Last week Thursday, I had the honor of being interviewed in a brief segment on The Michael Baisden Show. And bellas, I don’t think it could have gone ANY better!
The original topic was all about why women cut their hair after a relationship. But soon it turned into a let’s-learn-more-about-your-awesome-blog and I loved listening to Mr. Baisden discover!
My amazing new video intern, Britney Empty, transformed the audio into a cool video clip. Check it out!
My awesome friend Erika of Black Girl’s Guide to Weight Loss also appeared on the show, click here to listen in on her interview!
Thanks to the producers of The Michael Baisden Show for reaching out and for being so amazingly accommodating with me! My interview was literally recorded in the backseat of a towncar in New York – I just arrived for the Bali Style Summit. I was en route from La Guardia Airport, almost at the hotel in the middle of Times Square. The very cool driver pulled over so I could be focused and ready for Michael Baisden’s questions! How did I do, bellas?

Great Interview!! I love Michael Baisden! He showed me love too!!
You represented well!
I’m personally on-again-off-again with MB & his show. I’m so glad he showed you lots of love and respect and I really hope you have a chance to expound even more on the wonderful-ness of Afrobella and the beauty of women in the world.
Way to go! 😀
So proud of you!
Not a fan of Michael Baisden, but glad that you were on the show and that he treated you well.
This is awesome! “Put on a hat.” Quick fixes for everything! hahahah
am so proud of you. i can hardly speak my heart is full. keep it up. do not lose your identity. mom with love now and always.
My Bella that was another good and thinking on your feet interview. Keep it up.
Congrats Bella!! MB is trying to tap into the black woman blog movement. I am glad he is paying attention but a bit suspicious about his sudden interest in what is going on with black women via the blogs. I expect Curly Nikki and some of the other large black female bloggers on his show soon.
i’m happy for u bella!!! you’ve came a long way and i’m proud to say i was reading you when you first started! i even recognize some of the names on here were there back in the day too. your interview was on point, you spoke with confidence and grace and humility. congrats! how did he find you?
probably to write another book ;P
Go, Afrobella! Great interview. MB can be full of surprises. You did an excellent job. I’ll have to tune in for the next one. I believe there’s more to come!
yay! I need to listen to your interview, is it online somewhere?
thank you!! I know MB can skew to the adult side but I don’t know TOO much about his show (other than it’s really super popular!) I hope to return to represent for natural beauty!
LOL, he’s a trip!
thanks!! One of his producers asked me to come on to discuss the topic of why black women cut their hair after a relationship. But we didn’t stay on topic for long…
Things have changed a LOT, right? It’s awesome and amazing. I feel so humbled by it all!
That is so awesome! I am so glad you got some more exposure and that he showed you some love.
Awesome!!!! I am so proud, you did an excellent job!
Great interview Bella. I cant believe its been 5 yrs. Ive been with you from the start and didnt even know it! You are an inspiration…
I really, really enjoyed the interview. You were awesome. Great job also to your video intern.
Bella! You did a phenomenal job! You were well poised, answered succinctly without running on forever, you didn’t use fillers like “you what I mean?” “uhh,” and “you feel me?” The consummate professional and now you have like a jllion new followers! GO TEAM BELLA! We would never guessed you were in the middle of times square in the back of the towncar! ahhh the life! 😉 p.s. I’ll send you a photo of me in my “All of My Purple Life” tomorrow! So excited!
Great interview. I totally agree with what you said in this interview. I have been natural for 4 plus years and I grew it out only to cut it all off because I wanted to change it up and I loved my longer natural hair and I love my new fade. Thanks for giving us natural girls this platform to discuss our beauty and our hair. Congrats on this interview as well.
Really cool! You did great! I’m a Michael Baisden fan, too. You rocked.
Great! Great! Great!!
I just finished listening to your interview on the Micheal Basiden podcast. I’m live on in different time zone so I have to wait the end of my day on Tues. to download it on itunes the next day States side. You were great!
Awesome job!!! It’e soo great to see this positive inspiring growth 🙂
I don’t care for Michael Baisden, but you did a great job!
Mr. Baisden ,
We need your voice. I was told that if I needed to get this issue in the national media, you are the person to contact.
Please help us.
We are liviving in a forced Petite APARTHIED situation in Satsuma, Alabama. This is a small town in Mobile County, Alabama. It appears that all of “ powers that be”, are against us, and I am convinced that until this situation is on the national stage, we will forever to forced to live in this atrocity (1) separate from the dominant class, (2) with physical barriers, and (3) with subservient services – all services are rendered behind our house. We can only access the home from the back. These conditions are condoned by the City of Satsuma, Mobile County, and the U. S. Attorney for the Southern District of Alabama, and the Attorney General for the state of Alabama. I have contacted all of these entities.
Currently, a Chapter 1983 case is filed in the U.S. District Court for ther Southern District of Alabama. Our Attorney, John Baptist Sekumade has jumped ship. I guess is that he is afriad of the Southern White males i that legal community, or he was paid off. For this reason, I/we are proceeding pro Se. I am currently looking for an attorney who is not afraid of the established anglos in the Mobile legal system.
Our lawyer can no longer proceed with the Federal case #1:12 CV000334-WS-M. If you know a lawyer who is tough enough to deal with the Southern Alabama Court system, please ask them to email me at
An American family is currently being forced, illegally, by the officials of the City of Satsuma to enter the back of their home and property. Satsuma is located just south of the intersection of I-65 and Hwy. 43 in Mobile County, Alabama. This behavior by this city is a throw back to the early 1900’s when all Blacks/African American were forced to enter BACK DOORS. This American family is my family, and we are African-Americans.
The Police for the City of Satsuma, (and other authorities) have allowed the ingress and egress to the front of your home to be illegally barricaded. This ingress and egress has been in existence for more that 100 years. This amount of time is more than the required/statutory period of time required by the state to be designated as a “DEDICATED INGRESS and EGRESS”.
My sister, prior to her death, was told by the Satsuma Police that, if she or anyone else in the family call the Police again, they would be arrested. Imagine, you are being forced to enter the back door of your own home, you call for help, and you are then told that you will be arrested. Is it because we are African American who own valuable land in a predominately Anglo-American city?.
The elements of my family’s current situation can be easily compare the aspects of APARTHEID.
1) Minority class members (African Americans) oppressed by the dominant society members. The population of the City of Satsuma is predominately Anglo American.
2) Physical barriers separates the minority and dominant classes – barricaded ingress/egress, so that my family members do not contaminate the Anglo community. The City of Satsuma has sent us a letter with a new home address, which is to the back of our home.
3) Subservient services – all services are rendered at our back door, to include the U. S. Mail, UPS, the butane gas delivery, funeral -family cars, garbage pick-up, emergency vehicles, and all other delivers.
The City of Satsuma allowed our U. S. Mailbox to be moved from the front of our home, and placed by our backdoor (this is a Federal Criminal Offense). I put the mailbox back in the front of the house, but someone moved it, and put it again behind our home. I also cut down part of the fence that presented the barricade to the front to our home. I was ARRESTED by the City of Satsuma Police. I will be attending Mobile District Court for my action on June 11, 2012.