doesn’t simply dismiss lauryn’s absence from the industry as “strange” or “crazy.” i’ve found that when you have a good sense of who you are, and the purpose for which you’re here, following that may mean alienating those who don’t operate from that spirit-center. lauryn, unlike most, is on this journey to discover more of who she is and why she’s here. thanks for sharing your thoughts.
SOLD! i havent room for another single product in my bathroom (except that i’m out of bumble+bumble’s curl conscious cream…) but i think it might be time 2 make room 4 something new!
curling custards sounds marvelous, but i’m not sure if it would be too ‘relaxing’ for my curl type…
+ i agree, miss jessies is ENTIRELY too expensive. i used 2 live around the block from that salon + the prices were more than i pay on 57th street in manhattan for a haircut!
I always wait with bated breath for your articles on hair products. I must say that because I don’t really wear any makeup, all the makeup blogs go over my head. Since I have only been natural since February 2006, I try to soak up as much information on natural hair products as I can. However, I am terrified to try this Kinky-Curly stuff. Are you sure it really worked for you?? I have spent so much money trying so much stuff on the recommendations of others, only to find myself going right back to Miss Jessie! Yes I said, Miss Jessie! I found out about her products while I was transitioning, and was armed with the Curly Pudding and the Curly Buttercreme when I had my big chop. However, since they were so expensive, I have yet to make a second order.
Since February, I have spent the last 9 months trying to find cheaper products to replace them. On the recommendations of motowngirl and other hair journals, I have tried Jessicurl Products (Cleansing Hair Cream was good; Rockin’ Ringlets and Confident Coils were a BUST. Both made my hair dry, frizzy and flaky.) Curls Products (Cleansing Hair Cream is good; Curls Milkshake, Quenched Curls Moisturizer, and Coconut Sublime Moisture Max Conditioner were a definite BUST. Curls Milkshake came so highly recommended, and yet it made my hair dry, frizzy and flaky. Quenched Curls and Coconut Sublime didn’t do much of anything.)
I have also purchased several other products over the counter. But they were cheap so I won’t complain much about them. Last week, I found that my jar of Miss Jessie’s Curly Buttercreme had a little bit left. I really hadn’t used it since February so I tried it out and VOILA! It melted right into my hair and my hair felt so soft and moisturized. It even held the moisture the next day. Here was the feeling in my hair that I had been searching for, IN VAIN, for the past 9 months. I had been so hell bent on finding something cheaper that had I just stuck with Miss Jessie, I would have saved more money anyway!
I am sorry this comment is so long. It may have been more suited to the blog on Miss Jessie’s products but I felt I had to say something and say it now. I have been on such a fruitless search just to end up right back where I started. I will say this, for most people, the Miss Jessie’s Curly Pudding can be replaced with Curl Activator Aloe Vera Gel (from Sally’s) and some leave-in conditioner (Garnier Fructis Curl and Shine!). So that will save you $38. But for good ole moisturization, nothing beats the Curly Buttercreme… nothing so far anyway….
So before I spend more money on some stuff that won’t work for me, does Kinky-Curly send free samples to everyone or just superstar bloggers like yourself? 🙂
Hey Peajai!
I love long comments, so fret not about length, girl – talk to me!
I took a second look at the Kinky-Curly site, and sadly, they don’t seem to send samples to everyone. (“superstar bloggers,” ha haaa!) But I know exactly how you feel, fruitlessly searching for the right product for you. When I find something that works I want to shout it to the world, then I feel bad if someone writes back and tells me it doesn’t work for them. I have yet to find a hair product that offers a money-back guarantee. And you will see just from these comments – obviously Kinky-Curly left Coffy unimpressed. So everything ain’t for everybody.
Before work this morning I washed my hair with Suave for Kids, and conditioned with Garnier Fructis Curl & Shine. Then when my hair was still quite damp, I used Kinky-Curly Knot Today, and a quarter sized dollop of Curling Custard. My curls are really defined now, and now that it’s dry, some of my hair is crunchy (because of the aloe vera gel). But by tomorrow, it’ll feel and look great. Like I said, I love this stuff but I can’t put my head on a block and say “this is the product for you, Peajai!” It may not be and I’d hate to disappoint you and make you waste your money.
If I had to buy this stuff knowing what I know now, I’d just get the Knot Today to start. It made my locks feel smooth and slick, and I liked that.
Hey Jewel – to learn more about hair types, try these links:
Is there a celebrity whose hair-type yours resembles? Let me know and I will try to help you figure it out. If you’re describing your hair as “nappy, not curly or twisty,” I’m guessing you’re a 4B or 4C. Visit Motown Girl and read up on different hair products, as well. Hope that helps you!
I enjoy the product reviews (and I’m fighting the temptation to order some).
I’m working with the Jane Carter Solution products. I’d love to hear your thoughts on them. I’m not sure I’d buy these again…But I am moisturized alright!
