Bellas, set Your DVR. Tell the boss you’re taking a personal day! If you’re a big fan of the original female singing group, big fabulous hair, and icons who have earned the title with sweat and talent…you need to see Diana Ross on Oprah this Friday.
And it won’t just be Miss Ross. According to Detroit News, it’s gonna be the whole Ross family including even Diana’s first grandson. The Oprah appearance will launch Diana’s Spring tour, and Diana will be doing her first television performance in four years.
Anyone who has been reading this here blog since day one KNOWS what I’m gonna be doing on Friday! Paying homage to the woman who ignited a love of big hair in this Trini girl’s heart.
Which song will Diana do on Oprah? I can only imagine! But here are my top five hopes.
I’m Coming Out
This would be a no brainer. Diana doing I’m Coming Out on Oprah would shut it DOWN. It’s more than a song, it’s an anthem. And as you can see from this performance, Diana loves singing it and can tell the effect it has on the audience.
Do You Know?
OMG. If Diana blesses the microphone with those seven magical words, please know there will be tears a-flowing here in Chicago. Do You Know Where You’re Going To is the quintessential Diana Ross solo song, the theme from Mahogany,
Diana’s version of the Charlie Chaplin classic is tender and lovely, and seeing as it was Michael Jackson’s favorite song, Diana singing this would be incredibly poignant and special. An unlikely choice, but one can wish.
Upside Down
Maybe Diana will switch it up and take us back to those Studio 54 days. Upside Down will get Oprah’s audience up and smiling, and who doesn’t love watching Oprah dance and sing along in the crowd?
If Diana reaches back into The Supremes material, I hope she sings Reflections. The lyrics speak to so many, and it’d make for a truly majestic return to the televised stage.
Those are my top 5 picks for songs I wish Diana would do on Friday’s Oprah. No matter WHAT she does, I know I’m gonna love it. What are you hoping to hear?

she’s singing I’m Coming Out π And she so still has it, I went to see her in September!!! Can’t believe she’s doing another tour so soon
My DVR is set!! So excited. Can’t wait to see the Ross Family!!
Uh, i’m so excited too, got to see this especially with the whole family coming on. I ‘m a girlfriends fan,dreamgirls fan, diana fan all of it. I also want to see the daughter she has with berry gordy. Very interesting and dynamic family. the ultimate natural diva
Yessss!!! I love Diana Ross. Just watched Mahogany the other day and it gave me LIFE.
I always dreamed as a little girl of meeting Diana Ross,my ultimate first idol, after my own mother. That dream came true when I was 17 when Diana walked into a high end food establishment I worked at after school in New York. To my overwhelming surprise, she approached me and had me explain the various food items she was interested in purchasing. The experience was surreal! I was shaking so hard but made a herculean effort to keep it together while I answered her questions. I so wanted to hug and kiss her…and tell her how much of an inspiration she was in my life. Because of the establishment, I kept silent and never got to tell her face to face how I felt. Since then, I’ve been to every NY concert and have copies of all her albums and movies. I can’t wait to watch her on OPRAH today, another inspirational and incredible figure in my life who clearly defines an exceptional human being.
I LOVE Mahogony! I was 15 or 16 when it came and saw it with my mom (though married she LOVED Billy Dee Williams–me too)! I immediately started wearing lipgloss, scarves tied backwards with cardigan sweaters. I was in love with all the fashion & beauty aspects of it!
‘Bella thanks for those video clips brought back memories, I’m going right now and get the Mahogany DVD!
I see I wasn’t the only Diana Ross fan who couldn’t wait for Oprah. I don’t care what anyone says…everytime you see her interact with her children, you see that she got THAT right.
She was breathtaking on Oprah. Great entertainer and mother.
Didn’t see her on Oprah but the videos you put, what a retrospective! π