Bellas, you may have noticed a bit less writing here on That’s because I’ve accepted an exciting new opportunity and I’ve had to fall back in order to catch up, if that makes any kind of sense.
Right now you can read my work on, where I’m a contributing editor and I write about everything from hair products to travel tips. I love the freedom and flexibility of writing literally whatever inspires me!
And now I’ve accepted another weekly writing gig at a familiar home – A lot has changed on — they just launched a new hair channel and I’m proud to be a part of it! My previous column at Essence focused on other people’s Natural Hair Journeys. That was back in 2010. My new column for Essence is all about the lessons I’ve learned in natural hair (and life, I suppose).
My first column is on Loving Your Hair Length No Matter What, and I tell my childhood TWA story. I learned so much by the age of 4. It’s kind of a crazy story.
My second post is about What Mr. Right Will Think About Your Natural Hair (hint – what YOU think is more important).
My third post is all about the Hyper-Awareness Of Our Hair, the lessons we absorb from our family and friends at an early age.
My most recent post is on Natural Hair In the Workplace – I know you know I have strong opinions on the topic!
You can click here to find all of articles on
And click here to find all of my articles on!

Congrats on your continued success Bella! This is waayyy awesome!
So happy for your growth and development!
This is awesome! You are so inspiring! Congrats 🙂
Congrats on the column!