Darn! They don’t yet ship internationally.
hey Bella, i am working with 4A hair type and you know all you have to do is drop a word and i am giving up the hot products. so here goes: shampoo Creme of Nature(yellow top), so moisturizing and softening. for a change up i use Philip B(African Shea Butter shampoo). for conditioning i use Suave Naturals (Tropical Coconut). i have tried other conditioners but i keep coming back to this. For deep conditioning i use ORS Olive Oil Replenishing Pak, or John Masters Organics Honey Hibiscus Hair Reconstructor. i love shiny hair but don’t like to use additional products so i try to keep up on my glossing treatments. currently i am using L’Oreal Colorgems(Diamond Gloss), Jazzing also makes a great gloss(Clear). For wear and go i use a leave in(MOP, or Jamaican Lime and Mango Leave In) and use Carol’s Daughter (Hair Milk or the Healthy Hair Butter). if on a budget i mix cocoa butter+olive oil+coconut oil+castor oil. the result is super hydrated and defined. if doing the two stand twist i use Barry Fletcher Moisture Silk+ Elasta QP Mango Butter). sorry if this is too much but i wanted to provide as much info for all who can use it. Bella i thank you for letting me contribute to your site.
these are some of the products i can’t wait to get my hands on: ok you know when your hair is wet and you think, i wish my hair dried looking the way it does wet well Goldwell Trendline Curl Move Control Curl Putty claims to do that and provide major clumping. also from Goldwell is Crystal Turn Gel Wax that provides the same effects as the putty but has a lighter hold. from a line called Decca, i will be buying the Satin Scalp Therapy, and Satin Tame. so hopefully i will have good things to report back. i can’t wait for the post on bronzers.yay!
i have tried miss jessie’s and made at least 2 orders it got too costly so i searched in regular beauty supply stores with the same basic ingredients. I’m 4a and to produce some curls (i havent really done that in almost a year) i just get my detangling brush, dime store clear gel, and a leave in creme conditioner called LIV (its old school filled with beeswax and such) i soak my hair with spritzes of water..slap on the LIV generously then the gel then brush the section..small sections…starting at the nape of my neck like miss jessie’s shingling instructions say..
the kinky curly products were the rave on most all the hair boards and after the miss jessie’s with the mediocore results (just didnt turn out like the pictures) i decided i wouldnt be ordering anything else..make it or take it back to the old school is my motto now…
the KC spiral spritz i would be interested in trying unless i could find something cheaper or make it. the lavendar i have read up should work on my type of hair to relieve it of parchedness and make the curls defined without trying. Black n sassy makes a lavendar spritz..i’m just cheap enough to try lol
thanks for the product review afrobella! I may try the knot today! love your blog!
Hi Afrobella,
Is there a product that can make straight relaxed hair, curly.
Thanks for any and all help 🙂
Thank you Bella! I looked at the websites you suggested and I am a 4A. I would say my hair is like Oprah’s (under her wig). I have learned a lot from your site about caring for natural hair. I started using Carol’s Daughter products after your review. I am also in transition and I must say that I decided to put down the perms after visiting your site. I have problems with alopecia so I am giving up perming my hair and with your suggestions – rebuilding the strength I once had in my hair by going natural. Thanks again.
I wouldn’t think that there’s a product that would make relaxed hair curly — outside of rollers or a curling iron.
Relaxing is a chemical process that breaks the naturally curly bonds in your hair — I don’t think there’s anything out that would make your hair “nap” back up or give you Botticelli like curls.
Break out that curling iron!
(not that I’m any hair expert…)
This morning I used Knot Today (I love that name..it speaks volumes for me!) and Curling Custard (which actually smells like custard. I was tempted to taste it!). The results were remarkable! Now I must confess I used way to much of the Curling Custard…trust me…Afrobella is right when she says a little goes a long way! Thank goodness because this stuff ain’t cheap! Tomorrow I’ll follow Afrobella’s routine and use my Sauve for Kids and my Garnier Fructis Curl and Shine conditioner. I have 4C++ which actually translates to nappy hair but after using this product I have some pretty cute curls today. It’s still damp so I’m anxious to see what it’s going to look like when it’s completely dry. So far so good! I’ve only been natural for one year. My hair reaches the bottom of my ear. I’m still searching for a routine I can live with. I really like this line of products. I’m all ready praying that the formula never changes. Thanks Afrobella!!!!
darn, they don’t do overseas shipping!
i love your site Bella! it’s one of the only site that give me the will power to continue to transition. i have been transition (again!) for 4 months, and i was about to give up and texturize this morning when i logged on to your site,and saw this product.
Now, if only i could persuade them to start doing overseas shipping.
Sorry, I can’t in good conscience say this is a good product. I purchased from a local Black health food store. Though I liked the results, I absolutely HATE how much flaking the product does. I reached out to the owners of the company by email. No one responded. It’s nice to know that others are having success with this product, but I AM NOT. I’ve even tried using the product sparingly to only find it still flakes. This product is a major disappointment. I’ve tried Miss Jessie’s. I absolutely HATE how much it costs. But it was definitely a better product.
I was so ready to try some of these products. I am one year natural, about three inches long and still trying to find a “better” routine. I have dry hair so I am constantly searching for moisture and curls. I checked out the site and wanted to buy some until I saw the “examples” of the hair that this product works best on! All celebraties with long “good” hair. I sent an email and asked if nappy girls like me would have success with the product. This was two days ago, no one responded. So I probably won’t buy it.
@pink combat, i have heard many women have had a problem with flaking using the Kinky Curl products, many women changed their leave in conditioners and that stopped the problem and others mix a small amount of coconut oil and the custard in a seperate container and apply that mixture to the hair. hope that helps.
ok, i’m BACK 2 say THANKS!!! i went out & found this product (knot today and the curling custard) and am in LOVE!! like u, bella, i applied a bit too much after my friday morning shower, and ended up with crunchy, although perfectly + softly scented, shiny ringlets (i’ve recently discovered i’m a 3A), that softened to shiny, perfect curls that lasted the ENTIRE weekend while i was in florida. I came back 2 new york last night, my hair STILL looked good & only needed a little steam from the shower each day!
