Cold, windy, wet, miserable. The weather takes a toll on your hair during the winter months, and I’m experiencing it all for the first time. But through it all I’ve been discovering some mighty fine hair products — all made with healthy ingredients — to get me through these rough climactic conditions. Allow me to share with you!
First up, the renowned Jane Carter Solution. Specifically formulated for dry, multitextured hair, the brand prides itself on using ingredients derived from nature, natural butters, and certified organic essential oils. I’ve tried quite a few products from the brand — the Travel Kit is a great place to start for JCS newbies! Jane Carter’s Nutrient Replenishing Conditioner helped my hair make the climate change from cold Chicago to sweltering Punta Cana. Now that I’m back, I’m loving the Hair Nourishing Serum. It’s 1 oz for $10, so if you’re used to big bottles of product for your big hair, it may confuse you. But a little goes a long way. It’s a light blend of pure essential oils — lemon, ylang ylang, grapefruit, tangerine, rosemary, geranium, and vitamins A,D,E. It smells delicious and makes my hair feel super soft. I’ve been using it at night, after me and my hair have braved the elements — it’s like a night cream for my hair before I lay my head down on my satin pillowcase.
This past October at the Essence Empowerment Conference here in Chicago, there were beautiful natural haired bellas everywhere! It was truly inspiring to be in such great company. I got to meet the creator of HPO Spa Company, one of the brands I first had a chance to review back in 2006! She gave me a brand new HPO product to try — Simply Curly. Judging from her own glorious natural mane, I knew I was in for something good. The more I use Simply Curly, the more I love it.
It’s a light, whipped, creamy hair styling product made with amazing ingredients. Honey, wheat protein, vitamins, glycerine, acocado, aloe vera, and HPO’s essential oil and herb blend. This is GREAT for those of us who wash and go — it’s moisturizing, nourishing, and super easy to use. If you’ve been looking for something new to enhance your natural curl without being too heavy or drying, this could be it! $17.50 for an 8 oz tub. I’m dying to hear what you bellas think!
If you’re into all-natural products and exotic oils for your hair — you need to have Drops Of Nature on your radar. This boutique beauty company is truly committed to purity, and their Revive Nutritive Sheen Serum is one of the best oil-based serums I’ve tried. For any of you who may have discovered dryness after using the uber popular Moroccan Oil or other such heavily hyped oils, Drops of Nature could be what you’ve been seeking. Apply from root to tip for sheen and sass, or use with a steam cap for 30 minutes for a restorative treatment. Ingredients include rice bran oil, sunflower oil, argon oil, amla extract, rosemary, grapeseed, and jojoba seed oil. $15 a bottle, and thanks to the dropper you really don’t need much product to make an impact.
Last but certainly not least, The Hairoine, a UK based company on the come up. Specializing in hair and skin products made from shea and mango butter, their Growth Formula Hair Oil is chock full of the kinds of oils and herbs that are traditionally linked to strong, healthy tresses. Lavender, rosemary, thyme, and cedar wood, plus apricot, jojoba, sweet almond, olive and The Hairoine’s Egyptian oil blend, all in a potent little spray bottle. It costs £12, for my bellas across the pond looking to nourish their naturals!
Have you tried anything new and amazing for your hair lately? Let me know – you know I’m always on the hunt for the next big thing!
Drops of Nature
The Hairoine
Thank God I’m Natural

Thanks for the info! I have just started my journey from perm to natural. I going to try the hair nourshing serum.
The Jessicurl products, while meant for curly hair, have a great conditioner called Too Shea! Extra Moisturizing Conditioner. My hair is straight but I love using that stuff as a deep conditioning treatment for my hair.
Bella, I have two inches of NEW GROWTH! Yay! Wish me luck!
I have a question but please don’t think I’m stupid!! I am a relaxer girl but can I use these products or are they only for the natural bella’s. I still need my hair to be as healthy as possible, especially since I have thyroid disease, which can be awful on the skin and hair and cause (as I’ve experienced) dryness. Help is much needed!!..Thanks in advance
Hey Cdona! I’d never think you were stupid – asking questions is how we learn! I think Jane Carter’s serum, Drops of Nature, and The Hairoine products would be great for relaxed hair. HPO makes another product called Butter Drops that would be great for your hair as well!
Having said that, if you’ve noticed hair issues connected to your thyroid condition, you may want to consider reducing chemical treatments on your hair in general. I wouldn’t be Afrobella if I didn’t mention that! All best!
I have tried Jane Carters and I like it. I have not tried the others. Thanks for the suggestions.
I love AfroVeda and HairVeda!
Thank you Bella for the nudge in the right direction. I have actually tried to go natural, even before my diagnosis and honey being a Florida girl(I know you were too)it was just a mess for me! With that being said I have been revisiting the idea to try the process again because I do realize it is a process on alot of levels. I appreciate you and all of your wonderful advice and suggestions on all topics!
i am black relaxed and have a thyroid issue so my hair is super dry. lately i’ve been conditoner washing my hair only, i use vo5 moisture milk but add honey and olive oil or organic coconut oil to it in a bowl. i also sometimes use burt’s bees avocado butter pre shampoo treatment before i conditioner wash. i find that staying away from shampoo as much as possible and using a wide tooth shower comb is helping a bit. i also stopped relaxing my hair often. anyway hope you see this, that’s my too cents.
Thanks TP. I look forward to trying this method. Your two cents is appreciated!!
Cold weather can seem to suck the moisture right out of your hair. I teach my clients to nourish and rehydrate every 1-3 days, treat their tresses to steam treatments and wear protective styles. All year long I slumber on a satin pillow case, it is a must have to retain moisture and minimize breakage. All these picks are great. Plant Based ingredients makes all the difference!
Be Radiantly Beautiful
ihave natural hair and my hair gets dry in the winter time. i looked up natural hair products online and i found lisa akbari’s products. The Hair-Vitamins leave in conditioner and the Moisture Plus Moisturizer, and oil sheen in a jar make my hair so mangeagable. thank God I have found the answer. let me know what you think… she has a bunch of videos on you tube. the curly fro is good. i’ve done that one
I use the Hairoine’s growth formula. It’s great for my scalp when I wear braids and as a deep conditioner for permed hair.
The Jane Carter solution is my favorite. My mom has used it for a while now and had fabulous results, so my sister and I both got it in our stockings last year. It’s really thick, so a little goes a long way. I like the shine that I’ve noticed from it.. A+ product.
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