In this random DIY-career thing I’ve got going on, I’ve been lucky enough to experience some shall we say, red carpet moments. I’ve done a few step-and-repeats, and I’ve also been lucky enough to cover the red carpet and watch celebrities do their thing. In the photo above, I’m posing with Aly Walansky and Amber Katz at the Italy Hairfashion event in Vegas. And in this photo below, I’m posing with Adria Richards, Nichelle of Stylemom, and Luvvie at Blogalicious!
Just during this past fashion week, I was lucky enough to cover backstage and the red carpet at the Heart Truth Red Dress Fashion Show. And let me tell ya, you can learn a lot by watching divas like Eve, Dita Von Teese and Patti LaBelle sashay past, as hundreds of flashbulbs pop in their wake.
Whether or not an actual scarlet rug is involved, you will have your own “red carpet moments” in life. Your prom, your high school dance, your wedding, your baby shower, Carnival Tuesday… There will be times when you’ll be in the spotlight and photographs will be taken. Yours truly has been chosen as one of QVC’s Red Carpet Q-correspondents, and I’ve been asked to share my best beauty tips so you can be ready when the flashbulbs go off. Let’s get red carpet ready, shall we?
Step 1 – Go the extra mile. Ideally you’ll take your time to get ready for a red carpet moment. So take time to pamper yourself and enjoy the getting-ready process. Shave your legs, deep condition and detangle your hair, use a mask to calm and soothe your skin. Usually before a bound-to-be-photographed event I use my Clarisonic brush or a really great exfoliant (LOVING AHAVA Mud Exfoliator right now!) and if I have even more time, I pamper myself with a bubble bath. One thing you want to be on the red carpet, is relaxed.
Step 2 – When it comes to makeup, consider the oil factor. My personal photography issue? Excess shine. I usually wind up getting caught up in the moment and not even thinking about how my t-zone or cheeks might appear in a picture. Until it’s too late, and I see photos of myself online where my forehead could possibly be used as a mirror. So. Not. Cute. This is why an oil free moisturizer and a really great powder are mandatory. I’m currently partial to Neutrogena’s oil free moisturizer, and Black Opal Oil Absorbing Blocking Powder. And don’t forget to touch up with a compact and/or blotting sheets immediately before taking photos. From personal experience I now go EVERYWHERE with a pack of Boscia Blotting Linens
AND a pack of Tatcha Blotting Papers. Because I like to have options when it comes to absorbing my skin situation.
Step 3 – Layer your beauty products. On your eyelids, start with primer then move on to eyeshadow and eye liner. For lips, start with your favorite lip liner, then apply lipstick, then break out the gloss. If you’re into fake lashes, this might be the time to use them – Ja’Maal Buster’s line of lashes available at QVC are supposed to be amazing, and are the lashes of choice for stars like Rihanna and Beyonce! But many makeup artists I’ve interviewed in the past have confessed to using cheapie drugstore or Halloween store lashes for red carpet moments.
Step 4 – Use products made to make your makeup last. Before you put on makeup, use a primer. There’s a primer for every part of your face – foundation primer, eyeshadow primer, lip primer. MAC’s Prep and Prime line can help to make sure you’re picture perfect. And after you’ve primed and your face is beautifully beat, seal the deal with one of the makeup finishing sprays on the market. Check out the finishing sprays by Skindinavia or Urban Decay, a good finishing spray can make sure your makeup stays on and also help to keep oil at bay!
Step 5 – If you’re going to be doing the step and repeat thing, have fun. You know what’s the worst? A photo where you’re so stiff you could practically be in an exhibit at Madame Tussaud’s. Standing in the blinding glare of flashbulbs might make you freeze up and feel like a deer in headlights. So before you walk out the door, look at yourself in the mirror and know that you look mahvelous. Strike a pose or three and give yourself a big ol’ grin. You got this! Now it’s time to shine!
Step 7 – Smile! And as I always say, be yourself, be natural, be beautiful. Soak up the spotlight and enjoy your evening!
My other Q-Correspondents will be sharing their red carpet ready tips, so click to check out advice from Makeover Momma, Groomed LA, A Mom In Red High Heels, Betty Confidential and mi amiga Celia of Sicka Than Average.
And if you’re looking for even MORE tips and products, you can get red carpet ready with QVC during Buzz on the Red Carpet – Live from LA. QVC will take viewers behind-the-scenes with exclusive content from top fashion designers, beauty newsmakers, celebrities and more during two broadcasts Friday, February 25 at 9 PM (ET) and Saturday, February 26 at 8 PM (ET) live from the Four Seasons Hotel Los Angeles at Beverly Hills. Hey, that’s this weekend! Visit for a special online preview of the event Monday through Friday, February 21 – 25.
Keep your eyes peeled for a special QVC red carpet giveaway! Here’s to your red carpet moment, bellas. What’s your best red carpet ready advice?

Work it ‘Bella!
Hey Bella,
Fellow Trini here and longtime reader of your blog. Congratulations on all your success.
I’ve noted that you’ve complained many times about excess shine. I too suffered with that and was never without my blotting papers until a makeup showed me this neat trick. Just a apply a thin layer of Milk of Magnesia to your face after moisturizing and let dry. Apply your foundation over that. I alternate between MAC and Black Opal.
It really works! I promise. I rarely have to touch up now. Don’t be scared by the white residue. Your foundation covers it right up and it doesn’t show through in photographs.
All the best.
That should be makeup artist.
I am so excited for you! And kinda jealous, too. I’ve been posed up with the same ladies in picture #2 sans Nichelle. Yall famous! How can I be down?!!
Can’t wait to check you out on the red carpet. Go Bella!
you ARE down Danielle!! LOL thanks for commenting! You’re so sweet 🙂 can’t wait to see you at Blogging While Brown!
Patrice, ur such a rockstar. Congrats on all fab moments and ur fabulous DIY career. My tip… stand up straight and tall in pics.. hunching over to be cheek to cheek with shorter friends does nothing for my full figure.
Gosh my best red carpet advice would be to make sure you wear shoes that you feel as comfortable in as your everyday go to boots…strut your stuff yet don’t topple over!
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com
Wow Bella, you’re splendid! 😀
you look fab but then again you always do. would be nice to have a red carpet pamper a few times per year, just because lol there should be a spa experience called that