(the bumble & bumble curl conscious cream has been retired for a time…)
Hey Bella,
Thanks for posting your entire regimen when you used the Kinky-Curly products. I may try that Knot Today if I can get someone to buy these JessiCurl and Curls products from me. You mentioned that your hair style stayed over several days and that is my biggest problem. My second day hair is generally not cute. It gets all matted and squashed to my head and when I try to moisturize and fluff it out it just gets all frizzy and I lose my curl. I have tried satin caps, satin scarves (don’t stay on my head), nylon nets, nothing, all give me the same results. I haven’t tried a satin pillowcase but I can’t really see that making a huge difference. What do you wear on your head to sleep?
Dear Afrobella,
Your site is amazing and quite inspirational for me. (I’m 18 months into transition with no relaxed hair left). I’ve been through Carol’s Daughter and Miss Jessie’s products, so was excited to see the inexpensive alternative you touted.
I ordered it two and a half weeks ago and have not received it yet. Two days after I sent an e-mail, I got a terse reply saying to check with UPS to get a tracking number. Customer service anyone? I spent $15 for shipping and it really should have been here by now.
I just wanted those who are considering the product to know that they can face major delays or not even receive the products at all.
The next call will be to my credit card company to cancel.
Good luck!
@Fionafine, many of the women on http://www.naturallycurly.com have also had some problems with shipping from KinkyCurly. the company seriously needs to work on their customer service skills.
What have I done? Lord I waited and now i have the miss jessie stuff and it feels like glue in my hair, i tried the garnier and it worked but i wanted to test the miss jessie hype i bought the curly pudding then tried the meringue (probably spelt wrong) but i wanna bawl it just wansnt for me, you wont beleive it but what actually works in my hair the best by far is soft and free curl activator, yup and i guess i will stick with it, sorry miss jessie.
I would love to try the kinky-curly products. I have chemically relaxed hair that still curls when wet. Nothing really works to help with the frizz and dryness. Has anyone else had great success with this stuff?
I wanted to know if it will take weeks and weeks to receive the product. I can’t seem to connect with the Kinky-curly company. I email all the time and get no reply. I don’t know if I will continue to order it if I can’t get a reply. Also, do you spray the Knot Today on your hair or pour it into your hand before you apply it? Do you have good communication with the Kinky-Curly company?
I was wondering could you tell me what type of preservatives are in the kinky curly custard and the knot today? Some products say they are natural but still have dangerous preservatives in them. Also, how do you compare the Kinky curly line with Qhemet?
I just purchased the Kinky-Curly product line and I have to say that I like it so far. At first when order arrived the gloss pomade was missing…i simply emailed them and the the missing product was sent to me within the next couple of days. So personally had great customer service from them.
@fionafine, did you ever receive your product or did you have to cancel. I am having the same issue with communication. They took my money, but I have not received anything from them about a status or even if they received my order. I am very frustrated and I am looking to dispute with my credit card. I have emailed them 3 times with no luck.
Afrobella, do you know what the expectation is for receiving products from Kinky-curly? Thanks
Hello ladies, what a great website…thank you so much afrobella! I purcahsed the knot today and the curling pudding and used last night, went to bed, & woke up with great curls. Because my hair looked a little dry I put a little Keracare oil moisturizer and you will not beleive this…all my curls disappeared like POOF!! and i was right back to my afro..which I love, but I really wanted to try something different. any thoughts on why this might have happened? I’m very disappointed and hoping I haven’t wasted even more money on products that do not work for my hair (pssst ms. jessie’s). I am 4B. any opinions are much welcome. ps. the knot today is just greattt!!
ok, i have tried the spiral spritz and I am totally in love! It is great for 2 strand twists, and roller sets. I totally recommend the Knot Today and well, it elongates your hair and works well in conjuction with the other Kinky curly products. I live in LA so it was easy for me to purchase. I totally recommend, I can hold on to my money and say bye to Ms. Jessies!
I just purchased kinky-curly last week on the recommendation of my sister and it arrived today. I will put it in my hair in the morning so that I can let it dry naturally. I hope the product works, I have been using ms. jessies for about a year now and I was tired of the flakes that it produced, the dryness, the shrinkage and everything else. If this works I will be having a sale on my miss jessies products since i bought them in december when they had the buy one get one free special.
Well, I’ve tried Miss Jessie’s products and I too found it expensive, therefore I tried Kinky-cury. For starters, I hate the way it feels, secondly my Curly Custard began to mildew after only a week of opening the product. I went to the website and email them inquiring about the mildew, I received a response asking how long have I had the product, when I shared I only had it a week, and asked, should I refrigerate it? This was late November 06 and it’s now April 07 and I’ve still yet to receive a response. Needless to say, I went back to Miss Jessies fortunately she had a buy-one-get-one-free special in December 06, I was able to take advantage of this special and stock up. My supply is dwindling, so I’m looking for yet another product to try on my natural tresses. I attempted to order Carol’s Daughter’s product, however she’s temporalily out of stock. Any other suggestions is greatly appreciated.
i did try the curling custard on my 3yr old sons hair it came out nice.he has a nice grade of hair that i keep braided.but gets dry quick and i have tried everything to put some morsture in it,but i found nothing to work for long.i did not buy the knot today the store did not have any.i did put to much i will know better the next time.but it left his hair soft with very nice curls.i will use it next.
For any one who isn’t happy with Kinky-Curly’s customer service, try switching to CURLY Q’s products.
