On Monday morning I flew to Washington DC to appear live on Al-Jazeera English’s popular, Emmy award nominated, interactive show, The Stream. Our topic? Natural hair, declining use of relaxer, and questioning Eurocentric ideas of beauty. When I first got on set, I was super nervous! But everyone on staff at Al-Jazeera English was REALLY cool. Very friendly, supportive, sweet folks. Very engaged in social media. Questions came in from Twitter and Facebook and Google +, from videos submitted from places like Nairobi and London. It was an incredible experience. I’m so honored and I think it went really well! But you can tell me: A few thoughts on the experience — when I told a few of my American friends which channel I was about to appear on, I got a little judgment. I think here in the US, we’re very plugged into what’s happening here and not so much what’s happening elsewhere, so sometimes our opinions are limited. Al-Jazeera has worldwide recognition and respect, and my experience on the set was so professional and engaged. I loved it! And already I’ve gotten some great feedback. Thank you @AJStream for including me on the show! What do you think, bellas? Did I do OK?

I watched this earlier and I think you did a great job! For those who aren’t au fait with Al Jazeera, they need to recognise that it’s one of the most respected news stations in the world. People need to evolve beyond their America-centric view of the world.
You did GREAT! I am so proud of you beautiful smart you!
Nice and entertaining but educational as well.
well done.
Fascinating discussion. Patrice, you are great on TV. Your intelligence and professionalism shine as you craft your comments.
I’m looking forward to more. Thanks for sharing.
This was a great segment and you were absolutely fabulous! Congrats!
Al Jazeera got a bad rap by Americans during the Bush years because they were the leading Arabic News Channel (its reach is simple huge, across all Arabic speaking countries) and some US media blamed it for screening terrorist videos against America. Because the station was in Arabic they then said that this channel was promoting an anti American feeling or propaganda. The channel however was sent the videos because it had such a reach. They broadcast them I think personally without a bias, just as a news story about extremists in the Middle East. Both UK and US stations has also broadcast terrorist videos sent to them in the past. If you get sent them or a journalist finds them on a forum or location somewhere, they tend to broadcast them. Because the channel was in Arabic and the videos had the Al Jazeera logo in one corner, some American right wing media blamed them in some way. They would rebroadcast their footage with them in though still!
Al Jazeera as a media company is extremely cash rich. Its owners are in the oil industry so they have almost unlimited money! They are starting to invest quite a lot in European TV channels, buying European sports rights and things. Al Jazeera English was launched as a sister to the Arabic version and its main studios are in London and Doha with a few other bureaus like the DC one. I can only speak as a Brit but its a major channel here now. After BBC News, its my station of choice. It always has a different and interesting perspective. Compared to say Fox News its not bias in any direction really, I have never seen an “anti sentiment” against any people or country when I have been watching it. A friend of mine from high school works in news and went from the BBC to Al Jazeera and loves it! The London branch of it snapped up a lot of journalists from BBC News, Sky News and CNN, very well respected people. So like you say it is respected in Europe and fast taking over from CNN as the pan global station of choice.
After all that congrats Bella! you were amazing! your episode and the details about it is online on their site, right here – http://stream.aljazeera.com/story/roots-beauty-0022285
Great job Patrice! I thoroughly enjoyed the conversation!
This is only the beginning! Your tv presence is fantastic. Can’t wait to watch you everywhere. XO
Patrice this was a great post and a wonderful experience to see you again on TV.
I found the presenters to be professional, businesslike yet human and your outfit was fantastic! Love the colours. I also liked the bitter yellow dress one of the presenters wore.
So after TV there is only medium to try and that is a book. Can’t wait to get my autographed copy!
Again, congrats on what you did! Hugs the hair straightening sister 🙂
Awesome program on natural hair and I thought you were an excellent choice to interview on this topic. I found it really interesting and eye opening to see the growing attention and discussion on natural hair has open doors to bring up other issues. I just hope it doesn’t diminish a good vibe around the natural hair movement. I always thought going natural is about an holistic approach to being more natural and getting away from the harsh chemicals because it just makes a heck of a lot of beauty sense. I myself, though I’m not natural, appreciate seeing women with natural hair because it is so beautiful, fun, free and individualistic.
you did a great job keep it up u rocked
I’m an American anthropologist working in Afghanistan this summer with very limited English speaking television. Of the 3 news channels – BBC, CNN, and Al Jazeera, Al Jazeera is my first choice. I especially look forward to watching The Stream. I’m reminded of National Public Radio in the sense that what The Stream offers is intelligent and interesting conversation. I *learn* something each time I watch. Further, those who email or skype in offer thoughtful comments. In other words, all aspects of the show provide what I wish American television cable does not. In terms of your own appearance, I have read a bit about the topic and was interested in hearing your perspective. You presented it well.
People think Al-Jazeera is connected to anti-American groups because that is what the media in the U.S. wanted to portray. I thought so too, until I watched some of their broadcasts. It’s a global news network and they do their job well. Those people who gave you grief over appearing on it, need to broaden the scope of the media they are exposed to.
I watched the Stream segment and found the conversation stimulating with many view points covered. I’m glad you all dug beneath the surface to the political and social issues, well done!
You really were a pro; I was impressed by your poise and pithy answers. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
You were awesome 🙂
You did a GREAT job! Loved it!
This is great, Afrobella. I love your insight.
And you Afro has grown so big! Please do a regimen post. I recently BC’d after years of dreadlocks and am looking to grow a gorgeous Afro.
You are eloquent, beautiful and wonderful! Good job, ma’am!