Tis the season for summer makeup, and the lovely and amazing MUA Meagan Shea is here to offer professional insight and tips on looking your best all summer long! Without further ado…here’s Meagan!
Summertime, Summertime!
So lovelies, Summer is OFFICIALLY here. It’s hot, the sun is baking our skin & everybody should be glowing! We’re all glowing, right? WHAT? All of my lovelies need to have that gorgeous summer glow,with and WITHOUT makeup. When your skin is healthy, properly cleansed/exfoliated/hydrated – you have the GLOW. What’s the “GLOW”, you ask? It’s when your skin, without makeup just looks smooth and naturally dewy. Not greasy, not shiny – HEALTHY. There’s a difference. Having that glow without makeup will determine how your makeup looks when you wear it.Lately, I’ve been feeling like my skin was in need of some professional care for Summer – I decided it was time for a facial. I recently took a trip to The Still Point, a quaint little eco-friendly health & wellness boutique, located in Takoma Park, MD. A dear friend of mine, Dewaynia Wilson (check her out on Twitter), is an Esthetician at The Still Point & invited me for a visit to this beautiful oasis right outside of Washington, DC. I hadn’t seen Dewaynia in almost three years & I was thoroughly excited & so was my skin!
I let Dewaynia know what my current skin care routine consisted of & she let me know that I was on the right track. That was a serious relief! She then proceeded to mix & conjure up all types of concoctions for my facial, explaining to me everything she was doing. I laid down on a heated massage table and proceeded to relax, something I never find time to do – I RECOMMEND IT, BELLAS!!!
Enough about my experience, let me tell you what I learned! Dewaynia & I talked about SPF, exfoliation & hydration. She told me she wrote a blog about SPF ( ? click that link to read Dewaynia’s SPF blog – it’s EXTREMELY informative). One thing I learned was that SPF over 30 are simply a marketing gimmick, that using oil isn’t a bad thing & that cleansing is HIGHLY important – especially before bed. Here’s a link to The Still Point’s blog, which I found EXTREMELY helpful – check it out when you get a chance.
This Summer, my plan is to wear the least amount of makeup I can. Funny, as a makeup artist you’d think I wear a lot of makeup regularly – I don’t & definitely not during Sumner months. I challenge you ladies to join me. Summertime is about letting the sun do all the beautifying it can – even to our pretty faces, but be sure to wear an SPF of at LEAST 30 during these Summer months – we NEED to wear them as well. Body Deli’s Solar Cream is my NEW FAVORITE.
Summer makeup staples include (with links to my favorites): bronzer, a highlighting product (you can use powder/liquid or cream), lightweight complexion products (i.e. tinted moisturizer – you can make your own tinted moisturizer by mixing your current foundation w/your moisturizer to sheer it out), mascara & lip gloss. With these products you can create a signature Summer look that will keep the compliments flowing! Let’s keep it real ladies, we ALL like to hear that we look good. 🙂
Here are two beautiful summer looks that can be worn everyday all day & look fairly effortless.
Product suggestion: MAC Cremesheen Glass in Right Image – $18.50 Product suggestion: NARS Illuminator in Laguna – $29 Product suggestion: Make Up For Ever Aqua Eyes in Mat Black 0L – $18 ? THE BEST!!! Quicktip: Here’s a quick easy look for everyday summer beauty. Mix NARS Illuminator (or any liquid bronzer – gold based, not pink or silver!!!) with your tinted moisturizer OR wear alone. Set with Make Up For Ever HD Powder or MAC Prep + Prime Powder using a LARGE powder brush – BOOM! YOU’LL BE GLOWING LIKE THE SUN!!! Throw on some gloss and mascara, you’re good to go.
Until next time lovelies, get to glowing – but before you go tell me how you guys get your glow on! Now that I’ve told you mine, share your favorite summertime bronzing products with me! Be sure to take some time to enjoy the sun, a beach or two & my FAAAAAVORITE summertime song! Who remembers this JAM??? 🙂
Happy Summertime!!!
Meagan Sheá is a makeup artist for hire in the MD/DC/Philadelphia/NYC area.
Click here to follow Meagan on Twitter, and click here to join her FB makeup page. And if you live in Maryland, Washington DC, Phlly or NYC and want your face beat to the gods, click here to contact her!

I had a facial with Dewaynia for my birthday almost a couple months ago after hearing about the spa from travel diva extraordinaire, Johnica Reed, and reading her praises on Yelp. It was every single thing you described. (Almost didn’t recognize her without that banging fro!) My skin looked amazing afterwards and for days after. It was a relaxing, wonderful experience. The extractions were painless, which is a high +++ for me! I let her tame my wilderbeast, caterpillar brows and confirmed that she is indeed the “brow whisperer.”
She recommended a simple honey mask 3xs a week for my acne prone skin and I’ve been doing so. I notice an immediate difference afterwards. We also talked about SPF and I’m using Sircuit Skin day care. I was using a Oil of Olay moisturizer that was too low before.
Most importantly, I really liked her energy. She reminded me of my loctician. Just an easygoing, lovely spirit. Yet professional and knowledgeable.
I only wish I could afford to go monthly but am going to budget for at least bi-monthly – which means I should be seeing her soon 🙂 I will definitely mention this post. Glad you wrote it and I’ll be following her blog and on Twitter.
I plan to keep it simple this summer as well so appreciate the tips!
Please like us on FB http://www.facebook.com/pages/Vikki-Vi-Boutique/197251080315443
Thank You!
I live within a hop’s distance from Still Point and had been considering trying it out! I’m so excited to read the glowing recommendations! I will definitely be making an appointment. I can’t wait!
My favorite sunscreen product is Palmer’s moisturizing cocoa butter gel oil spf 15. I like it- people have been paying me compliments since using it. I use it mostly on my face (yes oil on the face) and its been helpful. I discovered what i felt like was a hundred moles on my face overnight a couple months ago- i heard sunscreen could help with hyperpigmentation so i got this- http://www.kmart.com/shc/s/p_10151_10104_015W214396110001P?prdNo=22&blockNo=22&blockType=G22
so far so good
Elvira, definitely go. Mention this article & how you learned about The Still Point & receive 20% off of a treatment. ONLY WHEN YOU BOOK WITH DEWAYNIA. Enjoy!!!
Dewaynia is the BEST!!!
I love the products they sell there too!!!
thanks!!!!! I’ll definitely be there this weekend if there is an opening!
I go to school out there and I’ve never had a facial or any kind of spa treatment whatsoever! But I am officially making it a reward for doing well w/ my coursework… Hopefully there’s something in my cheapie college budget!
You deserve it! Be sure to book with Dewaynia, and mention this article. She’ll give you 20% off of a treatment. Tell her Meagan (MEEgan) sent you. 🙂
ah.. it’s a good thing 🙂
when you say simple honey mask do you literally mean just using honey as a mask or was it a mask that you make using honey and other ingredients? please share!!
DeWanyia is my esthetician and her energy is great. Her voice is so soothing, she explains everything and she is very gentle. Also the products she recommends seem expensive until you realize that they last a long time. I have used my facial wash for a year and I have only used 50% of the bottle.
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