You get pretty much the same results with their products, except you can reach them by phone and email, you get tracking with each order, and the slowest shipping reaches you within 3 days (weekends included).
I was curious, so I made a purchase, (Curly Custard), from Kinky-Curly on April 19th. I paid $10 for a UPS delivery, but I just got a USPS tracking info today (April 25th). I couldn’t track it, so I called up Paypal, and was told that my order isn’t showing as being mailed out as yet…. and there is NO WAY for me to contact the people at Kinky-Curly. Tsk, tsk…I think I’ll stick with CURLY Q’s
I purchased Kinky-Curly Curling Custard on Ebay- yes I said Ebay for $19.99 and I believe it was a little over $4 for shipping. I got two jars for less than $45. It does all that it says it does and yes alittle bit goes a long way. However, today I mixed Long Aid Curl Activator Gel with some braid oil and it was great. It gives great curl definition. So, KCCC is awesome but yes there are other alternatives.
I just tried to go to the kinky curly website and it is down. Like, gone. As in, it’s all about the Tripod! I’m heartbroken because I wanted to check it out. Hmmm…I wonder what’s going on there?
I ordered from Kinky-Curly on may 2nd…i still haven’t received a confirmation!! also, are there any products that are good for very kinky i believe 4b hair. I’ve been natural for about 4 years, my hair is very thick, i want something that will tame it, but give it shine, and manageability. i don’t want to have to twist it all the time.
Hey Juliet
I agree the Kinky Curly customer service is not very good. But her products are the BOMB! There is no way you can compare Curly Q products to Kinky Curly. Curls products are loaded with silicones and all kinds of other stuff that buld up in my hair after using them for a few weeks. I cant even pronounce half the stuf on the Curls labels. Kinky Curly products are all natural and actually make my hair healthier and stronger. I do wish that they would step it up in the customer service depatmant as they can lose business this way.
PS the website isnt down ..I just checked.
hey …where is my comment?
Ok not to bring up a totally old post — but this product is TRUTH. . . my TWA looked amazing and helped me LOVE my BC and my napptural beauty.
Combined with Aveda’s Be Curly Line — this stuff just makes curls pop that I NEVER EVER knew I had. . before Kinky-Curly I would a tought my fro was kinky but they have forced me to add the “curly” part to my definitions!!!
Thanks BELLA — you turned me on to this and i’m spreading the word. BELLA ROCKS!!!
I searched this site because I was wondering if anybody else had problems with the Kinky-Curly customer service. It is VERY POOR. I’ve placed an order only to wait 4 weeks to receive it. I have had problems with 3 of my orders. I had to email Shelly, the owner, several times. And you’re right, they have no problem taking your money right away (paypal), but you have to wait quite a while–and I’m like 100 miles or so from L.A! She definitely needs to improve her customer service. If you reply, you will get an email saying that they have hundreds of orders and they are working hard to get them all out. Well, if you’ve got that many orders, HIRE MORE PEOPLE! I will say though that I do think she has a Good product, and that’s the only reason why I re-ordered. I have tried Miss Jessies Curly Pudding and Meringue and I liked them, but sometimes they didn’t give my hair the shine and definition that I wanted-and the price is out of control. Kinky-Curly curling custard and the Knot today defined by hair very well. I have 4a/4b textured hair (mainly 4b). If you have a looser curl pattern, you wont need the Knot today and you can save $12. You actually pay about the same as Curly Pudding in the end if you get Knot today too. I have also tried the Qhemet Sidr Butter and Tea Gel–they were Very nourishing and smelled great, but didnt give me the look I wanted ( I admit I only used it once). I gave it to my mom who has very kinky, dry hair. I have also used Curls products–the Whipped Cream was too greasy and didn’t give me enough definition, but I really like her sulfate free cleansing cream shampoo and Im sorry to hear that her Sublime Coconut Shampoo was a BUST for a previous blogger-it worked wonderfully on my hair and I also like her Asian Tea conditioner. I hope this helps! Now, back to Kinky-Curly products–she SERIOUSLY needs to get her weight up on her customer service and expediting her orders in a timely manner–I don’t care how good the product is–at this point I can’t recommend Kinky-Curly until I know that they have corrected this problem.
Hey I am kind of hesistant to buy this product because a brought some product that promised so much but delivered nothing. So can you post a before & after pic PLEASE!
I just LOVE this site AND THE HAIR COMMUNICATION. THX AFROBELLA!!! It sounds like kinky curly is a healthier version of miss jessie, so i will order and let you know how it works. Also because of all the comments about the poor customer service (on various sites) I elected to purchase the product from naturallycurly.com’s curlmart instead of directly from kinkycurly. With curlmart i have a telephone number, email, fax, order id etc. I will see how they fair on delivery and if it works out, ordering from a distributor may provide a better option for bellas that like the product but not the wait or customer service;o] I’ll keep you posted
Hi I am a newbie I just came across this website and wanted to know if this was okay for natural hair.
It’s a shame that these people charge Black women so much money to maintain their natural hair. I hate having this type of hair sometimes given the products that cater to people with my hair type cost an arm and a leg; and just like other ethnic groups, I want a head full of healthy hair without emptying out my bank account to do so.
Hi everyone,
I live in Jamaica and bought the KC Curly Custard but coudl not get the Knot Today. My hair has always been natural, very soft and medium length when I blow dry it straight.
I uses the KCCC and had terrible results but I think its my fault. I had used Head and Shoulders before and then rinsed with honey and warm water.
What regular shampoo and conditioner can I use instead of the Knot Today?
I would really appreciate any help.
I ordered the kinky-curly a week ago and have not received it yet. i tried to contact them through their website, but got a failure delivery notice reply. i emailed them twice to make sure i had the correct address and it was indeed correct. the next call is going to be to my credit card. i hate to say it, but this is why i really do not like doing business with black businesses (and yes i am black) because of getting the shaft. shelley, if you see this, do something about getting a customer service department.
Learn about hair types…
I have very kinky hair thinking about KCC, has anyone had poor results from product line? I know CS is poor
I have been using KCCC since I learned that those other highly touted natural products for naturals are mostly bunk, which is about 3 years. I second your emotions: LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT. I don’t think I would’ve been able to come to hair-loving, full, glorious, back-length, envy-creating, curliness without it. It is my only staple product and as long as I use it I don’t have to worry about deep conditioning or protective styles. On wash days I can wash/condition/KCCC and go, and the other 5 days out of the week I can rise, shine, remove my bonnet, and go with perfect curls.
BTW: KCCC is also available at Ricky’s and on naturallycurly.com’s curlmart.
sweetie: Is there something about the chemical composition of melanin that makes people unable to do business? If not, then your statement makes no sense. Your crazy if you think that any BUT black business are gonna meet your haircare needs. Get it together.
I love Kinky-Curly. I mean, I just love it. I conditioner-wash my hair with Pantene Pro-V Hydrating Curls, rinse, absorb excess water via towel, work in Knot Today (only minus is the small bottle, I go through a lot of that) and then use a dollop (no bigger than that, learned the hard way!) of the Custard. My curls are so defined and after it dries my hair is touchable and defined. I am sorry to hear about those who received poor customer service. Fortunately, I live in Houston where I can buy it at a store. I would suggest buying it through E-bay or a second party other than the actual website.
Everyone here has spoken on the product, so I won’t address that. What I will address is the customer service. It is TERRIBLE!! I’ve dealt with other black owned companies with no problems. However, this company obviously doesn’t give a crap about its customers.
I see atleast one other person on here has had a problem in the same area. I’ll be contacting more than my credit card company, though. So, Shelley should get it together before she’s only selling these products from her back door.
I decided to try the curling custard after reading about the product on this site. I tried Ms. Jessie’s curly pudding first and liked it well enough but I wanted to explore other products. So glad that I did!!!! I love the curling custard and what it does for my curls. I washed my hair first and put in the Knot Today leave in conditioner. Then I used small amounts of the curling custard as not to overuse. Once my hair air dried, I simply finger through my curls to give it some length since my hair is shorter by the time it dries. I sleep with a silk scarf or bonnet on and in the morning my hair is pretty smashed down on my head so I simply use a spray bottle to re-wet it with water and then I use a little dollop of the curling custard & once it dries I’m back in business. It definitely helps my curl pattern stay alive because without it, my hair was looking dry & not so cute once it dried. I would say my hair is 3C/4A.in case anyone was wondering. Regular Black girl hair! LOL!!! I have gotten so many compliments on my hair. Oh, and I went to a store in Maryland that sold the products to avoid the possible shipping delays/disasters.
Bella my hair so curly and puffy and im sick of it! will the kinky curly product make my hair look like transformation pictuers i saw on the kinky curly web site??
I use both Kinky-Curl Curl custard and miss jessie curly pudding(although not at the same time. However you all should know that the label on the Kinky-curl custard is not accurate. I work in the cosmetics(hair) industry and the label is misleading – the “botanical infusion of water” is merely hiding the chemicals that are in here to make our hair curl. I still use the product becuase it works but if you are looking for a natural product – the kinky-curl is not it.
I “KNEW” that was just too “on the money” to be true. What kind of ALL natural would hold and crunch like that?? Doesn’t mean I won’t use it – I just figured that any natural products I use are not going to have that outcome…Natural Aloe Very gel doesn’t get hard, oils don’t get hard…Carol’s Daughter products do not get hard. I’m still interested since I have 4a/4b hair? and folx with my texture seemed pleased but I was super skeptical about that all natural promo. on the site one question is…is this product all natural. they go into a detailed explanation – that caught my attention. It was a yes or NO question. They could have answered Yes and then elaborated but they didn’t. Lately I have been enjoying mixed chicks leave in and then when almost dry Miss Jessie’s curly meringue.
well i have seen a video on youtube showing how to work this product. I am interested in trying it. It could be the saviour for me and be my summer style. I found this afrobella article by through a google search.
I just have to find out if they deliver to the uk and how long.
seems worth a try
I loved this products, the Kinky-Curly Curling Custard is amaizing!
I get my products from http://www.kristybeauty.com they offert free shipping if you order is $50 or more. And they ship your items the same day you placed your order.
Order from them if you want to save on shipping.
As the rest of you, I’ve been on a pilgrimage for the right product. I recently cut my locs which I had for 7 years. I knew from day one what products to maintain my locs and stuck with those. Well, I think I was a bit too confident when I cut my locs and although my hair was(and still is) in excellent condition, my challenge was a) styling products b) what to do with the styling products. I must say, I have tried them ALL in this month’s time! Side note: I was using the Carol’s Daughter Black Vanilla leave-in spray and realized it has DMD Hydantoin in it (in laymen terms, Formaldehyde releaser!). Now, although this preservative is NOT formaldehyde, it can become a formaldehyde donor. By far I am no chemist, but I’m just not comfortable with this. Needless to say, I was duped. I think I let the word “natural” through me off my game and I overlooked it. It’s sad to say, but I’ll be passing on the Black Vanilla; if anyone knows the effects of this preservative, please put the word out; we all need to be informed.
So, after all the mayhem of buying and the expensive attempt to make a product (all to through it in the garbage), I went to a retail shop that sold both Ms. Jessie and Kinky-Curly. I talked to the owner of the store, her hair was natural and of a similar texture as mine (plus it looked really nice!), I wanted to hear what her thoughts were on the product (Kinky-Curly). We talked, I asked a billion questions, and left the store with the curling custard, the come clean shampoo and the knot today. I don’t want to speak too so, but I ‘m staying with this product (as long as Formaldehyde doesn’t come with it – better yet, any harmful ingredient!). My hair looks great! The curls are poppin’ and I have reclaimed my “flava” like I used to have when I wore my locs! I know that everything doesn’t work for everyone, but this is working for me so far.:-) Any suggestion though on how to use the product? For example, my hair is about 4 inches long, do I section the hair, rub it on, pull it through?? Does my hair have to take 7 hours to dry?!
I just tried the custard today. I went to a salon for curlies and they applied it for me. It gave me wondefully defined ringlets however, my hair feels so sticky! It’s really yucky. I’ve been raking the product out of my hair and it looks like Elmer’s glue! Plus my hair has a white film to it. What could have gone wrong? I really want this product to work for me but I can’t cope with sticky hair everyday! Finding the right product for me is so hard. 8-(
I think the stylist applied too much! Did she use the Knot Today before the custard? If not, that may be the reason. I don’t have any stickiness or film. I think with this product, application is key. There are some demos on YouTube. One I found helpful was from str8isis. Check it out. Maybe her technique will help you!
Hi everyone…im actually new to this site and i must say, I LOVE IT!! first off let me say, i first saw kinky-curly products on a commercial on BET while watching the BET awards…my daughter has natural hair and i REFUSE to relax it, yet having an extremely hard time managing it, so i decided to give it a whirl…yes, it did take a couple of weeks for it to come via UPS..but once we did finally recieve it, it was the best thing since ice cream…my daughter has very thick, fine hair…and lemme tell ya, she has TONS of it, and not to mention a very tender scalp..usually its very hard to untangle when wet, and the slightest tug of her scalp she’s yelling and screaming…by far NOT “good” hair by any means…so i ordered the knot today, and the curling custard…knot today worked miracles with the untangling of her hair…and the curling custard (although i used too much)defined her natural curl pattern brilliantly…usually i have to flat iron it just to make it manageable…but decided this summer we would do the “natural” look…anyway, sorry such a long comment…but im just in awe with kinky-curly, and although it did take a hot minute for it to arrive, it is well worth the wait for natural hair…
dallas, tx
I must add, that I too am a fan of Kinky Curling Custard. I have thick tightly curled kinky hair and I just love the moisture that this product provides. I also dealt with the “Elmers Glue” effect, but once I decreased the amount of product I was adding, the effect went away. To stretch my curl, at night I either put my hair in four cornrows for a KCC braid-out or I make about six mini afro puffs and put on a satin bonnett. One application usally last about 5 days before I co-wash. I definitely recommend this product, but just like any other product you have to work with it and try different things before you give up on it. In NYC Ricky’s NYC carries most of the popular natural products.
Hiya do you know how i can get hold of kinky curley custard in the uk?Please help me.Thanks alot
I have never come across this website before. I have been reading through all of the readers comments and decided to add my two cents. I have been natural for two and half years and I too have tried Kinky-Curly products! I love them and they work well on my hair, I wish that I could do down the street to purchase them. I have also tried Miss Jessies products and like them alot as well. I have found that since going natural I have had to try different products to find what works best for my hair. I can take in account of what others say other products may do for their but I think that we all should remember that just because a product works for someone else does not mean it will produce the same results for your hair as well. There is another product line that I would suggest for people to try and that is the Blended Beauty line of products. They have more than just products that you can try for styling but shampoos and conditioners as well. I would give these an try if Miss Jessies or KC didn’t work for you. Another great product try is Fantasia IC Gel!!! Very cheap and only costs $4 at your local beauty supply store! I would be interested in hear if anyone trys these products!
just wondering how you ladies have dealt with finding the right products to use on relaxed roots (about one inch) and relaxed ends? My hair is 3a/b and the products that work on my new growth weigh the rest of my hair down. Help with transitioning please!
I have relaxed hair that’s colored dark brown to cover greying hair (I have very thick, type 3C hair). The color I have is too dark and inky looking. It looks unnatural and needs to be lighter in color. A hairdresser recommended putting in a chemical to remove the dark color so that he could correct the mistake and put in a color that’s more natural and flattering. I am nervous about this because my hair already has a relaxer in it. I don’t know what to do, but am desperate to correct my unflattering, too-dark hair color. Any recommendations on what I should do or where I should go in New York City to get what I need?
This product sounds wonderful is this product sold in supply stores in Louisiana.
Just wanted to chime in and say that I really like this product line. I read about it elsewhere online and saw how drastic the price differences were AND that it was all natural, so I opted to try it out instead of Miss Jessie’s. I have combo 3B/4A hair and the custard and spritz work well for me.
If you are in NYC, they carry them at Ricky’s. I ordered mine online and spent $15 for shipping and was mad when a week later, I saw them there. I know where I will get mine from now on.
I love-love Kinky Curly Custard! I am transitioning from relaxed to natural of 2 months and this product is great for blending in the straightness of the relaxer to a beautiful curly mass. Three days later I still have curls – I usually mist with water and a bit of KCCC or Knot Today and I’m off and running – with well-defined curls the entire day. I use Mane n Tail shampoo which has clarifying elements that prevent buildup. I order from http://www.kristybeauty.com – they ship same day and free shipping if order is $50.00 or more.
SO I use Kinky and curly and I love it, it brings out my natural curls without my lazy self having to do twists outs. But I don’t feel that it does a great job of moisturizing. Like it isn’t bad but it can’t be used by itself to get the job done. So I decided to mix Ms. Jessie’s Buttercreme with the Kinky and Curly. My hair felt great and is nice and moist still, I spray sheen or tea tree oil on my hair every other day. So I thought this was a winning combo…
However, today I just saw so many lent particles in my hair that I haven’t seen before and it seemed like some of the product “beaded” up on me when water touched it. Is the fact that Kinky and Curly not supposed to be used with other oils, the reason for this? I’m just curious because I have never had an issue with lent or the product coming up before.
I hope that question makes sense.
I have natural curly short hair. What product would be better for me Kinky or Miss Jessica?
I have natural curly short hair. Which product would be better for me Kinky or Miss Jessica?
I did a little research on the Kinky-Curly product and ordered some a couple of days ago. They sent me an email stating that they received the order as well as an email mentioning that they shiipped the product. I hope that I will receive it soon. My hair has different textures within it, so it will be interesting to see how it turns out. I will definitely take in some of the advice regarding the amount to use so that my hair will not be stick nor flaky.
I received my order from Kinky-Curly right on time. I tracked it using the information they gave me. I even emailed the company to thank them and to ask a question. I was a little hesitant because I didn’t know if they would email back. They kindly emailed me in a timely manner.
Also, I am pleased with the product. It does an excellent job at defining my curls. The first time I used it, I shampooed and conditioned my hair with their products, then I used the custard. I did not comb it out while in the shower and I applied the custard when I was out of the shower. It turned out OK, but not with the length that I desired. I redid my hair the next day. I combed it out in the shower and then worked the custard through with my fingers immediately after letting the water go through my hair. It looked a lot better and it “hangs” nicely. My hair is a little crunchy though, but not bad. It actually seems to soften up as the days pass (this is my 2nd day). I did not experience any stickiness. However, on the second day, I felt a place on top of my head (smaller than a dime) where it was sticky. I must not have worked it into my hair very well. Other than that, my hair is not sticky nor flaky.
This is a reponse to Alison and Maryse’s comments about Kinky-Curly products and our ingredients:
Our labels are not ‘misleading’ nor do we ‘hide the chemicals’ that are in our products. If you read the label it says “botanical infusion” and it then lists every ingredient that is part of the infusion. It is very clear and exact and not misleading at all.
We use preservatives in our products so that they can sit on your store shelves and not grow mold and bacteria. These are also listed on our labels.
We encourage everyone to research the power of herbs and natural ingredients. Maryse you stated that natural products dont have a certain outcome. There are many, many natural ingredients that can heal your skin, reduce a fever, soothe an upset stomach, help you relax and ease stress and yes even make your hair curly!
We believe that natural ingredients are definitely “on the money†and can deliver better results over synthetic ingredients.
Thank you
well I’m a guy and I can’t find anything to do with my hair. I want to get that maxwell or lenny kravitz kinda look. Everyone keeps telling me that my hair is not nappy enough. I was just wondering would ur product help me?
I keep reading and hearing people talk about co-washing their hair and I have no clue as to what that means. Can you please tell me what it means to co-wash your hair?
Co-wash is basically washing your hair with conditioner instead of shampoo. I do it in the summer when I sweat alot, so I won’t go around with stinky hair or dry it out with shampoo.
I was wondering if knows of a website ships to the UK. I have tried the websites listed in this blog but none of them ship outside of the states.
To Jazzi:
I live in Brazil and I bought the combo KCC yesterday from http://www.honeyfig.com/.
It was my first shopping with this site, I hope it works.
I am very curious to use these products.
I am looking to purchase the kinky-curly product for my toddler, any recent feedback on the customer service?
Hi Bella,
I am addicted to your blog. I’d like to have advice on how to care for my 3 year old princess’ hair.
she is 3c and 4a over her hair. I was going to get the baby buttercream from Miss jessie but then read this review. I am a bit confused…
could you help out please. I usually put on Pink lotion on her hair.
Hey, nice tips. Perhaps I’ll buy a bottle of beer to that person from that forum who told me to visit your site 🙂
I have been using Kinky Curly for about 6 months and i think it is the best product ever. It works perfectly with my hair. Over the time that I´ve used it, I realize it can be sticky and take forever to dry and Iºve seen it make flakes on the surface of my hair, but now, I donºt experience any of that. I think Iºve learned how to use it and now my hair is relatively easy to manage. It dries in a reasonable amt. of time, it doesn´t feel crunchy or sticky, its soft and well moisturized. I have nappy curly hair, but it´s so easy and beautiful. For a little while, I used Miss Jessies Baby Buttercreme, which is very moisturizing, and the Curly Pudding, which is just okay for my natural 3C hair (was excellent for my boyfriends 3A hair), but nothing so far compares to Kinky Curly. I wish I knew about it before. Why and how does Miss Jessie´s get away with charging so much money for those products? In my experience, if you don´t have “straight-curly” hair, it will take too much work to define your “nappy-curly” hair using those products. You have to twist it and all that and if you are gonna take time to twist it, you can use cheaper products for that. Iºm thinking about shelling out $70 for some Baby Buttercreme in the future to moisturize my hair for when I braid it, but for anything else, no way.
By the way, I only use the Kinky Curly curling custard. I have used the Knot today Leave in Conditioner before and it is excellent, but I realize I don´t need it. If I use Knot Today, I rinse it out.
I was desperately searching to order these products to replenish my supply after travelling to ATL (though I live in Charlotte, NC) to get my products previously so as not to deal with Kinky-Curly’s website always shutting down and lackluster customer service. I just found a website for an Atlanta-based salon who also sells the products: http://www.urbanella.net
I am new here, but will definitely post again, to let you know how it goes.
hello, i am looking for products for my todler with type 4b hair. I am not sure if the above mentioned products are safe for kids of that age… any suggestions?
I live in Houston and just saw this product at Whole Foods earlier this week.
im the odd ball outt!!
I hated Kinky curly..My mother got me the whole line for the holidaysz!! && It sucks the poo made my hair feel dry, the leave-in was slippery but left white resdue on my hair, the custard sucksz and drys hella hard..and the sprial spritz felt greasy!! I didnt try the pomade yet!! It was one of the worst products I ever used on my hairr!!! My hair looked hella betta before I used it!! So, im going to stick with my paul mitchell leave in and coconut oil…cus this combo does alot of a hell better than kinky curly did for me. &&Its cheaperr too…..!!!!!! Sometimes a simple leave in and oil is better than a bunchh of styling productss!
I LOVE the Knot Today — the ONLY thing that has ever done right by my 4b hair as far as detangling and moisturizing.
Curling Custard does nothing for my hair , I guess because I have very little to no natural curl pattern.
Don’t think the Spiral Spritz will do anything for my hair.
Never tried the pomade, never had a reason to… probably just make my own.
im a guy an i have soft but nappy hair will this product work for me
You can buy Kinky Curly products in the UK from wwww.britishcurlies.co.uk and you can get fast delivery. It’s the only site I have found!
i am a coily 4a and i use paul mitchell smooth shampoo once a week and i co wash with paul mitchell smooth conditioner. i use knot today and the curling custard. i do love it. i have tried hair rules(hated it) and deva curl. i actually liked devacurl and it worked, but kinky curly is so much better. devacurl’s no poo is AWESOME!!! someone quoted some cheaper prices for the kinky curly products. i purchase mine from whole foods and the knot today is 12.99, custard is 17.99, and spritz is 13.99. where do u get the cheaper priced products from?
I just now found this post. I boughtmy first bottle of Knot Today because some naturals chums said it might be all I need. I like the ringlets, yet it hasn’t made my hair looser. I may need to invest in the Custard. I’ve been experimenting with different products and just been natural since right before Christmas.
I love these products too. If anyone is experiencing flaking with the custard you are using to much, a little goes a long way. I purchase at Whole Foods in Maryland.
here i am again!!! my girlfriend is a 3a and she uses Sedal. She encouraged me to try it. I did, and the first time i used it, i got the white residue. it may be due to all of those cones. lolol. the second time, was perfect because i used only a little. to tell you the truth, i love it. you have to use all three together (shampoo, conditioner, leave-in). they are also very cheap ($6, $6, $5). i am going to start using the leave-in instead of the knot today. i also noticed that my hair was even easier to comb through when i used the Sedal system-even when dry! my friend uses it without a gel, but i think that i DO need a little custard to keep my coils in check.
Love the Kinky Curl. I have her shampoo and the curling custard. I don’t use the custard everyday because the sticky feeling I don’t like sometimes but the Knot Today, I used on my niece’s hair and it was alot like the custard(the results) but not sticky in the end. So i am going to have to go pick some up for myself. But the shampoo is great. I really love that the ingredients are all natural, and the price is great. Whole Foods has the whole line of Kinky Curl products. IDK if everyone does, but I live in Fl and every Whole Foods I have been too has had it.
U can find the products at target and even on target online. Just trying it today for my daughter wish me luck!!
I have been debating on whether or not I should purchase Miss Jessie’s products. I am glad I found this site before I spent the insane amount of money on Miss Jessie’s. I have picked up Kinky-Curly at Target, placed it in my basket but never purchased it. I am going to buy Kinky-Curly now for sure!
Can Kinky Curl Be Used On Permed Hair?
please i am a 4c what type of product will be good for me, my hair is very thick and i just started going natural and am looking forward to the big chop faster, my sister tried the knot today and curly custard and it left white patches what product is best for type 4c hair.
Yes! Check out their website, http://www.kinky-curly.com
I am in the process of growing out my perm and my hair is currently pretty short. I used the Kinky Kurly products to ease with the transition since I wear my hair all going to the back and all I can say is wow. I am very tender headed and the Knot Today works like a charm with the detangeling. Since i have tons of new growth in back of my hair iI also experimented with the custard and it works great for providing me with definiton and the shampoo is great as well. I have no doubt that when I complete my transition that I will be an avid user of these products.
I just started using some kinky curly products. I love it! It is nice to know some many other people like the products as well. I started a site called kinkycurlyreviews.com . It would be great if you could be on it.
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I savoг, cаuse I diѕcoveгed exactly what I was looking for.
You’ve ended my four day long hunt! God Bless you man. Have a great day. Bye
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